Elections Commission annual report required re failures to comply with certain elections-related laws by the Commission, DOT, DOC, and DHS; JCF duties [vetoed] - SB942
Elections Commission required to submit guidance documents issued to municipal clerks to JCRAR [vetoed] - SB943
Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions and penalty provisions; conditions for removal from status list specified [vetoed] - SB937
Minutes of meetings and hearings of the Elections Commission required to be posted to its Internet site - Act 38
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties [vetoed] - SB941
Voter registration list: appropriation for money from sales [Sec. 89, 166, 9212 (1)] - Act 58
Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers [vetoed] - SB935
electric vehicleElectric vehicle, see Motor vehicle
Truax Field electrical micro grid system study [Sec. 9131 (2)] [partial veto] - Act 58
electronic mailElectronic mail, see Data processing
electronic signatureElectronic signature, see Data processing
electronics recyclingElectronics recycling, see Recycling
emergency declarationEmergency declaration, see Governor
emergency number system _911_Emergency number system (911), see Telephone
eminent domainEminent domain
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - Act 198
employee trust funds department ofEmployee Trust Funds, Department of
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - Act 245
Civil liability exemption for entities re failure to act resulting in person's exposure to COVID-19 [vetoed] - AB1
Coronavirus vaccination as a condition of employment prohibited [vetoed] - AB1
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - Act 26
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision [vetoed] - AB941
Employer-sponsored blood drive grants, sunset provision [Sec. 9119 (3)] [partial veto] - Act 58
Employment grant program: matching funds modified [Sec. 15] - Act 58
MA benefits prohibited conduct to include failure to accept offer of employment or increase of paid work hours or wages [vetoed] - AB936
Natural COVID-19 immunity in lieu of vaccination or testing as condition of continued employment: employer required to accept; documentation and discrimination provisions [vetoed] - AB675
Restrictive covenants in employment and agency relationships: termination for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or disclosing vaccination status is considered an unreasonable restraint [vetoed] - SB708
UI: DWD to publish plan to address claims backlog; claimants in a work-share program may receive benefits; suspension of one-week waiting period extended; noncharging employer UI accounts extended [vetoed] - AB1
UI law changes re employer reporting certain information to DWD and DWD duties [vetoed] - AB939
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, excluded employment, work-share programs, collection of debt by DOR, fiscal agent election of employer status, and changes to clarify and update provisions - Act 231
UI law: DWD to update IT systems, civil liability exemption for entities re COVID-19, waiting period suspension continued, noncharging of benefits, eligibility when participating in a work-share program, and certain extended benefit requirement waived - Act 4
WC law changes re claims and payments, coverage, liability, program administration, and DWD duties - Act 232
employment bureauEmployment bureau
WC law changes re liability for public safety officers, payments in cases of injuries resulting in death, furnishing of billing statements, leased employees, and statute of limitations - Act 29
energy conservationEnergy conservation
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes - Act 175
Tipping fee exemption for waste-to-energy facilities [Sec. 368-387] - Act 58
Architects and engineers: selection by committee for state projects modified [vetoed] - AB643
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program funding limit from the environmental improvement fund [Sec. 367] - Act 58
Environmental compliance audit program changes - Act 78
“Environmental pollution” definition modified for purposes of an ERTID - Act 149
Fire fighting foam: appropriation for collection and disposal of [Sec. 54] [partial veto] - Act 58
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - Act 243
epinephrineEpinephrine, see Drugs
ertid _environmental remediation tax incremental district_ERTID (Environmental remediation tax incremental district), see Property tax
Code of ethics: administration changes - Act 267
ethics commissionEthics Commission
Campaign finance changes - Act 265
Code of ethics: administration changes - Act 267
Lobbying law changes; Ethics Commission reporting requirement eliminated - Act 266
ethnic diversityEthnic diversity, see Minority groups
examining boardExamining board, see Safety and Professional Services, Department of; specific examining board or occupation
executive officeExecutive office, see also Governor
Expenditure of moneys from the federal government: legislature may not delegate sole power of how it may be spent and JCF approval required before initial allocation by executive branch. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR84] - JR 14
executive orderExecutive order, see Governor
extracurricular activityExtracurricular activity, see School — Curriculum
Child and dependent care: individual income tax credit created [Sec. 244, 258, 259] - Act 58
Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent, comparable programs by American Indian tribes or bands, and threats of harm - Act 187
Parental choice program: family income limits and pupil participation limits eliminated; threshold for private school to charge tuition increased; education expense reimbursement program [vetoed] - AB970
Parental opt-out re face covering requirement in schools and on school grounds; school boards required to offer full-time, in-person instruction option to all enrolled pupils [vetoed] - AB995
Representation of parents in CHIPS proceedings: five-county pilot program extended, report required [Sec. 192-194] - Act 58
Rights reserved to a parent or guardian of a child; civil cause of action provision [vetoed] - AB963
WPCP family income requirement for 2021-22 school year and full-time open enrollment applications for 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years modified [vetoed] - AB59
Youth apprenticeship program: schools to include in educational options information provided to parents and guardians - Act 83
Child support: excluding certain military allowances in determining gross income [Admin.Code DCF 150.02] - Act 160
De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established - Act 205
Family support repealed and child support formulas changed [Admin.Code DCF 150 (title), 150.02, 150.03, 150.035, 150.04] - Act 35
Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event, exceptions noted - Act 20
Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics - Act 259
Parenting plan filed with court re legal custody and physical placement of child: requirements modified - Act 36
Physical placement of child: factors modified - Act 37
Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation - Act 204
Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted - Act 161