Variances, requirements for, DHS 124.04
Ventilation, Ch. SPS 364
Waivers, requirements for, DHS 124.04
hotels, motels and tourist rooming houses HOTELS, MOTELS AND TOURIST ROOMING HOUSES
Existing buildings, Chs. SPS 366, 375, 379
Minors, employment, Ch. DWD 270
Standards, health and safety, Ch. ATCP 72
hours of work HOURS OF WORK
See also Wages and Hours,
Generally, Chs. DWD 270 to 279
housing HOUSING
Community development block grants for housing, small cities, Ch. Adm 90
Homeless persons, shelter for, grants, Ch. Adm 86
Housing assistance program, Ch. Adm 87
Housing cost grants, Ch. Adm 89
Real estate trust accounts, interest, Ch. Adm 91
Wis. local housing organization grant program, Ch. Adm 88
hunting HUNTING
ice fishing ICE FISHING
income tax INCOME TAX
See also Taxation
Abatement procedure, Tax 1.14
Amended returns, Tax 2.12
Annuities, tax-sheltered, Tax 2.94
Assessment districts, Tax 1.01
Assessment procedure, Tax 1.14
Business relocation deductions and credits, Tax 2.957
Combined reporting, Tax 2.60 to 2.67
Depreciation and sale, of property outside state, Tax 2.30
Disaster area losses, Tax 2.98
Dividends received, Tax 3.03
Extension of filing time, Tax 2.96
Fuel and electricity, credit for sales tax, Tax 2.11
Returns, Tax 2.03
Information returns and wage statements, Tax 2.04
Deceased taxpayer, refund claim, Tax 2.085
Earned income tax credit, Tax 2.07
Estimated tax requirements, short taxable years, Tax 2.89
Federal income tax regulations, when binding on persons other than corporations, Tax 1.06
Federal returns, documents, etc., copies to be filed with Wisconsin returns, Tax 2.10
Fiscal year taxpayers, Tax 2.91
Forms, reproduction of, in lieu of official form, Tax 2.09
Homestead credit, Ch. Tax 14
Individual returns, forms, Tax 2.08
Interest and dividends from municipal and federal obligations, Tax 3.095
Interest paid on money borrowed to purchase exempt government securities, Tax 3.096
Interstate income, apportionment of, Tax 2.39 to 2.505
Persons, other than corporations, forms, Tax 2.08
Professional athletes, compensation by nonresident, Tax 2.31
Professional sports clubs, apportionment of apportionable income, Tax 2.505
Railroad retirement supplemental annuities, Tax 3.098
Recycling surcharge, gross receipts defined, Tax 2.32
Reciprocity, Tax 2.02
Refund claim on behalf of a deceased taxpayer, Tax 2.085
Residence, defined, Tax 2.01
Retirement plan distributions, Tax 3.085
Taxes paid to other states, credit, Tax 2.955
Tips or gratuities, Tax 2.90
Wages, defined, Tax 2.90
Withholding, fiscal year taxpayers, Tax 2.91
Wages, Tax 2.90
Treaty fishing rights, NR 25.105
insecticides INSECTICIDES
insurance INSURANCE
Blanket, Ins 3.15
Group, Ins 3.14
Individual, Ins 3.13
Accumulation benefit riders attached to health and accident policies, Ins 3.01
Actuarial opinion and memorandum, Subchs. IV, V of ch. Ins 50
Actuaries, qualifications of, Ins 6.12
Advertising of, and deceptive practices in accident and sickness insurance, Ins 3.27
Advisory councils and committees, Ins 6.79
Examination procedure, Ins 6.50
Licensing, Ins 6.50
Pre-licensing education, Ch. Ins 26
Annuity benefit solicitation, Ins 2.15
Audited financial reports, annual, Subch. I of ch. Ins 50
Automobile, substandard risk, physical damage insurance for financed vehicles, Ins 3.20
Wisconsin insurance plan, Ins 3.49