UI law changes re recovery of employer UI debt under the federal Treasury Offset Program, work-share programs, and combined-wage claim determinations - Act 86
wage _ minimumWage -- Minimum
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met - Act 203
State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; definitions, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 1706m, 3076d-t, 3078am, b, bm, c, cm-m, 3947g, r, 4610b, d, 4639m, 9451 (7f)] - Act 55
Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] - Act 55
wage _ paymentWage -- Payment, see also Garnishment
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met - Act 203
Prevailing wage law as applied to local projects of public works repealed; federally determined rates required on state projects; DWD administration and enforcement transferred to DOA and other revisions; exceptions, restrictions to remedies, and compliance provisions [Sec. 380n, 453xm, 1948y, 1991sd-sv, 2560p, 2569s, 3075p, 3077b-np, 3078cd, ch, 3080p, 3135c-i, 3579p, 3621p, v, 4726c-w, 4740b, 9151 (1q), 9351 (3q), 9451 (3q)] - Act 55
warren knowles_gaylord nelson stewardship programWarren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program, see Natural resource
Ballast water discharge permit: sunset date eliminated [Sec. 4203] - Act 55
DNR to issue a general permit authorizing DOT to discharge storm water from the site of a transportation activity, individual permit provisions; effluent limitations for new and modified point sources of pollution revisions - Act 307
Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit" [Sec. 53, 868q, 869, 1023, 3918, 4119-4183] - Act 55
Nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects: general obligation bonding authority increased; environmental fund provision [Sec. 636g, 870] - Act 55
Point source pollution abatement projects: administrative rule authority eliminated re DNR financial assistance [Admin.Code NR 128] - Act 76
Pollution abatement debt service: appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 640] - Act 55
Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] - Act 55
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement and storm water management projects and municipal flood control and riparian restoration program: general obligation bonding authority increased; local assistance grants and cost-sharing grants may not exceed certain percentage of eligible costs [Sec. 871, 4188t, 4189d] - Act 55
Water quality management plan for Dane County: DNR to approve or reject revisions [Sec. 4203d-m] [4203m -- partial veto] - Act 55
Water quality standards and variances to water quality standards: DNR review required; phosphorus variance and EPA provisions - Act 205
water supplyWater supply, see also Wells
Energy savings performance contracting revisions re water conservation and metering accuracy improvement [Sec. 1949b-q] - Act 55
Environmental improvement fund: revisions to programs funded by; clean water fund program and safe drinking water loan program modified, ``nonprofit noncommunity water system" replaced with ``serves a local governmental unit" [Sec. 53, 868q, 869, 1023, 3918, 4119-4183] - Act 55
Producer led watershed protection grants created, emergency rule provision [Sec. 485, 2629, 9102 (2)] - Act 55
watershedWatershed, see Water supply
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Harbor; Lakes; Shoreland zoning; Wetland
Buoys or other markers placed, or failure to place, in waterways: civil liability immunity created, DNR permit provision; no immunity for intentional damage or injury - Act 91
Dam safety projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 873] - Act 55
Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center: appropriation for DNR grant - Act 260
Lake monitoring and protection: purposes for which DNR may pay costs under contract expanded and DNR may use portion of funding designated for river protection grants - Act 250
Regulation of dam water flow revised [Sec. 1066j-t] - Act 55
Regulation of dams on navigable waters: DNR authority revised [Sec. 1066g, 3524g] - Act 55
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Residual contamination after a hazardous substance cleanup: requirements revised; voluntary party liability exemption created, partial cleanup provision; DOJ, DNR, and DATCP duties - Act 204
River protection grants changed to biennial appropriation and unencumbered balance transfer provision eliminated [Sec. 638] - Act 55
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission for the Illinois Fox River basin: jurisdiction expanded, board of commissioners modified, and other administration changes - Act 226
Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] - Act 55
State park and forest roads and roads along LWSR funding [Sec. 640g, r, 2569m] - Act 55
Structures placed in navigable waterways and wetlands re fish and wildlife habitat creation: civil liability exemption created - Act 220
Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County for same purposes as Chapter 15, Laws of 1977; DNR appendix report - Act 111
Urban nonpoint source water pollution abatement and storm water management projects and municipal flood control and riparian restoration program: general obligation bonding authority increased; local assistance grants and cost-sharing grants may not exceed certain percentage of eligible costs [Sec. 871, 4188t, 4189d] - Act 55
Municipal public utilities: extension of water or sewer service from another municipality in certain county provisions created; appeal to PSC permitted [Sec. 1991m] [partial veto] - Act 55
Public fire protection charges on municipal water utility bill: person who owns certain adjacent parcels are billed as one parcel [Sec. 3528k] - Act 55
Tangible personal property that becomes a component in a municipal, water authority, sewerage commission, certain hospitals, or nonprofit organization facility: sales and use tax exemptions created; JSCTE appendix report - Act 126
waukesha countyWaukesha County
Educational Opportunity, Office of, created in the UW System; additional charter school authorizers permitted; reports required; charter school contracts provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin”] - Act 55
``Frank Lloyd Wright Heritage Trail" established; DOT and Tour.Dept duties; contributions from interested parties required - Act 270
waupaca countyWaupaca County
Iola Car Show: DOT required to erect directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision - Act 213
wca _wisconsin consumer act_WCA (Wisconsin Consumer Act), see Consumer protection
Motor vehicles operating on highways when weather conditions limit visibility: required headlamps, tail lamps, and clearance lamps must be lighted, penalty provision - Act 165
Electrician licensing exemption for certain activities re private on-site wastewater treatment system and pump for wells [Sec. 2718g, h] - Act 55
Well contamination and abandonment compensation grants [Sec. 639g, 9232 (1q)] [639g -- vetoed; 9232 (1q) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - Act 177
weston, village ofWeston, Village of, see Marathon County
Horicon Marsh education and visitor center: program fees [Sec. 640t, 997s] - Act 55
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Structures placed in navigable waterways and wetlands re fish and wildlife habitat creation: civil liability exemption created - Act 220
wharfWharf, see Port
wic _women, infants and children program_WIC (Women, infants and children program), see Maternal and infant care
wild animalWild animal, see Bird
wild ginsengWild ginseng, see Plants
wild turkeyWild turkey, see Bird
wildlifeWildlife, see Animal; Hunting
williams, annette pollyWilliams, Annette Polly
Life and public service [SJR7] - JR9
winnebago countyWinnebago County
Stewardship 2000 program revisions re land acquisition, property development and local assistance, and unused bonding authority; BCPL and Neenah and Menasha twin trestles project provisions [Sec. 868m, 959b-p, 960c-961m, 991e, m, 1004m, 1066u] - Act 55
wisconsin consumer act _wca_Wisconsin Consumer Act (WCA), see Consumer protection