wca _wisconsin consumer act_WCA (Wisconsin Consumer Act), see Consumer protection
Motor vehicles operating on highways when weather conditions limit visibility: required headlamps, tail lamps, and clearance lamps must be lighted, penalty provision - Act 165
Electrician licensing exemption for certain activities re private on-site wastewater treatment system and pump for wells [Sec. 2718g, h] - Act 55
Well contamination and abandonment compensation grants [Sec. 639g, 9232 (1q)] [639g -- vetoed; 9232 (1q) -- partial veto] - Act 55
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - Act 177
weston, village ofWeston, Village of, see Marathon County
Horicon Marsh education and visitor center: program fees [Sec. 640t, 997s] - Act 55
Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties - Act 387
Structures placed in navigable waterways and wetlands re fish and wildlife habitat creation: civil liability exemption created - Act 220
wharfWharf, see Port
wic _women, infants and children program_WIC (Women, infants and children program), see Maternal and infant care
wild animalWild animal, see Bird
wild ginsengWild ginseng, see Plants
wild turkeyWild turkey, see Bird
wildlifeWildlife, see Animal; Hunting
williams, annette pollyWilliams, Annette Polly
Life and public service [SJR7] - JR9
winnebago countyWinnebago County
Stewardship 2000 program revisions re land acquisition, property development and local assistance, and unused bonding authority; BCPL and Neenah and Menasha twin trestles project provisions [Sec. 868m, 959b-p, 960c-961m, 991e, m, 1004m, 1066u] - Act 55
wisconsin consumer act _wca_Wisconsin Consumer Act (WCA), see Consumer protection
wisconsin sharesWisconsin Shares, see Day care
wisconsin trust account foundation, incWisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., see Legal aid
wisconsin worksWisconsin Works
DCF authorized to recover over payments of emergency assistance re misrepresentation by applicant [Sec. 1705, 1761, 1762, 1846-1848, 2461] - Act 55
W-2 agency action against participating individual re benefit reduction or termination: when notice is not required specified [Sec. 1734g, r] - Act 55
W-2 community steering committee membership revisions [Sec. 1707-1717, 1722, 1723] - Act 55
W-2 programs: time limit on participating in or receiving benefits under revised; extension permitted in specified cases [Sec. 1718-1720, 9106 (1)] - Act 55
W-2 revisions re behaviors that constitute refusal to participate [Sec. 1724-1733] - Act 55
Wage subsidy not more than minimum wage: DCF and W-2 agency to negotiate with employers of persons in Transform Milwaukee Jobs Program, Transitional Jobs Program, and Trial Employment Match Program [Sec. 1721, 1743, 1744] - Act 55
Intimidating a witness provision modified - Act 14
wolfWolf, see Hunting
Address confidentiality program for victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, or human trafficking created; DOJ to administer; exemption, voter registration, and emergency rule provisions - Act 356
Court jurisdiction (subject matter and personal) clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, at-risk adult abuse, and harassment - Act 4
Family planning and related preventive health services: DHS to apply for federal grants and distribute funds to the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and other entities under certain conditions - Act 151
Harassment or abuse injunctions: court may order wireless telephone service provider to transfer rights to and responsibilities for telephone number or numbers from responder to petitioner; civil liability immunity provision - Act 353
Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (2002) adopted - Act 352
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program, opioid treatment program, Well-Woman Program provision (remedial legislation) - Act 188
women, infants and children program _wic_Women, infants and children program (WIC), see Maternal and infant care
wood countyWood County
Environmental impact statement for major highway project in Wood County required [Sec. 2551u] [vetoed] - Act 55
Young Road Bridge in Town of Seneca: highway and local bridge improvement assistance for replacement [Sec. 650r, 9145 (3f)] - Act 55
wood energy producerWood energy producer, see Energy conservation
woodburning heating systemWoodburning heating system, see Energy conservation
worker_s compensationWorker's compensation
Franchisor excluded as the employer of a franchisee or employee of franchisee for specified purposes unless certain conditions are met - Act 203
UI law: unemployment program integrity fund sunset repealed; concurrent receipt of UI and SSDI or WC modified; administrative and judicial review of UI decisions; and various other changes - Act 334
WC coverage for students at institutions of higher education who are part of a school work training or work study program [Sec. 2746-2751, 2878] - Act 55
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties - Act 180
Work injury supplemental benefit fund reimbursement terminated; worker's compensation operations fund and uninsured employers fund revisions, DWD duties specified [Sec. 735, 2943-2951, 2992, 2997-3018, 9351 (1), (2), 9451 (1)] - Act 55
Worker's compensation adjudicatory functions re disputed claims transferred to DHA; notices and recording testimony by electronic means provisions [Sec. 1412d-1414, 2727-2744d, 2754d-2876d, 2879d-2942d, 2952-2991d, 2995d, 2996d, 3587, 3588d, 3591d, 3594d, 9151 (2), 9451 (1v)] [2830e -- partial veto] - Act 55
workforce development, department ofWorkforce Development, Department of
Career and technical education incentive grants transferred to DWD; DPI provision [Sec. 564, 727b-730, 1421, 3081d-3090, 3193b-bi] - Act 55
DWD appropriations for various workforce training programs consolidated into a single appropriation for workforce training grants (Fast Forward); annual report modified - Act 348
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - Act 194
Independent living center grants: DWD to transfer moneys to DHS [Sec. 714, 716, 743, 744, 1645, 1648] - Act 55
Infrastructure employee transfers from DWD to DOA [Sec. 9151 (6)] - Act 55
LIRC transferred from DWD to DOA; Governor to appoint the general counsel [Sec. 146m, 666m, 741m, 918m, 3673m] - Act 55
Offender reentry initiative: DWD and Corr.Dept to work together to reintegrate offenders into the community [Sec. 3104e] - Act 55
Prevailing wage law as applied to local projects of public works repealed; federally determined rates required on state projects; DWD administration and enforcement transferred to DOA and other revisions; exceptions, restrictions to remedies, and compliance provisions [Sec. 380n, 453xm, 1948y, 1991sd-sv, 2560p, 2569s, 3075p, 3077b-np, 3078cd, ch, 3080p, 3135c-i, 3579p, 3621p, v, 4726c-w, 4740b, 9151 (1q), 9351 (3q), 9451 (3q)] - Act 55
State minimum wage law revisions, living wage provisions replaced with minimum wage requirements, and living wage ordinance prohibition eliminated; definitions, DWD duties, and emergency rule provisions [Sec. 1706m, 3076d-t, 3078am, b, bm, c, cm-m, 3947g, r, 4610b, d, 4639m, 9451 (7f)] - Act 55
Student internship coordination between institutions of higher education and employers: DWD to provide as part of the workforce training program (Fast Forward); report revised - Act 283
UI benefit applicants: DWD to establish drug testing program, rules provision; voluntary submission by employing unit [Sec. 726, 3111, 3112, 3115, 3116, 3119, 3120, 9151 (5)] - Act 55
UI claimants: DWD required to define by rule ``suitable work" [Sec. 3110, 3117, 3118] - Act 55
UI law changes re recovery of employer UI debt under the federal Treasury Offset Program, work-share programs, and combined-wage claim determinations - Act 86
UI law: unemployment program integrity fund sunset repealed; concurrent receipt of UI and SSDI or WC modified; administrative and judicial review of UI decisions; and various other changes - Act 334
Veteran employment grants transferred from DWD to DVA [Sec. 734, 3097-3103] - Act 55
WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties - Act 180