180.11045(2)(g) (g) In the opinion of the board of directors of the parent corporation, the shareholders of the parent corporation do not have a gain or loss under the Internal Revenue Code as a result of the merger.
180.11045(3) (3)Articles of merger. The surviving entity shall include in the articles of merger under s. 180.1105 a statement that the merger was approved in accordance with this section and that the requirements of sub. (2) have been satisfied.
180.11045(4) (4)Effect of merger. All of the following occur when a merger under sub. (2) takes effect:
180.11045(4)(a) (a) To the extent that the restrictions of s. 180.1131, 180.1141, or 180.1150 applied to the parent corporation and its shareholders immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, the restrictions apply to the holding company and its shareholders immediately following the effective time of the merger to the same extent as if the holding company were the parent corporation as the corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger. For purposes of ss. 180.1130, 180.1132, 180.1141, 180.1142, 180.1143, and 180.1150, the shares of the holding company acquired in the merger are deemed to have been acquired at the time and for the price and form of consideration that the shares of the parent corporation that were converted in the merger were acquired.
180.11045(4)(b) (b) If immediately prior to the effective time of the merger s. 180.1141, 180.1142, or 180.1150 did not apply to a shareholder of the parent corporation, the section does not apply to the shareholder as a shareholder of the holding company solely by reason of the merger.
180.11045(4)(c) (c) If the corporate name of the holding company immediately following the effective time of the merger is the same as the corporate name of the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, the shares of the holding company into which the shares of the parent corporation are converted in the merger are represented by the certificates that previously represented shares of the parent corporation.
180.11045(4)(d) (d) A shareholder of the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger retains any right that the shareholder had immediately prior to the effective time of the merger to institute or maintain a derivative proceeding in the right of the parent corporation.
180.11045(4)(e) (e) No act of the surviving entity that requires the additional approval of the shareholders of the holding company or any successor company pursuant to sub. (2) (f) shall give rise to dissenters' rights under ss. 180.1301 to 180.1331 for the shareholders or the beneficial shareholders of the holding company or any successor to the holding company.
180.11045(4)(f) (f) To the extent that shares of the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger constituted shares of a preexisting class, the shares of the holding company immediately following the effective time of the merger constitute shares of a preexisting class to the same extent as if the holding company were the parent corporation as the parent corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger. Shares or interests of the surviving entity do not constitute shares of a preexisting class for purposes of s. 180.1705. For purposes of s. 180.1707, to the extent that shares of the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger constituted shares of a preexisting class, the shares or interests of the surviving entity constitute shares of a preexisting class to the same extent as if the surviving entity were the parent corporation as the parent corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger.
180.11045(4)(g) (g) To the extent that the provisions of s. 180.1706 (4) applied to the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, the provisions apply to the holding company immediately following the effective time of the merger to the same extent as if the holding company were the parent corporation as the corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger. To the extent that the provisions of s. 180.1706 (4) applied to the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, if the surviving entity is a corporation, the provisions apply to the surviving entity immediately following the effective time of the merger to the same extent as if the surviving entity were the parent corporation as the corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger. To the extent that the provisions of s. 180.1706 (4) applied to the parent corporation immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, if the surviving entity is a limited liability company, the provisions apply to the corresponding provisions of the organizational documents of the surviving entity immediately following the effective time of the merger to the same extent as if the surviving entity were the parent corporation as the corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger.
180.11045(4)(h) (h) To the extent that immediately prior to the effective time of the merger shareholders of the parent corporation had rights or were subject to obligations or restrictions of the types referred to in s. 180.0627 (2), 180.0630 (4), 180.0722 (2), 180.0730 (1), or 180.0731 (1), the rights, obligations, or restrictions apply to the shareholders of the holding company immediately following the effective time of the merger to the same extent as if the holding company were the parent corporation as the corporation existed immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, unless the agreement, waiver, proxy, or trust establishing the rights, obligations, or restrictions specifies otherwise.
180.11045 History History: 2005 a. 476.
180.1105 180.1105 Articles of merger or share exchange.
180.1105(1)(1) Except as provided in s. 180.1104 (4), after a plan of merger or share exchange is approved by the shareholders of the corporation, or adopted by the board of directors if shareholder approval is not required, and by each other business entity that is a party to the merger in the manner required by the laws applicable to the business entity, the surviving or acquiring business entity shall deliver to the department for filing articles of merger or share exchange setting forth all of the following:
180.1105(1)(am) (am) The effective date and time of the merger or share exchange, if the merger or share exchange is to take effect at a time other than the close of business on the date of filing the articles of merger, as provided under s. 180.0123.
180.1105(1)(bm) (bm) The name and state of incorporation of each corporation that is a party to the merger or share exchange.
180.1105(1)(cm) (cm) A statement that a plan of merger or share exchange has been approved and adopted by each corporation that is a party to the merger or share exchange as required under s. 180.1103 or 180.1104, as applicable.
180.1105(1)(dm) (dm) The name of the surviving or acquiring corporation.
180.1105(1)(e) (e) In the case of a merger, any amendments in the articles of incorporation of the surviving corporation that are intended by the parties to the merger to take effect upon the merger or, if there are no such amendments, a statement that the articles of incorporation of the surviving corporation or another corporation that is a party to the merger will be the articles of incorporation of the surviving corporation.
180.1105(1)(f) (f) A statement that the executed plan of merger or share exchange is on file at the principal place of business of the surviving or acquiring corporation.
180.1105(1)(g) (g) A statement that the surviving or acquiring corporation will provide a copy of the plan of merger or share exchange, upon request and without cost, to any shareholder of a corporation that was a party to the merger or share exchange or, upon payment to the surviving or acquiring corporation of an amount equal to the cost of producing the copy, to any other interested person.
180.1105(1)(h) (h) In the case of a merger, a statement indicating whether a business entity that merged with or into the surviving entity in the merger has a fee simple ownership interest in any Wisconsin real estate.
180.1105(1)(i) (i) Other provisions relating to the merger, as determined by the surviving business entity.
180.1105(2) (2) A merger or share exchange takes effect upon the effective date of the articles of merger or share exchange.
180.1105 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1995 a. 27; 2001 a. 44; 2005 a. 476.
180.1106 180.1106 Effect of merger or share exchange.
180.1106(1) (1) All of the following occur when a merger takes effect:
180.1106(1)(a) (a) Every other business entity that is party to the merger merges into the surviving business entity, and the separate existence of every business entity that is a party to the merger, except the surviving business entity, ceases.
180.1106(1)(am)1.1. If, under the laws applicable to a business entity that is a party to the merger, one or more of the owners thereof is liable for the debts and obligations of such business entity, such owner or owners shall continue to be liable for the debts and obligations of the business entity, but only for such debts and obligations accrued during the period or periods in which such laws are applicable to such owner or owners.
180.1106(1)(am)2. 2. If, under the laws applicable to the surviving business entity, one or more of the owners thereof is liable for the debts and obligations of such business entity, the owner or owners of a business entity that is party to the merger, other than the surviving business entity, who become subject to such laws shall be liable for the debts and obligations of the surviving business entity to the extent provided in such laws, but only for such debts and obligations accrued after the merger. The owner or owners of the surviving business entity prior to the merger shall continue to be liable for the debts and obligations of the surviving business entity to the extent provided in subd. 1.
180.1106(1)(am)3. 3. This paragraph does not affect liability under any taxation laws.
180.1106(1)(b) (b) The title to all property owned by each business entity that is party to the merger is vested in the surviving business entity without reversion or impairment.
180.1106(1)(c) (c) The surviving business entity has all liabilities of each business entity that is party to the merger.
180.1106(1)(d) (d) A civil, criminal, administrative, or investigatory proceeding pending by or against any business entity that is a party to the merger may be continued as if the merger did not occur, or the surviving business entity may be substituted in the proceeding for the business entity whose existence ceased.
180.1106(1)(e) (e) The articles of incorporation, articles of organization, certificate of limited partnership, or other similar governing document, whichever is applicable, of the surviving business entity shall be amended to the extent provided in the plan of merger.
180.1106(1)(f) (f) The shares or other interests of each business entity that is party to the merger that are to be converted into shares, interests, obligations, or other securities of the surviving business entity or any other business entity or into cash or other property are converted, and the former holders of the shares or interests are entitled only to the rights provided in the articles of merger or to their rights under ss. 180.1301 to 180.1331 or otherwise under the laws applicable to each business entity that is party to the merger.
180.1106(2) (2) When a share exchange takes effect, the shares of each acquired corporation are exchanged as provided in the plan, and the former holders of the shares are entitled only to the exchange rights provided in the articles of share exchange or to their rights under ss. 180.1301 to 180.1331.
180.1106(3)(a)(a) When a merger or share exchange under this section takes effect, the department is the agent of any surviving foreign business entity of a merger or any acquiring foreign business entity in a share exchange, for service of process in a proceeding to enforce any obligation or the rights of dissenting shareholders or other owners of each domestic business entity that is a party to the merger or share exchange.
180.1106(3)(b) (b) When a merger or share exchange under this section takes effect, any surviving foreign business entity of a merger or any acquiring foreign business entity in a share exchange shall promptly pay to the dissenting shareholders of each domestic corporation or dissenting owners of each other domestic business entity that is a party to the merger or share exchange the amount, if any, to which they are entitled under ss. 180.1301 to 180.1331 or under any law applicable to such other domestic business entity.
180.1106 History History: 1989 a. 303; 2001 a. 44, 105; 2005 a. 476.
180.1106 Annotation Sub. (1) (d) is straightforward in its requirement that a pending claim “may be continued as if the merger did not occur." The plaintiff's judicial dissolution claim, initiated prior to a merger, alleged harm to that shareholder, not to the corporation. The statute precludes a merger from operating to strip such a claimant of the right to pursue a pending action. Notz v. Everett Smith Group, Ltd. 2009 WI 30, 316 Wis. 2d 640, 764 N.W.2d 904, 06-3156.
180.1106 Annotation The Conveyance Glitch in the Next Economy Law. Boatwright. Wis. Law. July 2003.
180.1130 180.1130 Definitions applicable to ss. 180.1130 to 180.1134. In ss. 180.1130 to 180.1134:
180.1130(1) (1) “Associate" of a person means any of the following:
180.1130(1)(a) (a) An organization, other than the resident domestic corporation or a subsidiary of the resident domestic corporation, of which the person is an officer, director, manager or partner or is, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of 10 percent or more of a class of voting securities.
180.1130(1)(b) (b) A trust or estate in which the person has a substantial beneficial interest or as to which the person serves as trustee or in a similar fiduciary capacity.
180.1130(1)(c) (c) A relative or spouse of the person, or a relative of the spouse, who has the same principal residence as the person who is a director or officer of the resident domestic corporation or of an affiliate of the resident domestic corporation.
180.1130(2) (2) “Beneficial owner" has the meaning prescribed in rule 13d-3 under the securities exchange act of 1934. A person is not a “beneficial owner" solely because of any of the following:
180.1130(2)(a) (a) The existence of an agreement by or on behalf of the person and by or on behalf of a record or beneficial owner of securities under which the owner agrees to vote the securities in favor of a proposed merger, share exchange or sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of assets.
180.1130(2)(b) (b) The existence of an option from, or other arrangement with, a resident domestic corporation to acquire securities of the resident domestic corporation.
180.1130(3) (3) “Business combination" means any of the following:
180.1130(3)(a) (a) Unless the merger or share exchange is subject to s. 180.1104 or s. 180.11045, does not alter the contract rights of the shares as set forth in the articles of incorporation or does not change or convert in whole or in part the outstanding shares of the resident domestic corporation, a merger or share exchange of the resident domestic corporation or a subsidiary of the resident domestic corporation with any of the following:
180.1130(3)(a)1. 1. A significant shareholder.
180.1130(3)(a)2. 2. Any other corporation, whether or not itself a significant shareholder, which is, or after the merger or share exchange would be, an affiliate of a significant shareholder that was a significant shareholder before the transaction.
180.1130(3)(b) (b) A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition, other than a mortgage or pledge if not made to avoid the requirements of ss. 180.1130 to 180.1134, to a significant shareholder, other than the resident domestic corporation or a subsidiary of the resident domestic corporation, or to an affiliate of the significant shareholder, of all or substantially all of the property and assets, with or without goodwill, of a resident domestic corporation, if not made in the usual and regular course of its business.
180.1130(4) (4) “Commencement of a tender offer" has the meaning prescribed in rule 14d-2 under the securities exchange act of 1934.
180.1130(5) (5) “Common shares" means shares other than preferred or preference shares.
180.1130(6) (6) “Control" means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting shares, by contract or otherwise.
180.1130(7) (7) “Determination date" means the date on which a significant shareholder first becomes a significant shareholder.
180.1130(9) (9) “Market value" means the following:
180.1130(9)(a) (a) In the case of shares:
180.1130(9)(a)1. 1. If the shares are listed on a national securities exchange registered under the securities exchange act of 1934 or are quoted on any national market system, the highest closing sales price per share reported on the exchange or quoted on the system during the valuation period.
180.1130(9)(a)2. 2. If bids for the shares are quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers automated quotations system, or any successor system operated by the association, the highest closing bid per share quoted on the system during the valuation period.
180.1130(9)(a)3. 3. If the shares are listed on an exchange or are quoted on a system under subd. 1. but no transactions are reported during the valuation period or if the shares are neither listed on an exchange or system under subd. 1. nor quoted on a system under subd. 2., and if at least 3 members of the National Association of Securities Dealers are market makers for the securities, the highest closing bid per share obtained from the association during the valuation period.
180.1130(9)(a)4. 4. If no report or quote is available under subd. 1., 2. or 3., the fair market value as determined in good faith by the board of directors of the resident domestic corporation.
180.1130(9)(b) (b) In the case of property other than cash or shares, the fair market value of the property on the date in question as determined in good faith by the board of directors of the corporation.
180.1130(10) (10) “Organization" means a person other than an individual.
180.1130(10m) (10m) “Resident domestic corporation" means a resident domestic corporation, as defined in s. 180.1140 (9), if that corporation has a class of voting stock that is registered or traded on a national securities exchange or that is registered under section 12 (g) of the Securities Exchange Act.
180.1130(11) (11) “Significant shareholder", with respect to a resident domestic corporation, means a person that is the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 10 percent or more of the voting power of the outstanding voting shares of the resident domestic corporation; or is an affiliate of the resident domestic corporation and within the 2-year period immediately before the date in question was the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, of 10 percent or more of the voting power of the then outstanding voting shares of the resident domestic corporation. For the purpose of determining whether a person is a significant shareholder, the number of voting shares considered to be outstanding includes shares considered to be owned by the person as the beneficial owner but does not include any other voting shares which may be issuable under an agreement, arrangement or understanding, or upon exercise of conversion rights, warrants or options, or otherwise. In this paragraph, “person" includes 2 or more individuals or persons acting as a group for the purpose of acquiring, holding or voting securities of a resident domestic corporation.
180.1130(12) (12) “Subsidiary" means a corporation of which voting shares having a majority of the votes entitled to be cast are owned, directly or indirectly, by one other corporation.
180.1130(13) (13) “Take-over offer" means the offer to acquire or the acquisition of any equity security, as defined in s. 552.01 (2), of a resident domestic corporation, pursuant to a tender offer or request or invitation for tenders, if after the acquisition thereof the offeror, as defined in s. 552.01 (3), would be directly or indirectly a beneficial owner of more than 5 percent of any class of the outstanding equity securities of the issuer. “Take-over offer" does not include an offer or acquisition of any equity security of a resident domestic corporation pursuant to:
180.1130(13)(a) (a) Brokers' transactions effected by or through a broker-dealer in the ordinary course of its business.
180.1130(13)(b) (b) An exchange offer for securities of another issuer, if the offer is exempted from registration under ch. 551 and does not involve any public offering under the securities act of 1933.
180.1130(13)(c) (c) An offer made to not more than 10 persons in this state during any period of 12 consecutive months.
180.1130(13)(d) (d) An offer made to all the shareholders of the resident domestic corporation, if the number of its shareholders does not exceed 100 at the time of the offer.
180.1130(13)(e) (e) An offer if the acquisition of any equity security pursuant thereto, together with all other acquisitions by the offeror of securities of the same class during the preceding 12 months, would not exceed 2 percent of that class of the outstanding equity securities of the issuer.
180.1130(13)(f) (f) An offer by the resident domestic corporation to acquire its own equity securities.
180.1130(14) (14) “Valuation date" means the time when the closing price of the stock is determined on the day before the first public announcement of the proposed business combination.
180.1130(15) (15) “Valuation period" means the 30-day period preceding the date on which the market value is to be determined.
180.1130(16) (16) “Voting shares" means capital shares of a corporation entitled to vote generally in the election of directors.
180.1130 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1991 a. 16; 1993 a. 112; 1997 a. 27, 41, 252; 2005 a. 476.
180.1131 180.1131 Shareholder vote. In addition to a vote otherwise required by law or the articles of incorporation of the resident domestic corporation, a business combination must be approved by the affirmative vote of at least all of the following, except as provided in s. 180.1132:
180.1131(1) (1) Eighty percent of the votes entitled to be cast by outstanding voting shares of the corporation, voting together as a single voting group.
180.1131(2) (2) Two-thirds of the votes entitled to be cast by holders of voting shares other than voting shares beneficially owned by a significant shareholder who is a party to the business combination or an affiliate or associate of a significant shareholder who is a party to the business combination, voting together as a single voting group.
180.1131 History History: 1989 a. 303; 1997 a. 27.
180.1132 180.1132 Exceptions.
180.1132(1)(1)Fair price. The vote required by s. 180.1131 does not apply to a business combination if each of the following conditions is met:
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