48.686(4m)(c) (c) A child care program may employ or contract with a potential caregiver or permit a potential nonclient resident to reside at the child care program for up to 45 days from the date a background check request is submitted to the department pending the completion of the department's report under sub. (4p) (a) if the department provides a preliminary report under sub. (4p) (c) to the child care program indicating that the potential caregiver or nonclient resident is not ineligible to work or reside at a child care program. At all times that children in care are present, an individual who received a qualifying result on a background check described in sub. (2) (am) within the past 5 years must supervise a potential employee or nonclient resident permitted to work or reside at the child care program under this paragraph.
48.686(4p) (4p)
48.686(4p)(a)(a) The department shall provide the results of the criminal background check to the child care program in a written report that indicates only that the individual on whom the background check was conducted is eligible or ineligible for employment or to reside at the child care program, without revealing any disqualifying crime or other information regarding the individual.
48.686(4p)(b) (b) The department shall provide the results of the criminal background check to the individual on whom the background check was conducted in a written report that indicates whether the individual is eligible or ineligible for employment or to reside at the child care program. If the individual is ineligible for employment or to reside at the child care program, the department's report shall include information on each disqualifying crime and information on the right to appeal.
48.686(4p)(c) (c) Before the department completes its report under par. (a), a caregiver under sub. (1) (ag) 2. may submit a written request to the department for a preliminary report indicating whether a potential caregiver or nonclient resident is eligible to work or reside at a child care program under sub. (4m) (c). If the department receives such a request, it shall provide a written preliminary report to that caregiver indicating whether the individual is barred from employment as a caregiver or residence as a nonclient resident on the basis of a background check under sub. (2) (am) 1. or 7. If the individual is ineligible for employment or residence at a child care program based on the results of the preliminary report, the department shall also provide a preliminary report to the individual containing information related to each disqualifying crime.
48.686(4p)(d) (d) The results of a report under par. (c) may not be appealed by the individual until receipt of the department's report under par. (b) following completion of all components of the criminal background check.
48.686(4s) (4s)
48.686(4s)(a)(a) An individual who is the subject of the department's report on the results of a criminal background check may appeal the department's decision. Only the person who is the subject of the department's report may appeal the department's decision. Neither the child care program nor any other person may appeal the department's decision.
48.686(4s)(b) (b) An appeal request shall be submitted to the department at the address, e-mail address, or fax number identified in the statement of appeal rights no later than 60 days after the date of the department's decision, unless the appellant requests, and the department grants, an extension for a specific amount of time prior to expiration of the 60 day appeal period. Extensions may be granted for good cause shown.
48.686(4s)(c) (c) An appeal shall be submitted in the manner and on forms prescribed by the department, and must include all of the following information:
48.686(4s)(c)1. 1. The information or issue disputed by the individual.
48.686(4s)(c)2. 2. Any information known to the individual, or available to the individual through the exercise of reasonable diligence, that supports the individual's position.
48.686(4s)(c)3. 3. The current or last known names, addresses, telephone numbers, and electronic mail addresses of any persons known or believed to have information relevant to determination of the appeal.
48.686(4s)(c)4. 4. Copies of any documents or other materials in the possession of the individual, or reasonably available to the individual, that support the individual's position regarding the disputed information.
48.686(4s)(e) (e) The department shall attempt to verify the accuracy of the information challenged by the appellant, including making reasonable good faith efforts to locate any missing information regarding the disqualifying crime that is relevant to the issue identified for appeal.
48.686(4s)(f) (f) The department shall sustain the results of its criminal background check report if supported by a preponderance of the available evidence.
48.686(4s)(g) (g) The department shall issue its appeal decision in writing. If the results of the original report are sustained upon review, the decision shall indicate the department's efforts to verify the accuracy of the information challenged by the individual. The decision shall also indicate any additional reconsideration and appeal rights available to the appellant.
48.686(4s)(h) (h) An appellant under this subsection may seek reconsideration of the department's decision under par. (g) by the secretary or the secretary's designee.
48.686(4s)(i) (i) A request for reconsideration detailing the basis for the request must be sent to the secretary at the address, e-mail address, or fax number identified in the department's decision no later than 30 days after the date of the department's decision.
48.686(4s)(j) (j) The secretary or secretary's designee shall issue his or her reconsideration decision in writing and shall include information about any additional appeal rights available to the individual.
48.686(4s)(k) (k) A denial of reconsideration under this subsection is a final decision of the department, and the appellant has a right to a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
48.686(4s)(L) (L) The appeal and reconsideration process set forth in this subsection is the exclusive method for disputing a criminal history background report issued by the department. The department's decision may not be appealed in a ch. 68 or 227 proceeding challenging the denial of a license, certification, or contract to operate a child care program based on the department's criminal history background check report or challenging any other child care regulatory action taken in reliance upon that report.
48.686(4s)(m) (m) Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the department may not publicly release or disclose the results of any criminal individual background report it issues, except that the department may release aggregated data by crime as listed in sub. (1) (c) from criminal background check results so long as the data does not contain personally identifiable information. The department may disclose and use information obtained in conducting criminal background checks as necessary during an appeal or reconsideration under this subsection.
48.686(5) (5)
48.686(5)(a)(a) Subject to par. (br), the department may license to operate a child care program, the department in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, a county department, or an agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) may certify under s. 48.651, and a school board may contract with under s. 120.13 (14) a person who otherwise may not be licensed, certified, or contracted with for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (a) 1. to 8., and a child care program may employ, contract with, or permit to reside at the child care program a person who otherwise may not be so employed, contracted with, or permitted to reside for a reason specified in sub. (4m) (a) 1. to 8., if the person demonstrates to the department, the county department, the contracted agency, or the school board or, in the case of a child care program that is located within the boundaries of a reservation, to the person or body designated by the Indian tribe under sub. (5d) (a) 3., by clear and convincing evidence and in accordance with procedures established by the department by rule or by the tribe that he or she has been rehabilitated.
48.686(5)(br) (br) No person who has been convicted or adjudicated delinquent on or after his or her 10th birthday for committing any of the offenses identified in sub. (1) (c) 1. to 8. or 12. or for a violation of the law of any other state or United States jurisdiction that would be a violation listed in sub. (1) (c) 1. to 8. if committed in this state or who is the subject of a pending criminal charge or delinquency petition alleging that the person has committed any of those offenses on or after his or her 10th birthday may be permitted to demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated.
48.686(5)(cm) (cm) Notwithstanding sub. (4m) (a) 1., if a person was convicted or adjudicated delinquent on or after his or her 10th birthday for committing any of the offenses listed in sub. (1) (c) 9. or 10. and the person completed his or her sentence, including any probation, parole, or extended supervision, or was discharged by the department of corrections, 5 or more years before the date of the investigation under sub. (2) (am), then the conviction or delinquency adjudication alone does not make the person ineligible to be licensed as a child care center under s. 48.65, certified as a child care provider under s. 48.651, contracted with under s. 120.13 (14), or employed by, contracted with, or permitted to reside at a child care program and, with respect to that conviction or delinquency adjudication, the person need not demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated under par. (a) before being so licensed, certified, contracted with, employed, or permitted to reside.
48.686(5c) (5c)
48.686(5c)(a)(a) Any person who is permitted but fails under sub. (5) (a) to demonstrate to the department that he or she has been rehabilitated may appeal to the secretary or his or her designee. Any person who is adversely affected by a decision of the secretary or his or her designee under this paragraph has a right to a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
48.686(5c)(b) (b) Any person who is permitted but fails under sub. (5) (a) to demonstrate to a county department or an agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) that he or she has been rehabilitated may appeal to the director of the county department or his or her designee. Any person who is adversely affected by a decision of the director or his or her designee under this paragraph has a right to appeal the decision under ch. 68.
48.686(5c)(c) (c) Any person who is permitted but fails under sub. (5) (a) to demonstrate to a school board that he or she has been rehabilitated may appeal to the state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee. Any person who is adversely affected by a decision of the state superintendent or his or her designee under this paragraph has a right to a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
48.686(5d) (5d)
48.686(5d)(a)(a) Any Indian tribe that chooses to conduct rehabilitation reviews under sub. (5) shall submit to the department a rehabilitation review plan that includes all of the following:
48.686(5d)(a)1. 1. The criteria to be used to determine if a person has been rehabilitated.
48.686(5d)(a)2. 2. The title of the person or body designated by the Indian tribe to whom a request for review must be made.
48.686(5d)(a)3. 3. The title of the person or body designated by the Indian tribe to determine whether a person has been rehabilitated.
48.686(5d)(a)3m. 3m. The title of the person or body, designated by the Indian tribe, to whom a person may appeal an adverse decision made by the person specified under subd. 3. and whether the Indian tribe provides any further rights to appeal.
48.686(5d)(a)4. 4. The manner in which the Indian tribe will submit information relating to a rehabilitation review to the department so that the department may include that information in its report to the legislature required under sub. (5g).
48.686(5d)(a)5. 5. A copy of the form to be used to request a review and a copy of the form on which a written decision is to be made regarding whether a person has demonstrated rehabilitation.
48.686(5d)(b) (b) If, within 90 days after receiving the plan, the department does not disapprove the plan, the plan shall be considered approved. If, within 90 days after receiving the plan, the department disapproves the plan, the department shall provide notice of that disapproval to the Indian tribe in writing, together with the reasons for the disapproval. The department may not disapprove a plan unless the department finds that the plan is not rationally related to the protection of clients. If the department disapproves the plan, the Indian tribe may, within 30 days after receiving notice of the disapproval, request that the secretary review the department's decision. A final decision under this paragraph is not subject to further review under ch. 227.
48.686(5g) (5g)On January 1 of each year, the department shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that specifies the number of persons in the previous year who have requested to demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated under sub. (5) (a), the number of persons who successfully demonstrated that they have been rehabilitated under sub. (5) (a), and the reasons for the success or failure of a person who has attempted to demonstrate that he or she has been rehabilitated.
48.686(5m) (5m)Notwithstanding s. 111.335, the department may refuse to license a person to operate a child care center, the department in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, a county department, or an agency contracted with under s. 48.651 (2) may refuse to certify a child care provider under s. 48.651, a school board may refuse to contract with a person under s. 120.13 (14), and a child care program may refuse to employ or contract with a caregiver or permit a nonclient resident to reside at the child care program if the person has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent on or after his or her 10th birthday for an offense that is not a serious crime, but that is, in the estimation of the department, substantially related to the care of a client. The department shall notify the provider and the individual of the results of a substantially related determination pursuant to the process set forth in sub. (4p) for criminal background check determinations. The individual shall have the same appeal rights as set forth in sub. (4s), and the same appeal procedures apply.
48.686(7) (7)The department shall conduct throughout the state periodic training sessions that cover procedures and uses of criminal background investigations; reporting and investigating misappropriation of property or abuse or neglect of a client; and any other material that will better enable entities to comply with the requirements of this section.
48.686(8) (8)The department may promulgate any rules necessary for the administration of this section.
48.686 History History: 2017 a. 59; 2017 a. 364 s. 49; s. 35.17 correction in (1) (c) 12.
48.69 48.69 Probationary licenses. Except as provided under s. 48.715 (6) and (7), if any child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center that has not been previously issued a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) applies for a license, meets the minimum requirements for a license established under s. 48.67, and pays the applicable fee referred to in s. 48.68 (1), the department shall issue a probationary license to that child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center. A probationary license is valid for up to 6 months after the date of issuance unless renewed under this section or suspended or revoked under s. 48.715. Before a probationary license expires, the department shall inspect the child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center holding the probationary license and, except as provided under s. 48.715 (6) and (7), if the child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center meets the minimum requirements for a license established under s. 48.67, the department shall issue a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a). A probationary license issued under this section may be renewed for one 6-month period.
48.70 48.70 Provisions of licenses.
48.70(1)(1)General. Each license shall state the name of the person licensed, the premises included under the license, the maximum number of children who can be received and their age and sex and such additional information and special conditions as the department may prescribe.
48.70(2) (2)Special provisions for child welfare agency licenses. A license to a child welfare agency shall also specify the kind of child welfare work the agency is authorized to undertake, whether the agency may accept guardianship of children, whether the agency may place children in foster homes, and if so, the area the agency is equipped to serve.
48.70(4) (4)Special provisions for county departments. Licenses to county departments shall specify whether the county department may accept guardianship of children and place children for adoption.
48.715 48.715 Sanctions and penalties.
48.715(1)(1)In this section, “licensee" means a person who holds a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center.
48.715(2) (2)If the department provides written notice of the grounds for a sanction, an explanation of the types of sanctions that may be imposed under this subsection and an explanation of the process for appealing a sanction imposed under this subsection, the department may order any of the following sanctions:
48.715(2)(a) (a) That a person stop operating a child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center if the child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center is without a license in violation of s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license in violation of s. 48.69.
48.715(2)(b) (b) That a person who employs a person who has had a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 revoked within the previous 5 years terminate the employment of that person within 30 days after the date of the order. This paragraph includes employment of a person in any capacity, whether as an officer, director, agent or employee.
48.715(2)(c) (c) That a licensee stop violating any provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1) or rule promulgated by the department under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67.
48.715(2)(d) (d) That a licensee submit a plan of correction for violation of any provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1) or rule promulgated by the department under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67.
48.715(2)(e) (e) That a licensee implement and comply with a plan of correction provided by the department or previously submitted by the licensee and approved by the department.
48.715(2)(f) (f) That a licensee close the intake of any new children until all violations of the provisions of licensure under s. 48.70 (1) and the rules promulgated by the department under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67 are corrected.
48.715(2)(g) (g) That a licensee provide training for the licensee's staff members as specified by the department.
48.715(3) (3)If the department provides written notice of the grounds for a penalty, an explanation of the types of penalties that may be imposed under this subsection, and an explanation of the process for appealing a penalty imposed under this subsection, the department may impose any of the following penalties against a licensee or any other person who violates a provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1) or rule promulgated by the department under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67 or who fails to comply with an order issued under sub. (2) by the time specified in the order:
48.715(3)(a) (a) A daily forfeiture amount per violation of not less than $10 nor more than $1,000. All of the following apply to a forfeiture under this paragraph:
48.715(3)(a)1. 1. Within the limits specified in this paragraph, the department may, by rule, set daily forfeiture amounts and payment deadlines based on the size and type of facility or agency and the seriousness of the violation. The department may set daily forfeiture amounts that increase periodically within the statutory limits if there is continued failure to comply with an order issued under sub. (2).
48.715(3)(a)2. 2. The department may directly assess a forfeiture imposed under this paragraph by specifying the amount of that forfeiture in the notice provided under this subsection.
48.715(3)(a)3. 3. A person against whom the department has assessed a forfeiture shall pay that forfeiture to the department within 10 days after receipt of notice of the assessment or, if that person contests that assessment under s. 48.72, within 10 days after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of administrative review or, if that person petitions for judicial review under ch. 227, within 10 days after receipt of the final decision after exhaustion of judicial review. The department shall remit all forfeitures paid under this subdivision to the secretary of administration for deposit in the school fund.
48.715(3)(a)4. 4. The attorney general may bring an action in the name of the state to collect any forfeiture imposed under this paragraph that has not been paid as provided in subd. 3. The only contestable issue in an action under this subdivision is whether or not the forfeiture has been paid.
48.715(3)(b) (b) Suspension of the licensee's license for not more than 2 weeks.
48.715(3)(c) (c) Refusal to continue a license or a probationary license.
48.715(3)(d) (d) Revocation of a license or a probationary license as provided in sub. (4).
48.715(4) (4)If the department provides written notice of revocation and the grounds for revocation as provided in sub. (4m) and an explanation of the process for appealing a revocation under this subsection, the department may revoke a license issued under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license issued under s. 48.69 for any of the following reasons:
48.715(4)(a) (a) The department has imposed a penalty on the licensee under sub. (3) and the licensee or a person under the supervision of the licensee either continues to violate or resumes violation of a rule promulgated under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67, a provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1), or an order under this section forming any part of the basis for the penalty.
48.715(4)(b) (b) The licensee or a person under the supervision of the licensee has committed a substantial violation, as determined by the department, of a rule promulgated under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67, a provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1), or an order under this section.
48.715(4)(c) (c) The licensee or a person under the supervision of the licensee has committed an action or has created a condition relating to the operation or maintenance of the child welfare agency, shelter care facility, group home, or child care center that directly threatens the health, safety, or welfare of any child under the care of the licensee.
48.715(4)(d) (d) The licensee or a person under the supervision of the licensee has violated, as determined by the department, a rule promulgated under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67, a provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1), or an order under this section that is the same as or similar to a rule promulgated under s. 48.658 (4) (a) or 48.67, a provision of licensure under s. 48.70 (1), or an order under this section that the licensee or a person under the supervision of the licensee has violated previously.
48.715(4)(e) (e) The licensee has failed to apply for a continuance of the license within 30 days after receipt of the warning under s. 48.66 (5).
48.715(4g) (4g)
48.715(4g)(a)(a) If a person who has been issued a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child care center is convicted of a serious crime, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1) (ag) 1. or a nonclient resident, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the child care center is convicted or adjudicated delinquent for committing a serious crime on or after his or her 10th birthday, or if the results of a criminal background check conducted under s. 48.686 indicate that the person, caregiver, or nonclient resident is not eligible to be licensed, certified, or employed or to reside at a child care program, the department shall revoke the license of the child care center immediately upon providing written notice of revocation and the grounds for revocation and an explanation of the process for appealing the revocation.
48.715(4g)(b) (b) If a person who has been issued a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child care center is the subject of a pending criminal charge alleging that the person has committed a serious crime, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (c), or if a caregiver specified in s. 48.686 (1) (ag) 1. or a nonclient resident, as defined in s. 48.686 (1) (bm), of the child care center is the subject of a pending criminal charge or delinquency petition alleging that the person has committed a serious crime on or after his or her 10th birthday, the department shall immediately suspend the license of the child care center until the department obtains information regarding the final disposition of the charge or delinquency petition indicating that the person is not ineligible to be licensed to operate a child care center.
48.715(4m) (4m)
48.715(4m)(a)(a) For a revocation under sub. (4) (a) or (d), the department shall provide to the licensee written notice of the revocation and the grounds for revocation not less than 30 days before the date of the revocation. The revocation will take effect only if the violation on which the revocation is based remains substantially uncorrected at the end of the 30-day notice period.
48.715(4m)(b) (b) For revocations under sub. (4) (b), (c) or (e), the department may revoke the license or probationary license immediately upon written notice to the licensee of the revocation and the grounds for revocation.
48.715(5) (5)The department may deny a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to any person who has had a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 revoked within the previous 5 years.
48.715(6) (6)The department shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or otherwise withhold a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or child care center, and the department of corrections shall deny, suspend, restrict, refuse to renew, or otherwise withhold a license under s. 48.66 (1) (b) to operate a secured residential care center for children and youth, for failure of the applicant or licensee to pay court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses, or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or for failure of the applicant or licensee to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child support proceedings, as provided in a memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857. Notwithstanding s. 48.72, an action taken under this subsection is subject to review only as provided in the memorandum of understanding entered into under s. 49.857 and not as provided in s. 48.72.
48.715(7) (7)The department shall deny an application for the issuance or continuation of a license under s. 48.66 (1) (a) or a probationary license under s. 48.69 to operate a child welfare agency, group home, shelter care facility, or child care center, or revoke such a license already issued, if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the applicant or licensee is liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the applicant or licensee is liable for delinquent unemployment insurance contributions. An action taken under this subsection is subject to review only as provided under s. 73.0301 (5) or 108.227 (5) and not as provided in s. 48.72.
48.72 48.72 Appeal procedure. Except as provided in s. 48.715 (6) and (7), any person aggrieved by the department's refusal or failure to issue, renew, or continue a license or by any action taken by the department under s. 48.715 has the right to an administrative hearing provided for contested cases in ch. 227. To receive an administrative hearing under ch. 227, the aggrieved person shall send to the department a written request for a hearing under s. 227.44 within 10 days after the date of the department's refusal or failure to issue, renew, or continue a license or the department's action taken under s. 48.715. The department shall hold an administrative hearing under s. 227.44 within 30 days after receipt of the request for the administrative hearing unless the aggrieved person consents to an extension of that time period. Judicial review of the department's decision may be had by any party in the contested case as provided in ch. 227.
48.72 History History: 1991 a. 275; 1993 a. 375; 1997 a. 27, 191, 237; 2005 a. 293.
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