215.02(9) (9)Approval of acts. Whenever any association requests approval of the division for any act, which by statute requires such approval, the division shall have 90 days in which to grant or deny such approval. If the division fails to act, approval shall be deemed to have been granted. In matters which require the holding of public hearings, the 90-day period shall not commence until the conclusion of the hearing and the date set by the division for receipt of briefs.
215.02(10) (10)Removal of officers, directors or employees.
215.02(10)(a)1.1. The division may remove an officer, director or employee of an association if either of the following applies:
215.02(10)(a)1.a. a. The policies or practices of the officer, director or employee are prejudicial to the best interest of the association or its savers, endanger or will endanger the safety or solvency of the association, or impair the interests of the savers.
215.02(10)(a)1.b. b. The officer, director or employee violates or permits the violation of this chapter, a rule promulgated under this chapter or an order of the division.
215.02(10)(a)2. 2. The division may issue an order removing an officer, director or employee under subd. 1. only after the officer, director or employee is afforded a hearing before the review board and the review board approves the order.
215.02(10)(a)3. 3. An order of removal takes effect on the date issued. A copy of the order shall be served upon the association and upon the officer, director, or employee in the manner provided by law for service of a summons in a court of record or by mailing a copy to the association and officer, director, or employee at their last-known, post-office addresses. Any removal under this subsection has the same effect as if made by the board of directors or the members or stockholders of the association. An officer, director, or employee removed from office or employment under this subsection may not be elected as an officer or director of, or be employed by, an association without the approval of the division and the review board. An order of removal under this subsection is a final determination of the review board under s. 215.04 (5).
215.02(10)(b) (b) The division may appoint any person to fill the vacancies caused by removal of officers or directors. Any person so appointed shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members or stockholders.
215.02(11) (11)Annual report.
215.02(11)(a) (a) The division shall submit to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) an annual report on the general conduct and condition of associations doing business in this state. The report shall be based upon the individual annual reports of associations filed with the division, and shall also include the information required in ss. 215.32 (7) (a), 215.56 (7) (a) and 215.76 (7) (a).
215.02(11)(b) (b) The division shall designate the number of copies of the report to be made available for distribution. Each association is entitled to one copy.
215.02(12) (12)Disposition of obsolete records. The division may turn over obsolete departmental records to the secretary of administration, pursuant to s. 16.61.
215.02(14) (14)Fees for publications.
215.02(14)(a) (a) Whenever extra copies of statutory reprints of this chapter, the annual report of savings and loan associations or any other publication published by the division are requested, such extra copies shall be furnished upon payment of such fee as the division determines. All such fees shall be paid by the division into the general fund to the credit of the division.
215.02(14)(b) (b) Upon request, extra copies may be distributed free to agencies or legislators of this state or any other state, county clerks and to the courts of this state, trade organizations and any other agencies of the United States.
215.02(15) (15)Hearings, findings and orders on complaints against associations.
215.02(15)(a)1.1. Within 10 days after any of the following petitions have been filed with the division, the division shall proceed to hear the same:
215.02(15)(a)1.a. a. A petition stating that an association fails to pay its debts on demand.
215.02(15)(a)1.b. b. A petition signed by not less than 25 savers in an association, stating that the association or the officers or directors of the association fail to honor requests for the withdrawal of savings accounts under this chapter, the officers or directors are conducting the business of the association in an unsafe or unauthorized manner, and by the acts or negligence of officers or directors the funds or assets of the association are or may become impaired.
215.02(15)(a)2. 2. Not less than 3 days before the date of hearing, a copy of the petition and a notice stating the date, time and place for the hearing shall be mailed or delivered to the association and the party petitioning.
215.02(15)(b) (b) At the time and place so fixed, unless by stipulation some other time and place is fixed, the division shall hear all parties interested and shall cause the testimony given to be reduced to writing.
215.02(15)(c) (c) The division shall within a reasonable time make findings as to all matters covered by the petition and make such order as the division deems just and reasonable.
215.02(15)(d) (d) The findings and order of the division shall be final unless modified by the court.
215.02(16) (16)Annual fees and examination costs.
215.02(16)(a)(a) Annual fee. An association shall, before July 16, pay an annual fee as determined by the division and the review board, but not exceeding 12 cents per $1,000 of assets or fraction thereof, as of the close of the preceding calendar year.
215.02(16)(am) (am) Fees on conversion or absorption. If a depository institution that is not a state-chartered association converts to a state-chartered association or is absorbed by a state-chartered association, the converted association or the absorbing association shall pay an annual fee based on the assets of the converted association or the absorbed association at the same rate as other associations for the prorated portion of the fiscal year in which the association is subject to this chapter.
215.02(16)(b) (b) Penalty for failure to pay fee. An association failing to pay the annual fee to the division before July 16 of each year shall, if ordered by the division, pay the fee and pay interest at an annual rate of 12 percent on any portion of the fee that is past due.
215.02(16)(c) (c) Regular examination costs.
215.02(16)(c)1.1. Before July 1 of each year the division and the review board shall fix a per-hour charge for the services of each examiner used in the examination of an association, for the next 12 months. The per-hour charge shall be the same for all associations.
215.02(16)(c)2. 2. After the per-hour charge for each examiner has been fixed, each association shall be uniformly billed for examinations during the ensuing year on a fixed per-hour basis for each examiner engaged in an examination.
215.02(16)(c)3. 3. Charges assessed under this paragraph shall be paid within 30 days from the date on which the association receives notice of the assessment.
215.02(16)(d) (d) Special examination costs. The division shall charge any special costs and expenses incurred for special work required because an association does not have proper or sufficient management or fails to keep its books, records and other matters in a standard and approved manner. An itemized statement of special charges must be submitted to the association.
215.02(16)(e) (e) Penalty for failure to pay examination costs. An association shall pay the charges and assessments under pars. (c) and (d) when due and shall pay interest at an annual rate of 12 percent on any portion of the charges and assessments that are past due.
215.02(17) (17)Testimonial powers.
215.02(17)(a) (a) The division may, in relation to any matter within its powers, issue subpoenas and take testimony.
215.02(17)(b) (b) Witnesses shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed to witnesses in courts of record. Such fees shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses of the division are audited and paid. No witness subpoenaed at the instance of any party other than the division shall be entitled to payment of fees by the state, unless the division certifies that the testimony of the witness was material to the hearing or proceeding.
215.02(17)(c) (c) No person may, without reasonable cause, fail to comply with a subpoena issued under this subsection, nor refuse to be sworn or to be examined, or to answer a proper question or produce a pertinent document, when ordered to do so by the official conducting the investigation or proceeding.
215.02(18) (18)Authority to grant certain powers. Unless the division is expressly restricted by statute from acting under this subsection with respect to a specific power, right or privilege, the division by rule may, with the approval of the review board, authorize associations to exercise any power under the notice, disclosure or procedural requirements governing federally chartered associations or to make any loan or investment or exercise any right, power or privilege of federally chartered associations permitted under a federal law, regulation or interpretation. Notice, disclosure and procedures prescribed by statute which may be modified by a rule adopted under this subsection include, but are not limited to, those provided under s. 138.056. A rule adopted under this subsection may not affect s. 138.041 or chs. 421 to 428 or restrict powers specifically granted associations under this chapter.
215.02 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also DFI-SL, Wis. adm. code.
215.02 Annotation Under sub. (6), “in the course of examinations" includes activities before, during, and after actual inspection. National Savings & Loan Assoc. v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co. 515 F. Supp. 12 (1981).
215.03 215.03 Supervision and control of associations.
215.03(1)(1)Types of associations supervised. All associations organized under this chapter or similar laws, or permitted by license to transact, in this state, a business similar to that authorized by this chapter, shall be under the supervision and control of the division.
215.03(2) (2)Annual supervisory examinations.
215.03(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), at least once within every 18-month period, the division shall examine the cash, bills, collaterals, securities, assets, books of account, condition and affairs of all such associations and for that purpose the division or the division's examiners shall have access to, and may compel the production of, all their books, papers, securities and moneys, administer oaths to and examine their officers and agents as to their affairs. In conducting examinations under this paragraph, the division may accept and rely on information collected by other agencies or independent 3rd parties in determining whether an association has satisfied any requirement that is part of the examination. An employee of the division may not examine an association in which the employee is interested as an officer or director.
215.03(2)(b) (b) In lieu of any examination required under par. (a), the division may accept any examination that may have been made of any association within a reasonable period by the deposit insurance corporation, a federal regulatory agency, or any agency of another state with primary responsibility for supervising associations chartered under the laws of that state.
215.03(4) (4)Refusal to submit to an examination. Any association refusing to submit to an examination so ordered or requested, shall be reported to the attorney general, who shall institute proceedings to revoke its certificate of incorporation for such refusal.
215.03(5) (5)Accounting and bookkeeping procedure.
215.03(5)(a)(a) Whenever it appears to the division that any association does not keep books and accounts in such manner as to enable the division to readily ascertain its true condition, the division may require the officers of such associations or any of them to open and keep such books or accounts as the division prescribes.
215.03(5)(b) (b) Any association that fails to open books or keep books or accounts as prescribed by the division, shall, at the discretion of the division, forfeit $10 for each day it so fails. If the association fails to pay the forfeiture, the division may institute proceedings to recover such forfeitures.
215.03(6) (6)File annual reports.
215.03(6)(a)1.1. Not later than February 1 of each year each association subject to the supervision and control of the division shall file with the division a report of its activities of the preceding year, upon forms furnished by the division.
215.03(6)(a)2. 2. The report shall include:
215.03(6)(a)2.a. a. A true and verified copy of a statement of condition as of the close of December 31 of the preceding calendar year;
215.03(6)(a)2.b. b. A statement of its operations during that period; and
215.03(6)(a)2.c. c. Such other information as the division requires.
215.03(6)(a)3. 3. Attached to the annual report shall be a copy of a printed statement of condition and operations as of the end of the association's most recent fiscal year, which shall be available to the public. The printed statement shall contain such information as the division may by rule prescribe.
215.03(6)(b) (b) If such association fails or refuses to furnish the report herein required, it shall be subject, at the discretion of the division, to a forfeiture of $10 per day for each day of default, and the division may maintain an action to recover such penalty, and the same shall be paid into the general fund.
215.03(7) (7)Relocation of association office. Any association which determines to move its home office or a branch office to some other location shall make an application to the division. In approving or denying the application for relocation, the division shall ascertain the need for relocation and determine whether undue harm or injury would be caused to any properly conducted association or branch now doing business in the area or vicinity of the proposed relocation.
215.03(8) (8)Application to establish branches; appeal.
215.03(8)(a)(a) Any association desiring to establish a branch office, subject to the limitations of s. 215.13 (39), shall apply to the division in such form as the division prescribes, giving such information as the division requires. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $500. The division shall give notice and provide an opportunity for hearing as provided in s. 215.40 (7). The division may grant certificates of authority to maintain and operate branch offices or may refuse to issue certificates when, in the division's opinion, such branch is not in the best interests of the public, or when other good and sufficient reasons exist for refusal.
215.03(8)(b) (b) It is the intent of this section to provide adequate and convenient savings and loan facilities for the public. When 2 or more applications for a branch in the same area are pending, priority of application shall be considered but not be controlling, and the division shall give consideration to the equitable distribution of branches among the associations making application.
215.03(8)(c) (c) Review of the decision of the division in regard to applications for branches shall be governed by s. 215.04 (4).
215.03 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. DFI-SL 2.02, 2.07, 3.01, 4.01 4.02, 4.03, 5.02, and 13.02, Wis. adm. code.
215.04 215.04 Review board.
215.04(1)(1)Duties. The review board shall do all of the following:
215.04(1)(a) (a) Advise the division on matters related to this chapter.
215.04(1)(b) (b) Review the acts, orders, and determinations of the division.
215.04(1)(c) (c) Act on any matters pertaining to this chapter that are submitted to it by the division.
215.04(1)(d) (d) Perform other review functions relating to this chapter.
215.04(1)(e) (e) Conduct hearings and take testimony, and subpoena and swear witnesses at such hearings. The review board shall have the subpoena powers under s. 885.01 (4).
215.04(2) (2)Appearances. An interested party may appear at a proceeding of the review board and may participate in the examination of witnesses and present evidence.
215.04(3) (3)Witness fees. A person who causes a witness to be subpoenaed shall advance the fees and mileage expense of the witness. Witness fees shall be the same as fees under s. 814.67 (1) (b) and (c). The fees of witnesses who are called by the review board in the interests of the state shall be paid by the state upon presentation of proper vouchers approved by the chairperson of the review board and charged to the appropriation under s. 20.144 (1) (g).
215.04(4) (4)Review of acts, orders, or determinations. Any interested person or a savings association aggrieved by any act, order, or determination of the division, which relates to savings and loan associations, may, within 20 days after receipt or service of a copy of the act, order, or determination, file a written notice requesting the review board's review of the division's act, order, or determination. The review of the division's decision shall be solely to determine if the division acted within the scope of the division's authority and did not act in an arbitrary or capricious manner and to determine if the act, order, or determination of the division is supported by substantial evidence in view of the entire record as submitted. The review of applications for new charters, branch offices, or relocation of offices shall be based exclusively on the record and new evidence may not be taken by the review board. Requests for review under this subsection shall be considered and disposed of as speedily as possible.
215.04(5) (5)Review. A determination of the review board is subject to review under ch. 227. If an act, order, or determination of the division is reversed or modified by the review board, the division shall be considered to be a person aggrieved and directly affected by the decision under s. 227.53 (1).
215.04(6) (6)Board member not to act. A member of the review board may not act on any matter involving a savings and loan association or savings and loan holding company of which the member is an officer, director, employee, or agent.
215.04 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. DFI-SL 20, Wis. adm. code.
215.11 215.11 Surety bond of association's officers, directors and employees.
215.11(1)(1)Who shall furnish bond; type and form. Before entry upon the discharge of the person's duties, every person appointed or elected to any position requiring receipt, payment or custody of money or other personal property of an association or in its custody or control as collateral or otherwise shall give a bond in some surety company, licensed by this state, in such sum as the division prescribes. In lieu of individual bonds, the division may accept a schedule or blanket bond which covers all of the officers, directors and employees of the association, whose duties include the receipt, payment or custody of money or other personal property. Such bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the division.
215.11(2) (2)Surety bonds to be approved and filed. No officer, director or employee who is required to give bond shall enter upon the discharge of the person's duties until the person's bond has been approved by the board. The minute book of the association shall contain a record of each bond executed and approved. Such bonds shall be filed with the division within 10 days after approval by the board.
215.11(3) (3)Surety bond coverage. Such bond shall be sufficient to protect the association from loss by reason of acts of fraud or dishonesty, including forgery, theft, embezzlement, wrongful abstraction or misapplication on the part of the person, directly or through connivance with others. At any time the division may require an additional bond.
215.11(4) (4)Provisions of surety bonds. Every such bond shall also include the following provisions:
215.11(4)(a) (a) No termination of this bond shall be effective unless the surety gives in advance at least 10 days' written notice by registered mail to the division. If this bond is terminated at the request of the insured (employer) this provision shall apply nevertheless, it being the duty of the surety to give the required written notice to the division, such notice to be given promptly and within 10 days after the receipt of such request;
215.11(4)(b) (b) The surety agrees to furnish the division a copy of all riders and endorsements executed subsequently to the effective date of this bond.
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