62.14(6)(c)(c) Restoring streets. In case any corporation or individual shall neglect to repair or restore to its former condition any street, alley or sidewalk excavated, altered or taken up, within the time and in the manner directed by the board, said board shall cause the same to be done at the expense of said corporation or individual. The expense thereof, when chargeable to a lot owner, shall be certified to the city clerk by the board, and if not paid shall be carried into the tax roll as a special tax against the lot.
62.14(7)(7)Records of city engineer. The city engineer shall keep on file in the engineer’s office, in the office of the city clerk, a record of all the engineer’s official acts and doings and also a copy of all plats of lots, blocks and sewers embraced within the city limits, all profiles of streets, alleys and sewers and of the grades thereof, and of all drafts and plans relating to bridges and harbors and of any buildings belonging to the city; and shall at the same place keep a record of the location of all bench marks and permanent corner stakes from which subsequent surveys shall be started; which said records and documents shall be the property of the city and open to the inspection of parties interested, and shall be delivered over by said engineer to the engineer’s successor or to the board of public works. Whenever requested, the engineer shall make a report of all doings of the engineer’s department to the board of public works.
62.14 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 151; 1991 a. 316.
62.1562.15Public works.
62.15(1)(1)Contracts; how let; exception for donated materials and labor. All public construction, the estimated cost of which exceeds $25,000, shall be let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder; all other public construction shall be let as the council may direct. If the estimated cost of any public construction exceeds $5,000 but is not greater than $25,000, the board of public works shall give a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, of the proposed construction before the contract for the construction is executed. This provision does not apply to public construction if the materials for such a project are donated or if the labor for such a project is provided by volunteers. The council may also by a vote of three-fourths of all the members-elect provide by ordinance that any class of public construction or any part thereof may be done directly by the city without submitting the same for bids.
62.15(1a)(1a)Escalator clauses. Contracts may include escalator clauses providing for additional charges for labor and materials if as a result of general inflation the rates and prices of the same to the contractor increase during performance of the contract. Such escalator provision shall be applicable to all bidders and shall not exceed 15 percent of the amount of the firm bid nor the amount of the increase paid by the contractor. Each bid on a contract that is to include an escalator provision shall be accompanied by a schedule enumerating the estimated rates and prices of items of labor and materials used in arriving at the bid. Only as to such items as are enumerated shall an increased charge be allowed the contractor.
62.15(1b)(1b)Exception as to public emergency. The provisions of sub. (1) and s. 281.41 are not mandatory for the repair and reconstruction of public facilities when damage or threatened damage thereto creates an emergency, as determined by resolution of the board of public works or board of public utility commissioners, in which the public health or welfare of the city is endangered. Whenever the city council determines by majority vote at a regular or special meeting that an emergency no longer exists, this subsection no longer applies.
62.15(1c)(1c)Increased quantity clauses. Contracts may include clauses providing for increasing the quantity of construction required in the original contract by an amount not to exceed 15 percent of the original contract price.
62.15(1d)(1d)Limitation on highway work performed by a county. Notwithstanding ss. 66.0131, 66.0301, and 83.035, a city having a population of 5,000 or more may not have a highway improvement project performed by a county workforce except as provided under s. 86.31 (2) (b).
62.15(1e)(1e)Donated improvement. Subsection (1) does not apply to the construction by a private person of an improvement that is donated to the city after the completion of construction.
62.15(2)(2)Plans; contract; bond. When the work is required or directed to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, the board of public works shall prepare plans and specifications for the same, containing a description of the work, the materials to be used and such other matters as will give an intelligent idea of the work required and file the same with the city clerk for the inspection of bidders, and shall also prepare a form of contract and bond with sureties required, and furnish a copy of the same to all persons desiring to bid on the work.
62.15(3)(3)Advertisement for bids. After the plans, specifications and form of contract have been prepared, the board of public works shall advertise for proposals for doing such work by publishing a class 2 notice, under ch. 985. No bid shall be received unless accompanied by a certified check or a bid bond equal to at least 5 percent but not more than 10 percent of the bid payable to the city as a guaranty that if the bid is accepted the bidder will execute and file the proper contract and bond within the time limited by the city. If the successful bidder so files the contract and bond, upon the execution of the contract by the city the check shall be returned. In case the successful bidder fails to file such contract and bond the amount of the check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the city as liquidated damages. The notice published shall inform bidders of this requirement.
62.15(4)(4)Sureties, justification. The sureties shall justify as to their responsibility and by their several affidavits show that they are worth in the aggregate at least the amount mentioned in the contract in property not by law exempt from execution. A certified check in amount equal to 5 percent of the bid, and a provision in the contract for the retention by the city of 20 percent of the estimates made from time to time may be accepted in place of sureties.
62.15(4m)(4m)Substantial compliance. If any certified check or bid bond is in substantial compliance with the minimum guaranty requirements of subs. (3) or (4), the letting authority may, in its discretion, accept such check or bid bond and allow such bidder 30 days to furnish such additional guaranty as may be required by said authority. Substantial compliance hereunder may be found if said check or bond is insufficient by not more than one-fourth of one percent of the bid.
62.15(5)(5)Rejection of bids; performance of work by city.
62.15(5)(a)(a) Unless the power has been expressly waived, the city may reject any bid. The board of public works may reject any bid, if, in its opinion, any combination has been entered into to prevent free competition.
62.15(5)(b)(b) If the council finds that any of the bids are fraudulent, collusive, excessive, or against the best interests of the city, it may, by resolution adopted by two-thirds of its members, reject any bids received and order the work done directly by the city under the supervision of the board of public works.
62.15(5)(c)(c) If a city performs any work under par. (b), it may secure all necessary materials to perform the work.
62.15(5)(d)(d) The city shall collect the cost of all work performed under par. (b) in the same manner as if done by any other person under contract with the city and may, subject to par. (e), defray such costs by special assessment.
62.15(5)(e)(e) If the city imposes a special assessment under par. (d), it may not assess against any property an amount that is greater than would have been assessed against the property had the lowest bid received under this section been accepted. The city shall bear any costs in excess of that bid.
62.15(6)(6)Incompetent bidders. Whenever any bidder shall be, in the judgment of said board, incompetent or otherwise unreliable for the performance of the work on which the bidder bids, the board shall report to the council a schedule of all the bids for such work, together with a recommendation to accept the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, with their reasons; and thereupon the council may direct said board either to let the work to such competent and reliable bidder or to readvertise the same; and the failure to let such contract to the lowest bidder in compliance with this provision shall not invalidate such contract or any special assessment made to pay the liability incurred thereunder.
62.15(7)(7)Patented material or process. Any public work, whether chargeable in whole or in part to the city, or to any lot or lots or parcels of land therein, may be done by the use of a patented article, materials or process, in whole or in part, or in combination with articles, materials, or processes not patented, when the city shall have obtained from the owner of the patented article, materials or process, before advertising for bids for such work, an agreement to furnish to any contractor, desiring to bid upon such work as a whole, the right to use the patented article, materials and processes in the construction of said work, and also to furnish to any contractor the patented article itself upon the payment of what the authorities of said city charged with the duty of letting a contract for such public work shall determine to be a reasonable price therefor, which price shall be publicly stated and furnished upon application to any contractor desiring to bid on said work.
62.15(8)(8)Alternative plans and specifications. Different plans and specifications for any public work may be prepared by the proper authorities requiring the use of different kinds of materials, whether patented or not, thereby bringing one kind of article, material or process in competition with one or more other kinds of articles, materials or processes designed to accomplish the same general purpose, and bids received for each such kind of article, material or process, and thereafter a contract let for one kind of article, material or process; provided, that before any contract is let all the bids received shall be opened, and considered before the kind of article or process to be used in such work shall be decided upon by the proper city authorities, and thereupon the proper city authorities shall first determine which kind of article, material or process shall be used in the work, and the contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder for the kind of article, material or process so selected for use in the proposed public work.
62.15(9)(a)(a) Any contract for doing public work may contain a provision requiring the contractor to keep the work done under the contract in good order or repair for not to exceed 5 years.
62.15(9)(b)(b) The inclusion in the contract of a provision described in par. (a) shall not invalidate any special assessment or certificate thereof or tax certificate based thereon.
62.15(10)(10)Estimates; deposit; default; completion. As the work progresses under any contract for the performance of which a surety bond has been furnished, s. 66.0901 (9) (b) shall apply. All contracts shall contain a provision authorizing such board, in case the work under any contract is defaulted or not completed within the time required, to take charge of or authorize the surety to take charge of the work and finish it at the expense of the contractor and the sureties, and to apply the amounts retained from estimates to the completion of the work. In no case shall the 5 percent deposit described in sub. (4) be returned to a successful bidder until the contract is performed; but it, together with the retained amounts, shall be used in whole or in part to complete the work. Any amount remaining from the deposit or from retained estimates after the completion of a contract shall be paid to the contractor.
62.15(11)(11)Street obstruction. All contractors doing any work which shall in any manner obstruct the streets or sidewalks shall put up and maintain barriers conforming to the standards for traffic control devices in the manual adopted by the department of transportation under s. 84.02 (4) (e) to prevent accidents, and be liable for all damages caused by failure so to do. All contracts shall contain a provision covering this liability, and also a provision making the contractor liable for all damages caused by the negligent digging up of streets, alleys or public grounds, or which may result from the contractor’s carelessness in the prosecution of such work.
62.15(12)(12)Contracts; how executed. All contracts shall be signed by the mayor and clerk, unless otherwise provided by resolution or ordinance, and approved as to form by the city attorney. No contract shall be executed on the part of the city until the comptroller shall have countersigned the same and made an endorsement thereon showing that sufficient funds are in the treasury to meet the expense thereof, or that provision has been made to pay the liability that will accrue thereunder.
62.15(14)(14)Report to council of nonbid contracts.
62.15(14)(a)(a) Whenever the council of any city shall have provided by ordinance that any class of public work or any part thereof may be done directly by the city without submitting the same for bids as provided in sub. (1), and the public work shall be done in accordance with the ordinance, the board of public works shall keep an accurate account of the cost of the public work, including the necessary overhead expense.
62.15(14)(b)(b) Upon the completion of the work described in par. (a), the board of public works shall make a complete report of the work to the council, stating in detail the items of cost and the total cost of doing the work. The city clerk shall publish the report as a part of the proceedings of the council.
62.15(14)(c)(c) Any member of the board of public works who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be liable to a forfeiture of $50 to be recovered as in the case of other penalties.
62.15 AnnotationWhen work has been performed for a municipality under a contract that is void or unenforceable, a cause of action for unjust enrichment can be maintained with damages limited to the actual cost to the plaintiff and not exceeding the unit cost of the original contract, any recovery being limited to the value of the actual benefit conferred. Blum v. City of Hillsboro, 49 Wis. 2d 667, 183 N.W.2d 47 (1971).
62.15 AnnotationWhen a contract establishes a “unit price” for work done, with only an estimate of the total, excess work may be paid for without regard to the 15 percent limitation in sub. (1c). Gottschalk Bros. v. City of Wausau, 56 Wis. 2d 848, 203 N.W.2d 140 (1973).
62.15 AnnotationA mayor may not veto council action or inaction on public works contracts. Sturzl Construction Co. v. City of Green Bay, 88 Wis. 2d 403, 276 N.W.2d 771 (1979).
62.15 AnnotationA city cannot waive liquidated damages under sub. (3). Discussing the award, acceptance, and execution of public contracts. City of Merrill v. Wenzel Bros., 88 Wis. 2d 676, 277 N.W.2d 799 (1979).
62.15 AnnotationThe low bidder has no absolute right to the contract. The statute implies the exercise of discretion in letting the contract. An administrative rule will not be interpreted to prevent the exercise of that discretion. Envirologix Corp. v. City of Waukesha, 192 Wis. 2d 277, 531 N.W.2d 357 (Ct. App. 1995).
62.15 AnnotationAcceptance of a late bid is not precluded by this section and is within a city’s discretionary powers. Power Systems Analysis, Inc. v. City of Bloomer, 197 Wis. 2d 817, 541 N.W.2d 214 (Ct. App. 1995), 95-0458.
62.15 AnnotationMunicipal competitive bidding statutes do not apply to projects undertaken by intergovernmental agreement or when the municipalities that will perform the work have made a determination under sub. (1) to do the work themselves with their own employees. OAG 5-09.
62.15 AnnotationMunicipal Corporations: Recovery for Value of Services Furnished Without Compliance with Statutory Bidding Requirements. Redmond. 55 MLR 397 (1972).
62.15562.155Acquisition of facilities without bids. A city may contract for the acquisition of any element of the following without submitting the contract for bids as required under s. 62.15 if the city invites developers to submit proposals to provide a completed project and evaluates proposals according to site, cost, design and the developers’ experience in other similar projects:
62.155(1)(1)A recycling or resource recovery facility.
62.155(2)(2)If the city contains an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone that is designated under s. 238.396 (1m):
62.155(2)(a)(a) Water and sewer systems.
62.155(2)(b)(b) Wastewater treatment facilities.
62.155 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 425; 2017 a. 58.
62.1662.16Street grades; service pipes.
62.16(1)(a)(a) Establishment; damage. The council shall have authority to establish the grade of all streets and alleys in the city, and to change and reestablish the same as it deems expedient. Whenever it changes or alters the permanently established grade of any street any person thereby sustaining damages to that person’s property on the affected street may have such damages set off against any special assessment levied against the person’s property for any public improvement made in conjunction with such grade change or may maintain an action to recover such damages.
62.16(1)(b)(b) Record. The grade of all streets shall be established and described, and the adoption of such grades and all alterations thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk. No street shall be worked until the grade thereof is established and recorded in the manner herein set forth.
62.16(2)(2)Service pipe.
62.16(2)(a)(a) Expense. Whenever the council, department of transportation, or county board shall declare its intention to improve any street in which water, gas, or heat mains and sewers, or any of them, shall have been previously laid or are to be laid the council shall also by resolution require water, heat, sewer and gas service pipes to be first laid in such street, at the cost of the property fronting therein, except as herein provided, from the sewer, water, heat and gas mains in such street to the curb line on either or both sides thereof, at such intervals as the council shall direct along that part of said street to be improved, except at street and alley crossings. Such work may be done by contract or by the city directly without the intervention of a contractor, under the supervision of the board of public works, or in the case of service pipes of a municipal owned utility under the supervision of the board or officers charged with the management of such utility. The board or officers under whose supervision such service pipes shall be laid shall keep an accurate account of the expenses of putting in the same in front of each lot or parcel of land, whether the work be done by contract or otherwise, and report the same to the comptroller who shall annually prepare a statement of the expenses so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land, and report the same to the city clerk, and the amount therein charged to each lot or parcel of land shall be by such clerk entered in the tax roll as a special tax against said lot or parcel of land, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other taxes upon real estate.
62.16(2)(b)(b) Public service corporation. Whenever the council, department of transportation or county board shall declare its intention to improve any street in which water or gas mains of any privately owned public utility shall have been previously laid or are about to be laid the council shall by resolution require, subject to review as provided in s. 196.58, water and gas service pipes to be first laid in such street, at the cost of such utility, unless the franchise of such utility otherwise provides as to the cost, from the main to the curb line on each side thereof, at such intervals as the council shall direct, along that part of said street so to be improved, except at street or alley crossings, and may, subject to such review, fix a reasonable time within which such work shall be done by the utility. Notice of such requirement shall thereupon be given to such utility by delivering a copy thereof to the superintendent, or agent in charge thereof, requiring such utility to do such work opposite the lots indicated according to plans and specifications, to be theretofore prepared and filed in the office of the city clerk, showing the location and size and the kind and quality of material of such water and gas service pipes; and if such utility shall refuse or neglect to do the same before the expiration of the time fixed for the improvement of said street so ordered the board of public works may procure the same to be done, in which event said board shall keep accurate account of the expense of constructing such gas or water service pipes, as the case may be, and report the same to the city clerk who shall annually enter in the tax roll as special taxes against such utilities, the total of the amounts so certified to the clerk for such charges, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other city taxes against said utilities, and the city shall have a legal and valid claim for the amount of such special taxes against such utilities. No application for such review shall be effective unless the same be made and notice thereof filed in the office of the clerk of the city making such requirement within 30 days after service of the notice of such requirement as above provided; and on such review the public service commission shall make such order as to extension of time for the doing of such work and as to all other conditions affecting such requirement as the commission shall deem reasonable or expedient.
62.16(2)(c)(c) When laid. No street shall be improved by order of the council, department of transportation or county board unless the water, heat and gas mains and service pipes and necessary sewers and their connections shall, as required under this subsection be first laid and constructed in that portion of such street so to be improved.
62.16(2)(d)(d) Application to towns and villages. This subsection applies to towns and villages and when applied to towns and villages:
62.16(2)(d)1.1. “City” means town or village.
62.16(2)(d)2.2. “Comptroller” means clerk.
62.16(2)(d)3.3. “Council” means town board or village board.
62.16 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (8) (c); 1983 a. 532; 1991 a. 316.
62.16 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See s. 840.11, requiring an applicant for a change in streets to file a notice of pendency of the application.
62.1762.17Enforcement of building codes. For the purpose of facilitating enforcement of municipal and state building, plumbing, electrical and other such codes, ordinances or statutes established for the protection of the health and safety of the occupants of buildings referred to elsewhere in this section as “building codes”, any municipality may adopt an ordinance with any of the following provisions:
62.17(1)(1)Requiring the owner of real estate subject to any building code to record with the register of deeds a current listing of the owner’s address and the name and address of any person empowered to receive service of process for the owner. Any changes of names or address in the recording shall be reported within 10 days of the change. This subsection does not apply to owner-occupied one- and 2-family dwellings.
62.17(2)(2)Establishing as sufficient notice to an owner that a building inspector or agency entrusted with the enforcement of the building code has found a violation of any applicable building code, if the building inspector or agency, after making an unsuccessful attempt of personal service during daytime hours at the latest address recorded with the register of deeds as that of the owner or agent of the owner, sends the notice by certified mail to the address noted and in addition posts a copy of the notice in a conspicuous place in or about the building where the violation exists. If the owner has not recorded under sub. (1) with the register of deeds a current address or name and address of a person empowered to receive service of process, then posting of a notice of violation on the premises and certified mailing of the notice to the last-known address of the owner as well as to the address of the premises in violation is sufficient notice to the owner that a violation has been found.
62.17(3)(3)That when notice of a violation of the building code which is found by a building inspector or agency entrusted with the enforcement of the building code is made according to sub. (2), such notice shall be effective notice to anyone having an interest in the premises, whether recorded or not, at the time of the giving of such notice; and shall be effective against any subsequent owner of the premises as long as the violation remains uncorrected and there exists a copy of the notice of violation in a public file maintained by the local agency charged with enforcement of the building codes.
62.17(4)(4)Requiring an owner to give notice to any prospective purchaser that a notice has been issued concerning a building violation, where the condition giving rise to the notice of violation has not been corrected; providing for a fine not exceeding $500 for failure to so notify; and granting the purchaser who has not received the required notice the right to make any repairs necessary to bring the property up to the requirements of the local building code and to recover the reasonable cost of those repairs from the seller.
62.17 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 354; 1993 a. 301.
62.17562.175Sewer and water extensions in 1st and 2nd class cities; sewage from other municipalities.
62.175(1)(1)First class cities may construct and extend the sewer and water system into the adjoining towns, subject to s. 200.63. The extensions shall be made without expense to the cities. The rates to be charged for water to consumers beyond the corporate limits of the city shall be fixed by the common council of the city upon the recommendation of the city’s board of public works.
62.175(2)(2)If any 1st or 2nd class city has begun to plan, construct and establish, or has completed the planning, construction and establishment of, a sewage system and a sewage disposal works, any town, village or other city located in the same county where the 1st or 2nd class city is located and whose purified or unpurified sewage flows directly or indirectly into any lake which is the source of the water system of the 1st or 2nd class city shall, before constructing any sewers or sewerage system or extensions of any existing sewers or sewerage system for the purposes of connection with the sewers, sewerage system and sewage disposal works of the 1st or 2nd class city, secure the written approval of the plans by the sewerage commission, or other board or body or official having charge and control of the planning, construction, establishment, operation and maintenance of the sewage disposal system of the 1st or 2nd class city. The sewerage commission, or other board, body or official of the 1st or 2nd class city, may approve the plans or approve them subject to recommended changes or substitutions in order that if the sewers or sewerage system, or extensions thereof, of any of the towns, villages or cities are connected with the sewers, sewerage system and sewage disposal works of the 1st or 2nd class city, the sewers or sewerage system, or extensions thereof, will conform with the plan of the sewers, sewerage system and sewage disposal works of the 1st or 2nd class city. If the town, village or city constructs in accordance with the approved plans, the town, village or city may connect its sewers, sewerage system or extensions thereof with the sewers, sewerage system and sewage disposal works of the 1st or 2nd class city, as specified in writing by the sewerage commission, or other board, body or official having charge and control of the sewage disposal system of the 1st or 2nd class city. Except as otherwise provided by statute, a 2nd class city may charge compensation as provided under sub. (3), for the use of its sewers, sewerage system and sewage disposal works for the transmission of the sewage of the towns, villages or cities.
62.175(3)(3)Immediately after each January 1, the sewerage commission, or other board, body or official, having charge and control of the sewage disposal system of the 2nd class city furnishing service under sub. (2), shall determine a reasonable compensation to charge the towns, villages or cities for the service furnished for the preceding year and report the same to the city clerk of the 2nd class city. On or before August 1, the city clerk shall certify the report to the clerk of the town, village or city which received the service. The clerk of the town, village or city shall extend a sufficient amount opposite each valuation on the tax roll of the town, village or city to realize the amount certified in the report. The tax shall be collected as other local taxes are collected and paid over to the treasurer of the 2nd class city which furnished the service.
62.175 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 281 ss. 3m, 14, 15; 1981 c. 391; 1993 a. 213; 1995 a. 378; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
62.18(1)(1)Cities may construct. Cities shall have power to construct systems of sewerage, including a sewage disposal plant and all other appurtenances thereto, to make additions, alterations and repairs to such systems and plants, and when necessary abandon any existing system and build a new system, and to provide for the payment of the same by the city, by sewerage districts or by abutting property owners or by any combination of these methods. Whenever the council shall determine to lay sewers or provide sewerage in any portion of the city it shall so order by resolution which shall describe with reasonable particularity the district to be sewered. Whenever the territory of any city of this state shall be adjacent to or border on the territory of any other state, such city shall have power to build or construct a sewage disposal plant in such adjacent state, either alone for its sole use or jointly with some city or municipality in such adjacent state for their joint use on terms to be agreed upon by such municipalities. And if either city or municipality shall build or construct a sewage disposal plant, the city in this state may contract with the other city or municipality for its joint use on terms to be agreed upon.
62.18(13)(13)Sewers, where laid. Any contractor or other person acting under the direction of the board of public works may lay sewers in and through any alleys and streets, and through any breakwater into any lake and also in any highways of the county, whether within the limits of said city or not; such contractor shall repair such streets, alleys, breakwaters and highways and restore the same to their former condition upon the completion of such sewers.
62.18(16)(16)Special sewer district tax.
62.18(16)(a)(a) Any city may levy a special tax for the extension or improvement of the sewer system of its sewer district.
62.18(16)(b)1.1. In this paragraph:
62.18(16)(b)1.a.a. “Company” has the meaning given in s. 76.02.
62.18(16)(b)1.b.b. “Operating real property” does not include poles, towers, wires, equipment, mains, lines, tracks and other service structures located within the limits of public highways or constructed and maintained on private rights-of-way, and conduits, cables, devices, equipment and other facilities located upon or in the operating real property.
62.18(16)(b)2.2. The tax under par. (a) is declared to be a special tax for local improvement, as defined in s. 76.23. When any company owns operating real property within a sewer district described in par. (a), the assessor in the sewer district shall determine the value of the operating real property of all companies located within the district. The value of the operating real property shall be determined on the same basis as is the value of other real property subject to the special tax. The valuation of the operating real property shall be placed upon the tax roll for the purposes of the special tax only. The tax so assessed to the companies owning operating real property within the district shall be collected as other special sewer district taxes of the district are collected.
62.18 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 29; 1993 a. 490; 1995 a. 225.
62.18562.185Sewer district bonds. Whenever a city is divided into sewer districts, bonds may be issued against any such district for the purpose of paying the district’s portion of any sewer. Said bonds shall be issued in the manner authorized and provided by ch. 67. Such bonds shall not be a general city obligation but shall be payable both as to principal and interest, solely out of the special sewer district tax provided by s. 62.18 (16). Any bonds heretofore authorized to be issued in accordance with this section shall be legal, valid and binding, to the same extent as if such district, at the time of authorizing such bonds, had the power to issue the same.
62.1962.19Water and heat pipe extensions. The expense of laying water and heat mains which are extensions to mains of a private utility under written contract with a city to lay or extend mains on order of the council, shall be defrayed by the city at large, or by the abutting property as the council determines.
62.2262.22Acquiring property; opening or changing streets.
62.22(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the governing body of any city may by gift, purchase or condemnation acquire property, real or personal, within or outside the city, for parks, recreation, water systems, sewage or waste disposal, airports or approaches thereto, cemeteries, vehicle parking areas, and for any other public purpose; may acquire real property within or contiguous to the city, by means other than condemnation, for industrial sites; may improve and beautify the same; may construct, own, lease and maintain buildings on such property for public purposes; and may sell and convey such property. The power of condemnation for any such purpose shall be as provided by ch. 32.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)