LC Information Memos

  • 2024
    • IM-2024-16 — State and Federal Gas Taxation and Regulation
    • IM-2024-15 — Child Abuse and Neglect Reports: Confidentiality, Public Disclosure, and Legislative Oversight
    • IM-2024-14 — Private, Special, and Local Laws: Constitutional Restrictions
    • IM-2024-13 — Wisconsin's Right to Farm Law
    • IM-2024-12 — Eviction of a Residential Tenant
    • IM-2024-11 — The University of Wisconsin System
    • IM-2024-10 — Local Governmental Immunity in Wisconsin
    • IM-2024-09 — Administrative Rulemaking
    • IM-2024-08 — Registration as a Sex Offender
    • IM-2024-07 — Required K-12 Student Assessments
    • IM-2024-06 — Personal Identity Theft in Wisconsin
    • IM-2024-05 — Brewers and Brewpubs in Wisconsin
    • IM-2024-04 — Beer and Liquor Wholesalers
    • IM-2024-03 — Specific Conviction or Arrest Records Considered in Occupational Licensing
    • IM-2024-02 — Consideration of Conviction or Arrest Record in Occupational Licensing
    • IM-2024-01 — Regulation of Solar Generation Facilities
  • 2023
    • IM-2023-08 — Changes to the Regulation of Alcohol Beverages Under 2023 Wisconsin Act 73
    • IM-2023-07 — Federal Jurisdiction Over Wetlands: Recent Developments and Their Impact in Wisconsin
    • IM-2023-06 — Solar Energy and Farmland Preservation
    • IM-2023-05 — Payday Loans in Wisconsin
    • IM-2023-03 — Juveniles in Adult Criminal Court
    • IM-2023-02 — Regulation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
  • 2022
    • IM-2022-04 — Firearm Regulation in Wisconsin
    • IM-2022-02 — CHIPS: Children in Need of Protection or Services
    • IM-2022-01 — Overview of Wisconsin Municipal Boundary Law
  • 2021
    • IM-2021-12 — Overview of State and Federal Special Education Laws
    • IM-2021-11 — Title IX: Federal Protection Against Sex Discrimination in Education
    • IM-2021-07 — Sex Offender Restrictions and Requirements
    • IM-2021-06 — Overview of Alcohol Beverages Regulations
    • IM-2021-05 — Economic Development Tax Credit Programs
    • IM-2021-04 — Civil and Criminal Penalties for Invasions of Privacy
    • IM-2021-03 — Adoption in Wisconsin
    • IM-2021-02 — Visitation by Grandparents and Other Third Parties
    • IM-2021-01 — State Taxes and Revenue
  • 2020
    • IM-2020-21 — Financial Institutions and Services
    • IM-2020-20 — Protections for Preexisting Conditions
    • IM-2020-19 — The Public Records Law
    • IM-2020-18 — The Open Meetings Law
    • IM-2020-17 — The Budget Process
    • IM-2020-16 — Financial Aid for Higher Education
    • IM-2020-15 — Wisconsin Technical College System
    • IM-2020-13 — Legislative Process, Resources, and Terms
    • IM-2020-12 — Governor's Partial Veto Authority
    • IM-2020-09 — No-Knock Search Warrants
    • IM-2020-08 — Law Enforcement Use of Force
    • IM-2020-06 — Table of Executive and Emergency Orders Related to COVID-19
    • IM-2020-05 — COVID-19 Legislation: 2019 Wisconsin Act 185
    • IM-2020-04 — “Marsy’s Law”: the Proposed Crime Victims’ Rights Constitutional Amendment
  • 2019
  • 2018
    • IM-2018-14 — Wisconsin Shoreland Zoning Laws
    • IM-2018-13 — Animal Mistreatment Laws
    • IM-2018-12 — Administration of Elections: Elections Commission and Local Governments
    • IM-2018-11 — Post-Election: Canvass and Recount
    • IM-2018-10 — Voting at a Polling Place or by Absentee Ballot
    • IM-2018-09 — Voter Registration
    • IM-2018-07 — Voter Qualifications and Residence
    • IM-2018-06 — Regularly Scheduled, Special, and Recall Elections
    • IM-2018-04 — Foodshare Work Requirements
    • IM-2018-03 — Occupational Licensing Through the Department of Safety and Professional Services
  • 2017
    • IM-2017-05 — "Foxconn Legislation": August 2017 Special Session Assembly Bill 1
    • IM-2017-04 — Law of Adverse Possession
    • IM-2017-03 — Civil Immunity Under Wisconsin's Good Samaritan Laws
    • IM-2017-02 — Procedure to Amend the U.S. Constitution
    • IM-2017-01 — Overview of Wisconsin's Public Utility Regulatory System
  • 2016
    • IM-2016-10 — Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Permits for Large Livestock Facilities
    • IM-2016-04 — Law of Sovereign Immunity
    • IM-2016-03 — 2015-17 Revisions to Municipal Room Tax
  • 2015
    • IM-2015-13 — 2015-17 Biennial Budget Revisions to Municipal Room Tax
    • IM-2015-10 — Wisconsin's Prohibition on Logrolling
    • IM-2015-04 — Wisconsin's "Right-to-Work" Law
  • 2014
    • IM-2014-06 — Eminent Domain: Statutory Authority and Procedures
    • IM-2014-03 — Removal of Elected Officials: Recall, Impeachment, Expulsion, and Removal
  • 2013
    • IM-2013-14 — New Law Relating to Local Regulation of Cell Phone Transmission Towers
    • IM-2013-13 — Wisconsin Laws Relating to Identity Theft
    • IM-2013-09 — Law Enforcement in Indian Country: Sovereignty and Jurisdiction
    • IM-2013-08 — The Indian Child Welfare Act
    • IM-2013-04 — Regulation of Sand Mining in Wisconsin