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majority leader _ assembly Majority leader — Assembly
Foti, Steven M.: elected - A 8
Ladwig, Bonnie L.: elected assistant majority leader - A 8
majority leader _ senate Majority leader — Senate
Chvala, Chuck: elected - S 2
Removed - S 808
Decker, Russ: elected co-leader - S 808
Moen, Rodney C.: elected assistant majority leader - S 2
Risser, Fred: elected co-leader - S 808
minority leader _ assembly Minority leader — Assembly
Black, Spencer: elected - A 215
Black, Spencer: elected assistant minority leader - A 8
Resigned - A 215
Kreuser, James: elected assistant minority leader - A 215
Krug, Shirley: elected - A 8
Replaced - A 215
minority leader _ senate Minority leader — Senate
Erpenbach, Jon: elected [2003-04 session] - S 833
Farrow, Margaret A.: elected assistant minority leader - S 2
Resigned - S 194
Hansen, Dave: elected assistant minority leader [2003-04 session] - S 833
Lasee, Alan: elected assistant minority leader - S 194
Panzer, Mary E.: elected - S 2
pardons Pardons
Ellis, Earl - S 837
Foreman, Aaron - S 489
Gonsalves, John - S 489
Gordon, Tonya - S 837
Goss, Ralph - S 490
Grosskreuz, William - S 489
Harder, Thomas - S 490
Helling, Carl - S 837
Holt, Richard - S 837
Karlen, Paul - S 489
Kelly, Gregory - S 490
Kososki, Jerome - S 490
Krings, David - S 489
Lasee, Jake - S 490
Manthey, William - S 490
Morgan, Bryan - S 490
Oestrike, Paul - S 490
Rucker, Kenneth - S 489
Ruffalo, Brian - S 837
Schmidt, Gregory - S 490
Taylor, Stephanie - S 489
Thomas, Raymond - S 490
Tracy, Duane, Sr. - S 490
Weyer, Allan - S 490
president of the senate President of the Senate
Risser, Fred A.: elected - S 2
president pro tem of the senate President pro tem of the Senate
George, Gary R.: elected - S 2
reports to the legislature Reports to the Legislature
administration, department of Administration, Department of
Comprehensive annual financial report - S 31
Environmental improvement fund biennial finance plan - A 152, 398, 935
Environmental improvement fund biennial finance plan - S 131, 378, 805
Federal-state cooperation - A 116, 381, 554, 863, 919
Federal-state cooperation - S 100, 279, 475, 728, 782
Fund condition and operations (budgetary basis) - A 433, 938
Fund condition and operations (budgetary basis) - S 411, 808
Gaming, Division of: quarterly report - A 103, 271, 374, 555, 836, 841, 924, 937
Gaming, Division of: quarterly report - S 77, 91, 210, 272, 475, 688, 697, 788, 811
Gasohol and alternative fuel use report - A 208, 840; S 166, 697
Justice information systems, Bureau of: annual report - A 166; S 134
Lapse funding re vacant positions - S 475
Master tobacco settlement agreement: study re selling and transferring Wisconsin's rights to revenues - A 141; S 117
Minority business report - A 825; S 131, 684
Public benefits programs annual report - A 935; S 808, 811
Temporary reallocation of balances - A 66, 109, 175, 232, 257, 369, 382, 403, 452, 632, 673, 808, 841, 864, 882, 916, 927, 932, 936, 937
Temporary reallocation of balances - S 13, 60, 91, 138, 200, 364, 388, 411, 566, 652, 697, 735, 761, 777, 797, 809, 823
Wastewater treatment plants: public-private partnerships to operate
 - A 152; S 131
Wisconsin land council and Wisconsin land information board report per s. 16.023 (2), Wis.Stats, and 1997 Act 27, sec. 9101 (11m) - A 931; S 798
agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, Department of
Bottled drinking water report - A 565; S 482
Lake sturgeon: background information and regulatory options - A 18
building commission Building commission
Report pursuant to s. 13.48 (2) (e), Wis.Stats, re progress on authorized projects - A 184; S 142
Claims board, for listing of claims, see journal subject: Claims board
commerce, department of Commerce, Department of
Evaluate the operation of s. 101.143 (4) (cm), Wis.Stats [re PECFA]
 - A 768; S 649
Report under s. 1.11 (2) (j), Wis.Stats, re impact statements - A 374, 915
Report under s. 1.11 (2) (j), Wis.Stats, re impact statements - S 268, 775
Controlled substances board, see Regulation and licensing, Department of
corrections, department of Corrections, Department of
Alternatives to incarceration for repeat drunk driving - A 409; S 384
Correctional enterprises, Bureau of: annual report - A 659