
Born Madison, March 28, 1969; married; 4 sons. Graduate Madison East H.S. 1987; B.A. UW-Madison 1991. Small business owner. Member: Wis. League of Conservation Voters; Sierra Club; Democratic Party; Wis. Business Alliance; Emerge Wis.; NARAL Pro-Choice Wis.; Make Room for Youth; Friends of Cherokee Marsh. Former member: Midwest Shiba Inu Dog Rescue (pres.); Gompers PTO (pres.). Dane Co. Bd. of Supervisors 2010-present.

Elected to Assembly 2012.

2013 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2013 Co-authored Proposals

2013 Cosponsored Proposals

2013 Authored Amendments

2013 Votes