
Born Duluth, MN, April 15, 1974; married; 3 children. Graduate Superior Senior H.S. 1992; B.S. UW-Superior 1998; attended UW-Eau Claire 1999-2000. Full-time legislator. Former fisheries biologist. Served in U.S. Navy 1992-94, U.S. Naval Reserve 1994-2000; deployed to Persian Gulf during Operation Southern Watch. Member: Exec. Bd. of the Great Lakes Caucus of the Council of State Governments; Wisconsin Chapter of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (co-chp.); Natl. Conf. of Environmental Legislators; Douglas Co. Democratic Party (former secy.). Former member: Lake Superior Bi-national Forum; St. Louis River Watershed TMDL Partnership (bd. of dir.); Am. Fisheries Soc.; Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council (policy bd. mbr.); Head of the Lakes Fair (bd. of dir.). Superior City Council 2005-09.

Elected to Assembly 2008; reelected since 2010.

2015 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2015 Co-authored Proposals

2015 Cosponsored Proposals

2015 Authored Amendments

2015 Votes