
Born January 13, 1968, Los Angeles, CA; married; 2 children. Graduate Birmingham H.S. (Van Nuys, CA) 1986; B.A. U. of Pennsylvania 1990; J.D. U. of Wisconsin Law School 1995. Full-time legislator. Former public policy director, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and practicing attorney. Member: State Bar of Wisconsin; Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin; Planned Parenthood Federation; Sierra Club; Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Former member: Public Interest Law Bd. (legislative subcom. chair).

Elected to Assembly in August 2011 special election; reelected since 2012.

2015 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2015 Co-authored Proposals

2015 Cosponsored Proposals

2015 Authored Amendments

2015 Votes