Born January 13, 1968, Los Angeles, CA; married; 2 children. Graduate Birmingham H.S. (Van Nuys, CA) 1986; B.A. U. of Pennsylvania 1990; J.D. U. of Wisconsin Law School 1995. Full-time legislator. Former public policy director, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and practicing attorney. Member: State Bar of Wisconsin; Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters; Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin; Planned Parenthood Federation; Sierra Club; Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Former member: Public Interest Law Bd. (legislative subcom. chair).
Elected to Assembly in August 2011 special election; reelected since 2012.
(first or second author, first sponsor)
3/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 121
Relating to: proclaiming February 21, 2016, to February 27, 2016, as Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Wisconsin.
3/10/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 120
Relating to: participation in the legislative and electoral process, the right to vote, the right to an impartial judiciary, the right to privacy, the right to a quality education, the right to health care, the right to access public records, the right to a fair wage, the right to equal pay for equal work, voting rights, uniform voting procedures, mandatory recounting of ballots, the procedure for legislative redistricting and congressional reapportionment, the establishment of a state Governmental Accountability Board, administration of election laws, ethics laws, and lobbying laws, public access to the capitol, public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including the legislature, petition and referendum by the people to reject acts of the legislature, public funding of supreme court election campaigns, graduated and progressive taxation of individuals, the right to a clean, healthy environment, safe drinking water, and clean air, establishment of a board and a department of natural resources, independence and authority of the superintendent of public instruction, public funds supporting sectarian schools, treatment of corporations as natural persons, and the right of workers to organize and collectively bargain (first consideration).
3/10/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 988
Relating to: body cameras on law enforcement officers and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
3/10/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 989
Relating to: requiring insurance coverage of the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. (FE)
3/10/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 987
Relating to: voter identification informational campaign and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/10/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 789
Relating to: medical use of marijuana, the regulation of marijuana distribution entities, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/26/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 957
Relating to: testing for lead in homes of certain children and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 954
Relating to: investigations of officer-involved deaths.
2/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 953
Relating to: prosecution decisions following deaths involving law enforcement officers. (FE)
2/23/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 766
Relating to: body cameras on law enforcement officers and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
2/23/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 946
Relating to: persons authorized to officiate at a marriage.
2/17/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 745
Relating to: the Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 919
Relating to: requiring the Department of Justice to provide information to the Joint Committee on Finance relating to civil litigation.
2/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 914
Relating to: creating an assembly task force on women's access to affordable reproductive health care services.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 105
Relating to: proclaiming May 3, 2016, as National Teacher Appreciation Day in Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 900
Relating to: collective bargaining for public employees, prohibiting employees other than public safety employees from bargaining collectively on insurance contributions and employee required contributions to retirement, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 880
Relating to: medically accurate information, conscientious beliefs of reproductive health care providers, health care provider liability insurance, eliminating certain abortion requirements, prohibiting employment retribution and discrimination, actions against a person seeking or providing health care, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 879
Relating to: prohibiting consideration of the conviction record of an applicant for employment before the applicant has been selected for an interview.
2/3/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 850
Relating to: the appointment of the student members of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 675
Relating to: prohibiting consideration of the conviction record of an applicant for employment before the applicant has been selected for an interview.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 666
Relating to: collective bargaining for public employees, prohibiting employees other than public safety employees from bargaining collectively on insurance contributions and employee required contributions to retirement, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
1/27/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 653
Relating to: medically accurate information, conscientious beliefs of reproductive health care providers, health care provider liability insurance, eliminating certain abortion requirements, prohibiting employment retribution and discrimination, actions against a person seeking or providing health care, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 85
Relating to: fiscal estimate requirements for bills containing penalty provisions.
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 101
Relating to: fiscal estimate requirements for bills containing penalty provisions.
1/12/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 21
Relating to: requiring the appointment of an assembly taskforce on women's access to affordable reproductive health care services.
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 673
Relating to: creating a program to protect the confidentiality of addresses for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 76
Relating to: proclaiming January 2016 as Cervical Health Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
12/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 607
Relating to: payments to child care providers, preventing fraud in the child care subsidy program, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 588
Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 594
Relating to: retaliation against a public employee by the governor or a legislator and providing a criminal penalty.
11/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 502
Relating to: regulation of liquid nicotine packaging, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 485
Relating to: going armed with a dangerous weapon at a college or university and providing a criminal penalty.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 365
Relating to: going armed with a dangerous weapon at a college or university and providing a criminal penalty.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 464
Relating to: attempts to influence action upon model or similar proposed legislation, reporting by certain persons providing or state public officials receiving certain things of value, and providing a criminal penalty.
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 400
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 354
Relating to: waiting period for purchase of handguns.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 350
Relating to: state payments for municipal services. (FE)
9/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 264
Relating to: waiting period for purchase of handguns.
9/21/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: the public's right to access governmental records (first consideration).
9/21/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 62
Relating to: the public's right to access governmental records (first consideration).
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 230
Relating to: requiring a municipal judge to be a licensed Wisconsin attorney.
5/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison men's basketball team on its 2014-15 basketball season, reaching the NCAA Final Four, and making it to the NCAA Championship Game.
5/1/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison men's basketball team on its outstanding 2014-15 basketball season and reaching the NCAA championship game.
4/15/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 27
Relating to: Wisconsin children's outdoor heritage.
2/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: an advisory referendum on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
2/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 6
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison men's basketball team on its 2013-14 basketball season and reaching the NCAA Final Four.
1/22/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 3
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Madison men's basketball team on its 2013-14 basketball season and reaching the NCAA Final Four.
4/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 32
Relating to: protecting open and transparent government in Wisconsin.
3/10/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 990
Relating to: the Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220). (FE)
3/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 976
Relating to: the sale and purchase of products containing ivory or rhinoceros horn and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
3/3/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 971
Relating to: state public officials paying debts to the state. (FE)
3/3/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 973
Relating to: classifying county jailers, detention officers, and correctional officers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (FE)
3/1/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 965
Relating to: legislative consideration of bills and committee activity.
2/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 117
Relating to: recognizing June 2016 as LGBT Pride Month.
2/26/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 959
Relating to: elimination of a provision that excepts spiritual treatment of a child in the law criminalizing physical abuse of a child and in the laws governing the practice of medicine or surgery, the investigation of child abuse or neglect, the administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody, and the election of Christian Science treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment. (FE)
2/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 952
Relating to: the requirement that a high school pupil successfully complete a civics exam as a condition for obtaining a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma.
2/24/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 949
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for feminine hygiene products. (FE)
2/23/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 943
Relating to: pilot program for school districts to employ special education job development specialists and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/23/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 945
Relating to: repeat offenses of possession of marijuana.
2/23/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 944
Relating to: expungement of nonfelony possession of marijuana offenses. (FE)
2/18/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 925
Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment on the basis of military service to pay compensatory and punitive damages. (FE)
2/18/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 929
Relating to: University of Wisconsin and technical college nonresident tuition exemptions. (FE)
2/18/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 933
Relating to: inclusion in the economic impact analysis for a proposed administrative rule an assessment of the impact that the proposed rule will have on public health and the environment. (FE)
2/18/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 30
Relating to: debate on the executive budget bill.
2/18/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 116
Relating to: requiring the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization to immediately appoint a committee to study and report on certain impacts of professional licensure requirements.
2/16/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 28
Relating to: service of Honorable Harold B. Jackson Jr.
2/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 920
Relating to: preferences for woman-owned businesses in state procurement. (FE)
2/12/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 112
Relating to: recognition of the importance of calling 811 prior to excavation and declaring April 2016 as Safe Digging Month.
2/12/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 912
Relating to: adjusting a school district's revenue limit for certain school safety expenditures. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 902
Relating to: the performance of highway improvement projects by a county and private construction projects by a political subdivision. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 904
Relating to: creation of a Wage Council to study and make recommendations concerning increases in the minimum wage and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 110
Relating to: proclaiming May 13, 14, and 15, 2016, Syttende Mai Weekend.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 25
Relating to: requiring the appointment of an assembly committee on water issues affecting Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 901
Relating to: aids to individuals and organizations related to the arts and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 888
Relating to: creation of the State of Wisconsin Next Generation Reserve Board and Wisconsin next generation reserve fund, authorizing the State of Wisconsin Investment Board to provide certain advice, services, and facilities to state agencies and others, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 891
Relating to: prohibiting partisan elective state officials from accepting contributions during budget deliberations.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 892
Relating to: storage of a firearm in residence if child is present and providing a criminal penalty.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 893
Relating to: storage of a firearm in a house in which a resident is prohibited from possessing a firearm and providing a criminal penalty.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 894
Relating to: containers or trigger locks provided at a firearm sale and providing a criminal penalty.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 887
Relating to: destroying public records and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 889
Relating to: sober living residences and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 890
Relating to: disclosing information about executive branch appointments.
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 897
Relating to: funding for Wisconsin grants for technical college and University of Wisconsin System students and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 886
Relating to: reports by recipients of loans, grants, or tax credits from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 895
Relating to: a requirement to report lost or stolen firearms and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 898
Relating to: faculty tenure and probationary appointments at University of Wisconsin System institutions and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 878
Relating to: creation of a grant program for teachers employed by sparsely populated school districts and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 881
Relating to: reimbursement of costs incurred by the county for a grand jury proceeding.
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 882
Relating to: requiring an employer to provide reasonable break time for an employee who is breast-feeding her child to express breast milk for the child. (FE)
2/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 883
Relating to: counting pupils enrolled in 4-year-old kindergarten. (FE)
2/5/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 107
Relating to: proclaiming February 2016 as Black History Month.
2/4/2016: 2015 Assembly Resolution 23
Relating to: creation of a task force on gun safety technology.
2/4/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 859
Relating to: reporting fraud against the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
2/4/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 862
Relating to: damages in personal injury claims involving asbestos trusts.
2/4/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 858
Relating to: contract requirements for the awarding of grants, loans, and tax credits by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. (FE)
2/3/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 849
Relating to: eliminating the preemption of firearm regulations.
2/3/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 852
Relating to: expanding eligibility for the earned income tax credit; hospital best practices for postpartum patients and newborns; hospital staff privileges and written agreements required for nurse-midwives; coverage of nurse-midwives under the injured patients and families compensation fund; a report on information related to hospital neonatal intensive care units; an electronic application and information system to determine eligibility and register for public assistance programs; directing the Department of Health Services to request a Medical Assistance waiver; evidence-based home visitation program services for persons who are at risk of poor birth outcomes or of abusing or neglecting their children; designating race and ethnicity on birth certificates; a report on fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; requiring informed consent for performance on pregnant women of certain elective procedures prior to the full gestational term of a fetus; cultural competency training for certain students enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System and the technical college system; granting rule-making authority; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
2/2/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 847
Relating to: designating bicycling as the state exercise.
2/2/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 844
Relating to: sales and use tax exemption for the sale of gun safes. (FE)
1/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 830
Relating to: training for newly hired correctional officers. (FE)
1/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 832
Relating to: pay adjustments for state correctional officers who take certain other civil service positions. (FE)
1/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 833
Relating to: reports of incidents between inmates and prison employees and between inmates.
1/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 834
Relating to: limiting overtime at the Department of Corrections.
1/29/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 831
Relating to: staff required to be on duty at prisons. (FE)
1/27/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 813
Relating to: collective bargaining over workplace safety for employees of the Department of Corrections.
1/27/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 816
Relating to: marriage between persons of the same sex and extending parentage rights to married couples of the same sex. (FE)
1/27/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 815
Relating to: the state share of funding for a federal program to provide tuition-free enrollment for certain technical college students and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/27/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 814
Relating to: shared governance at University of Wisconsin System institutions.
1/26/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 808
Relating to: prohibiting issuance of citations for alcohol beverages violations to certain underage persons in connection with sexual assault or certain other crimes and prohibiting certain disciplinary sanctions if the underage person is a student.
1/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 805
Relating to: electronic voter registration, verification of certain registrations, and proof of residence for voting in an election and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/25/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 803
Relating to: intoxicated operation of all-terrain vehicles, utility terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, motorboats, and motor vehicles, snowmobile safety instruction for persons under 16 years of age, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 784
Relating to: funding for the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/21/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 765
Relating to: collection of health care information.
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 763
Relating to: child care provider rates and ratings under Wisconsin Shares, funding for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: requiring the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization to immediately appoint a committee, to be known as the Commission on Debt-Free College, to study and report on the feasibility of providing a debt-free college education to all residents of this state.
1/20/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 100
Relating to: designating November as a month recognizing women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Wisconsin.
1/19/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 99
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 5, 2016, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
1/15/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 737
Relating to: the crime of child sex trafficking, the inclusion of child sex trafficking in the definition of child abuse, the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution or of child sex trafficking for purposes of a commercial sex act, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/13/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 692
Relating to: teen dating violence policies and education. (FE)
1/13/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 691
Relating to: requiring sexual abuse prevention education.
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 669
Relating to: providing fraudulent information to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
1/11/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 667
Relating to: model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. (FE)
1/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 663
Relating to: restitution owed to victims of crime.
1/8/2016: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 95
Relating to: the public service of Vicki R. Holten.
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 656
Relating to: eligibility for certain low-income energy assistance.
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 636
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 634
Relating to: regulating and monitoring airborne particulate matter and respirable silica and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 635
Relating to: monitoring industrial sand mining and processing operations and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/7/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 637
Relating to: control of nonpoint source water pollution in certain areas with carbonate bedrock and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/5/2016: 2015 Assembly Bill 633
Relating to: copies of certain vital records. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 617
Relating to: creating the Department of Economic Opportunity and the Economic Development Policy Board, requiring the creation of a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to be known as the Badger Innovation Corporation, providing for the elimination of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the transfer its functions to the Department of Economic Opportunity and the Badger Innovation Corporation, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 618
Relating to: requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to report suspensions and expulsions of pupils.
12/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 605
Relating to: campaign finance reporting by social welfare organizations; individual contribution limits to political parties and committees; political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperative associations; and labor organizations and the scope of regulated activity and reporting of certain activity under the campaign finance law.
12/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 91
Relating to: congratulating the city of Madison on achieving Platinum status as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.
12/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 90
Relating to: commending the Milwaukee Area Technical College for their dedicated commitment to students, their families, and the Milwaukee area community through their outstanding work in creating the MATC Promise program.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 89
Relating to: a panel of court of appeals judges in disciplinary proceedings involving a supreme court justice (first consideration).
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 589
Relating to: authority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to review a decision of a justice to deny a motion to disqualify the justice.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 586
Relating to: disqualification of a judge or justice.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 587
Relating to: equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 590
Relating to: notice of certain political contributions made to a judge or justice.
12/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 585
Relating to: an objective standard for the disqualification of a judge or justice.
12/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 570
Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing to pay compensatory and punitive damages. (FE)
12/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 569
Relating to: leave from employment for the purpose of serving as an organ donor. (FE)
12/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 86
Relating to: prohibiting official action on proposals that financially benefit a legislator's campaign organization (first consideration).
12/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 567
Relating to: using the Made in Wisconsin logotype and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 551
Relating to: district board membership for the Milwaukee Area Technical College. (FE)
12/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 552
Relating to: preparation and response required by railroad corporations in the event of discharge of transported materials and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 537
Relating to: forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 546
Relating to: creating a student loan reimbursement program for individuals who relocate to certain rural counties, authorizing non-rural counties to create a similar student loan reimbursement program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 548
Relating to: establishing a Wisconsin conservation corps program, authorizing a transfer of moneys appropriated to one or more state agencies, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 549
Relating to: the authority of physical therapists to order X-rays and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 545
Relating to: providing lifesaving skills instruction to pupils. (FE)
11/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 529
Relating to: creating an Office of Civil Service. (FE)
11/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 530
Relating to: establishment of a dietetic internship program and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 516
Relating to: the establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 512
Relating to: designating and marking a specified highway route in the counties of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, Dane, Iowa, Sauk, and Richland as the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 515
Relating to: recycling grants for local governments and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 494
Relating to: creating an additional refundable earned income tax credit for individuals and changing the eligibility for, and the percentages that may be claimed by eligible claimants under, the earned income tax credit. (FE)
11/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 496
Relating to: school bullying, unlawful use of computer systems, and providing a criminal penalty.
11/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 498
Relating to: claims for loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases. (FE)
11/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 499
Relating to: eliminating the requirement that the Natural Resources Board offer certain land for sale.
11/9/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 488
Relating to: requiring an evaluation by a local educational agency of whether a pupil with an extended absence from school is a child with a disability.
11/9/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 487
Relating to: animals believed to have been involved in crimes against animals, when a stray or abandoned animal may be considered unclaimed, and a court order relating to an animal taken into or held in custody. (FE)
11/9/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 491
Relating to: requiring vehicles to stop for pedestrians at certain intersections and crosswalks.
11/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 479
Relating to: the requirement that a classified service employee take a leave of absence to run for office. (FE)
11/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 482
Relating to: counting low-income pupils for state school aid purposes; calculating the amount to be appropriated for state general school aid; school aid factors; special adjustment aids; hold harmless aid; per pupil aid; school district revenue limits; the first dollar and school levy property tax credits; and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/3/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 474
Relating to: paid sick leave. (FE)
11/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: proclaiming November 2015 as diabetes awareness month.
10/30/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 471
Relating to: wild animal protection surcharges for game fish and a higher wild animal protection surcharge for certain animals of a larger size. (FE)
10/30/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 472
Relating to: prohibiting individuals from doing campaign work while working for other registrants.
10/28/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 80
Relating to: declaring November 13, 2015, "World Pancreatic Cancer Day" in the state of Wisconsin.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 17
Relating to: requiring the committee on assembly organization to immediately appoint a task force on the middle class.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 460
Relating to: resolution of claims against the state for wrongful imprisonment of innocent persons, exempting from taxation certain amounts an individual receives from the claims board or legislature, health benefits for wrongfully imprisoned persons, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 463
Relating to: the prosecution and venue for trial of certain offenses by certain state residents.
10/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 78
Relating to: Department of Veterans Affairs' 70 years of service to veterans.
10/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 436
Relating to: the regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities. (FE)
10/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 437
Relating to: creating an optional holiday for state employees to observe the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez. (FE)
10/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 442
Relating to: water quality management planning for Dane County. (FE)
10/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 435
Relating to: registration of vehicles defined as autocycles. (FE)
10/21/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 432
Relating to: revocation of operating privilege for certain offenses related to operating while intoxicated, operating after revocation, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 423
Relating to: accountability provisions for private schools participating in a parental choice program, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 73
Relating to: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
10/16/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 417
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
10/15/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 409
Relating to: the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 72
Relating to: congratulating the 2015 Stars of Life honorees.
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 71
Relating to: the life and service of Marty Beil.
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 70
Relating to: Proclaiming October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 395
Relating to: lethal violence protective temporary restraining orders and injunctions and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 401
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates associated with childhood cancer and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 394
Relating to: review of proposed changes to public employee group health insurance programs.
10/13/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 399
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit based on the federal tax credit for certain expenses for household and dependent care services. (FE)
10/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 391
Relating to: authorized activities of Class A beer retailers and of brewers.
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 383
Relating to: state aid payments to school districts. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 378
Relating to: the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a criminal law, a civil law, or a municipal ordinance and who has not been charged with certain violent offenses, and has not, after previously being convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent, been charged with a crime or alleged in a complaint or citation to have violated a civil law or municipal ordinance, is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 375
Relating to: the right to a trial by jury for a juvenile for whom the petitioner has reserved the right to recommend placement in the Serious Juvenile Offender Program or in a juvenile correctional facility beyond the age of majority. (FE)
10/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 379
Relating to: voter registration; proving residence for registration and voting purposes; reviewing certain expenditures of the Government Accountability Board by the Joint Committee on Finance; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/28/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 67
Relating to: Wisconsin Legislative Resolution to Restore Free and Fair Elections in the United States.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 363
Relating to: offenses related to operating a vehicle while intoxicated and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 358
Relating to: parking spaces reserved for persons with physical disabilities.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 348
Relating to: the statute of limitations for sexual contact with a child.
9/25/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 365
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 343
Relating to: issuance of motor vehicle operator's licenses and identification cards by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
9/21/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 342
Relating to: reporting travel expenses for elected state officials seeking national office and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 60
Relating to: proclaiming September 2015 as Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Awareness Month.
9/3/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 328
Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting. (FE)
9/3/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 329
Relating to: legislative consideration of nonfiscal policy items in the biennial budget bill.
9/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 323
Relating to: prohibiting certain mining and drilling activities that cause the destruction or filling in of a lake bed, reservoir, or flowage or that cause the withdrawal of water from a reservoir or flowage.
8/26/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 318
Relating to: deletion of the waiting period for collection of unemployment insurance benefits. (FE)
8/26/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 316
Relating to: allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote. (FE)
8/21/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 55
Relating to: providing for an advisory referendum on the question of adopting a nonpartisan system for redistricting.
8/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 309
Relating to: limiting the number of annual revocations of extended supervision and parole for violations that are not a crime. (FE)
8/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 304
Relating to: making companies that outsource jobs ineligible for state tax benefits, grants, and loans, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
8/6/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 299
Relating to: allowing a school board member to serve as a volunteer coach or extracurricular activity supervisor.
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 53
Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 293
Relating to: political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperative associations, and labor organizations and the scope of regulated activity and reporting of certain activity under the campaign finance law.
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 294
Relating to: increase funding for special education. (FE)
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 295
Relating to: increasing school district revenue limits. (FE)
7/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 291
Relating to: the color of clothing required to be worn during the season for hunting deer with firearms.
7/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: the life and public service of Anne Nicol Gaylor.
6/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 275
Relating to: increasing the rate paid to private attorneys for representing indigent clients. (FE)
6/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 50
Relating to: proclaiming Austrian-American Day.
6/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 276
Relating to: allowing district attorneys, deputy district attorneys, and assistant district attorneys to engage in the private practice of law for certain civil purposes.
6/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 272
Relating to: student loans, the individual income tax subtract modification for tuition and student fees, creating an authority to be known as the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: honoring Radio Station WCLO AM-1230 on its 85th birthday on August 1, 2015.
6/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 270
Relating to: providing training to school board staff in the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment program.
6/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 267
Relating to: the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution; and prohibiting prosecuting a person under the age of 18 with committing an act of prostitution. (FE)
6/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 265
Relating to: public financing of campaigns for the office of justice of the supreme court, making appropriations, and providing penalties. (FE)
6/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 264
Relating to: a state minimum wage, permitting the enactment of local living wage ordinances, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 260
Relating to: requiring racial impact statements for bills that create a new crime, modify an existing crime, or modify the penalty for an existing crime. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 261
Relating to: employment discrimination based on employment status. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 262
Relating to: authorizing limited residency requirements for a city operating under the city manager plan. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: recognizing June 2015 as LGBT Pride Month.
6/4/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 252
Relating to: statute of limitations for second-degree or third-degree sexual assault.
6/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: proclaiming August 6, 7, 8, and 9, 2015, Mile of Music Weekend.
6/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 43
Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Thomas Archer Lothian.
5/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 10
Relating to: designating May as Older Americans Month in Wisconsin.
5/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 245
Relating to: permitting a nutrition class to be an appropriate activity under the FoodShare employment and training program.
5/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 246
Relating to: possession of 25 grams or less of marijuana and distribution and delivery of marijuana. (FE)
5/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 244
Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for grocery stores in underserved areas and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
5/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 247
Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 229
Relating to: directing school boards to provide instruction about the recent history of the Hmong people.
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 221
Relating to: Medicaid expansion and eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core. (FE)
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 228
Relating to: definition of tetrahydrocannabinols.
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 231
Relating to: prohibiting abusive work environments and permitting a person who has been subjected to such an environment to bring a civil action.
5/19/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 234
Relating to: payments to schools under the School Breakfast Program. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 40
Relating to: commemorating the Bay View labor strike and tragedy.
5/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 215
Relating to: growing and processing industrial hemp, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 38
Relating to: the right to vote (first consideration).
5/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 211
Relating to: waiver for prescription drug assistance for elderly program, use of excess moneys in prescription drug assistance for elderly program, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 35
Relating to: designating May as Older Americans Month in Wisconsin.
5/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: honoring the life and contributions of former Secretary of Administration and Chairman of the BMO Harris Bradley Center, Marc Marotta.
5/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 31
Relating to: recognizing the achievements and outstanding service of Herzing University and the Herzing family.
4/22/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 179
Relating to: access to investigational drugs, devices, and biological products and limitations on liability related to their use.
4/14/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 7
Relating to: reaffirming the Wisconsin Assembly's unwavering commitment to protecting the civil rights of all Wisconsin residents.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 23
Relating to: remembrance of April 24, 2015, as the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 22
Relating to: declaring April 2015 Donate Life Month.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 21
Relating to: proclaiming Workers' Memorial Day.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 150
Relating to: listing frac sand mining as a conditional or prohibited use in certain types of zoning ordinances. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 151
Relating to: notice requirements for zoning actions related to frac sand mining. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 160
Relating to: wrongful discharge from employment. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 148
Relating to: requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to employ certain special education staff and to comply with certain provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 149
Relating to: county authority relating to exploration for a type of industrial sand. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 152
Relating to: disclosure of contracts for frac sand mining on neighboring properties.
4/8/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 155
Relating to: the Badger Health Benefit Authority, health benefit exchange operation, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 147
Relating to: battery and threats to a judge, a prosecutor, or a law enforcement officer and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
4/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 145
Relating to: grants to certain small businesses that receive federal grants. (FE)
4/1/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 146
Relating to: restrictions on the use of electronic devices used for inhaling or exhaling vapor or a vaporized solution.
3/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 141
Relating to: including orders pertaining to household pets in certain restraining orders and injunctions.
3/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 102
Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 105
Relating to: groundwater management, approval of high capacity wells, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/20/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 106
Relating to: policies regulating the use of electronic smoking devices on school district property.
3/18/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 101
Relating to: premium and cost-sharing assistance for health plans through the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
3/17/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 6
Relating to: celebrating Saint Patrick's Day on March 17, 2015.
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 89
Relating to: grants for farm to school programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 19
Relating to: recognizing the achievements and outstanding service of Herzing University and the Herzing family.
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 87
Relating to: state procurement of products and services from businesses located in this state and setting a goal for local government to purchase a certain percentage of products and services from businesses located in this state. (FE)
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 84
Relating to: creating a refundable earned income tax credit for individuals, repealing the changes made to the earned income tax credit in 2011 Wisconsin Act 32, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 85
Relating to: restoring indexing provisions to the homestead tax credit. (FE)
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 17
Relating to: requiring the committees on assembly and senate organization to immediately appoint a joint task force on clean and renewable energy.
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 69
Relating to: fraud in parental choice programs and providing a penalty.
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 70
Relating to: creation of a private retirement security plan and making appropriations. (FE)
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 72
Relating to: prohibiting the sale of powdered alcohol.
3/5/2015: 2015 Assembly Resolution 4
Relating to: recognizing, and apologizing to, the members of Wisconsin's public sector who came to protest Act 10.
3/3/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 67
Relating to: permitting certain individuals to make requests for medication for the purpose of ending their lives and providing penalties. (FE)
2/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 65
Relating to: newborn screening for certain lysosomal storage disorders. (FE)
2/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 66
Relating to: creating the Wisconsin Renewable Energy Development Authority to participate in and guarantee certain energy-related loans, implement other energy-related programs, and make certain grants and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/26/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: recognizing February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
2/24/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 62
Relating to: entrepreneurial tax credit access grants.
2/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 55
Relating to: shareholder objections to corporate political expenditures.
2/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 59
Relating to: creation of a category of business corporation identified as a benefit corporation.
2/23/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 60
Relating to: creation of a category of limited liability company identified as a low-profit limited liability company.
2/12/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 30
Relating to: continuing education program sponsors for chiropractors, chiropractic technicians, and chiropractic radiological technicians. (FE)
2/10/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 29
Relating to: limiting the authority of a law enforcement officer to arrest someone for sleeping or camping in a county park, authorizing local ordinances to prohibit overnight sleeping or camping in a county park, and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: congratulating Melvin Gordon III on his remarkable college football career with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Badgers.
2/2/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 20
Relating to: preference in state and local government contracts and procurement for materials manufactured in the United States. (FE)
1/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: honoring the service of all military working dogs.
1/29/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 18
Relating to: taste samples of intoxicating liquor provided on certain retail licensed premises.
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 16
Relating to: posters regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline. (FE)
1/27/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 12
Relating to: a state minimum wage, permitting the enactment of local living wage ordinances, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/7/2015: 2015 Assembly Bill 8
Relating to: invading an individual's privacy by viewing under or through clothing and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 771
Relating to: accepting absentee ballot applications in person on weekends.
3/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 785
Relating to: reporting fraud against the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
3/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 784
Relating to: the Special Transfer Program (Chapter 220). (FE)
2/23/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 111
Relating to: proclaiming April 17, 2016, to April 23, 2016, as National Environmental Education Week in Wisconsin.
2/23/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 112
Relating to: naming October 2016 as National Animal Safety and Protection Month in Wisconsin.
2/23/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 113
Relating to: proclaiming May 2016 as National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 737
Relating to: increasing funding for grants to provide skills enhancement services, modifying eligibility requirements for receiving services funded by those grants, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 106
Relating to: congratulating the National Park Service on its centennial and celebrating the recreation and conservation benefits to our state and nation.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 736
Relating to: funding for broadband expansion grants and making appropriations. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 723
Relating to: damages in personal injury claims involving asbestos trusts.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 727
Relating to: reporting the mistreatment of animals.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 730
Relating to: wages to be paid to substitute teachers. (FE)
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 726
Relating to: creation of an independent pardon council.
2/11/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 728
Relating to: the sale and purchase of products containing ivory or rhinoceros horn and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 96
Relating to: recognizing June 19, 2016, as Juneteenth Day in Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 97
Relating to: proclaiming December 1, 2016, World AIDS Day in Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 92
Relating to: proclaiming October 2016 National Bullying Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 93
Relating to: proclaiming June 27, 2016, as National HIV Testing Day in Wisconsin.
2/9/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 98
Relating to: proclaiming December 1, 2016, through December 7, 2016, as National Tolerance Week in Wisconsin.
2/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 700
Relating to: prohibiting sales or leases of municipal water or sewer utilities to investor-owned utilities.
2/3/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 705
Relating to: civil cause of action for financial exploitation. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 658
Relating to: the performance of highway improvement projects by a county and private construction projects by a political subdivision. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 665
Relating to: aids to individuals and organizations related to the arts and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 688
Relating to: eligibility for certain low-income energy assistance.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 89
Relating to: proclaiming May 13, 14, and 15, 2016, Syttende Mai Weekend.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 656
Relating to: prohibiting issuance of citations for alcohol beverages violations to certain underage persons in connection with sexual assault or certain other crimes and prohibiting certain disciplinary sanctions if the underage person is a student.
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 695
Relating to: adjusting a school district's revenue limit for certain school safety expenditures. (FE)
2/1/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 659
Relating to: disclosing information about executive branch appointments.
1/27/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 647
Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
1/27/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 648
Relating to: legislative consideration of nonfiscal policy items in the biennial budget bill.
1/27/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 649
Relating to: growing and processing industrial hemp, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/27/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 651
Relating to: reimbursement of costs incurred by the county for a grand jury proceeding.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 620
Relating to: electronic voter registration, verification of certain registrations, and proof of residence for voting in an election and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 621
Relating to: changes to the electronic waste recycling program and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 633
Relating to: creation of a grant program for teachers employed by sparsely populated school districts and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 635
Relating to: the appointment of the student members of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 637
Relating to: sales and use tax exemption for the sale of gun safes. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 608
Relating to: pay adjustments for state correctional officers who take certain other civil service positions. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 609
Relating to: reports of incidents between inmates and prison employees and between inmates.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 610
Relating to: limiting overtime at the Department of Corrections.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 83
Relating to: naming February 2016 as Children's Dental Health Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: proclaiming February 2016 as Black History Month.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 632
Relating to: establishing a Wisconsin conservation corps program, authorizing a transfer of moneys appropriated to one or more state agencies, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing exemptions from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 613
Relating to: staff required to be on duty at prisons. (FE)
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 625
Relating to: alternate sites for absentee voting in person.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 628
Relating to: collection of health care information.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 600
Relating to: designating bicycling as the state exercise.
1/22/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 607
Relating to: training for newly hired correctional officers. (FE)
1/19/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: designating November as a month recognizing women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Wisconsin.
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 5, 2016, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 573
Relating to: providing fraudulent information to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: model procedures for investigating reports of abuse or neglect involving children with disabilities. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 576
Relating to: monitoring industrial sand mining and processing operations and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 577
Relating to: regulating and monitoring airborne particulate matter and respirable silica and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/15/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 579
Relating to: collective bargaining over workplace safety for employees of the Department of Corrections.
1/8/2016: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 78
Relating to: requiring the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization to immediately appoint a committee, to be known as the Commission on Debt-Free College, to study and report on the feasibility of providing a debt-free college education to all residents of this state.
1/7/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 521
Relating to: forfeiture of property seized in relation to a crime. (FE)
1/6/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 507
Relating to: copies of certain vital records. (FE)
1/6/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 501
Relating to: requiring sexual abuse prevention education.
1/6/2016: 2015 Senate Bill 500
Relating to: restitution owed to victims of crime.
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 489
Relating to: inclusion of recovery from bone marrow or organ donation surgery as a serious health condition for which an employee may take leave from employment under the family and medical leave law and prohibiting certain insurance practices on the basis of a person being a living organ donor or bone marrow donor. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 483
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 488
Relating to: creating a program to protect the confidentiality of addresses for victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 469
Relating to: control of nonpoint source water pollution in certain areas with carbonate bedrock and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 473
Relating to: school bullying, unlawful use of computer systems, and providing a criminal penalty.
12/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 468
Relating to: creating the Department of Economic Opportunity and the Economic Development Policy Board, requiring the creation of a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to be known as the Badger Innovation Corporation, providing for the elimination of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and the transfer its functions to the Department of Economic Opportunity and the Badger Innovation Corporation, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
12/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 454
Relating to: the requirement that a classified service employee take a leave of absence to run for office. (FE)
12/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 450
Relating to: animals believed to have been involved in crimes against animals, when a stray or abandoned animal may be considered unclaimed, and a court order relating to an animal taken into or held in custody. (FE)
12/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 453
Relating to: the authority of physical therapists to order X-rays and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/7/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 439
Relating to: the creation of a Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 74
Relating to: prohibiting official action on proposals that financially benefit a legislator's campaign organization (first consideration).
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 425
Relating to: requiring an evaluation by a local educational agency of whether a pupil with an extended absence from school is a child with a disability.
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 427
Relating to: preparation and response required by railroad corporations in the event of discharge of transported materials and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 416
Relating to: creating a student loan reimbursement program for individuals who relocate to certain rural counties, authorizing non-rural counties to create a similar student loan reimbursement program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 424
Relating to: leave from employment for the purpose of serving as an organ donor. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 402
Relating to: establishment of a dietetic internship program and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 412
Relating to: providing lifesaving skills instruction to pupils. (FE)
12/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 415
Relating to: fraud in obtaining economic development benefits from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
11/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 397
Relating to: district board membership for the Milwaukee Area Technical College. (FE)
11/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 399
Relating to: prohibiting certain law enforcement practices or policies.
11/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 396
Relating to: waiver of University of Wisconsin System and technical college application fees and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 378
Relating to: claims for loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 384
Relating to: designating and marking a specified highway route in the counties of Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, Dane, Iowa, Sauk, and Richland as the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 385
Relating to: the establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to permit an employee to take family or medical leave; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/12/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 376
Relating to: counting low-income pupils for state school aid purposes; calculating the amount to be appropriated for state general school aid; school aid factors; special adjustment aids; hold harmless aid; per pupil aid; school district revenue limits; the first dollar and school levy property tax credits; and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/4/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 71
Relating to: Proclaiming November as Native American Heritage Month in Wisconsin.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 361
Relating to: prohibiting the use of certain trapping devices in state parks.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 364
Relating to: eliminating the requirement that the Natural Resources Board offer certain land for sale.
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 357
Relating to: overtime pay for law enforcement officers employed by amusement or recreational establishments and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
10/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 352
Relating to: paid sick leave. (FE)
10/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 348
Relating to: registration of vehicles defined as autocycles. (FE)
10/19/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 64
Relating to: Proclaiming October as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
10/19/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 342
Relating to: the exemption of bona fide administrative, executive, and professional employees from the overtime pay requirements of the wage and hours laws, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
10/15/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 62
Relating to: renewing Wisconsin's land ethic and reviving our heritage as a leader and pioneer in environmental policy and sustainability, with a focus on taking action to integrate solutions to carbon pollution and climate change into the activities and businesses of our fellow citizens.
10/15/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: congratulating the 2015 Stars of Life honorees.
10/15/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 340
Relating to: recycling grants for local governments and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 332
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 330
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 333
Relating to: fees charged for initial credentials administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and its attached boards. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 335
Relating to: revocation of operating privilege for certain offenses related to operating while intoxicated, operating after revocation, and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 60
Relating to: the life and service of Marty Beil.
10/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 322
Relating to: resolution of claims against the state for wrongful imprisonment of innocent persons, exempting from taxation certain amounts an individual receives from the claims board or legislature, health benefits for wrongfully imprisoned persons, and making appropriations. (FE)
10/13/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 312
Relating to: review of proposed changes to public employee group health insurance programs.
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 311
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit based on the federal tax credit for certain expenses for household and dependent care services. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 307
Relating to: standards and ordinances regulating shoreland zoning. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 299
Relating to: lethal violence protective temporary restraining orders and injunctions and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
10/9/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 300
Relating to: the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 280
Relating to: the age at which a person who is alleged to have violated a criminal law, a civil law, or a municipal ordinance and who has not been charged with certain violent offenses, and has not, after previously being convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquent, been charged with a crime or alleged in a complaint or citation to have violated a civil law or municipal ordinance, is subject to juvenile court jurisdiction. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 281
Relating to: voter registration; proving residence for registration and voting purposes; reviewing certain expenditures of the Government Accountability Board by the Joint Committee on Finance; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 283
Relating to: authorized activities of Class A beer retailers and of brewers.
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 56
Relating to: Wisconsin Legislative Resolution to Restore Free and Fair Elections in the United States.
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 57
Relating to: proclaiming September 2015 as Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Awareness Month.
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 273
Relating to: state payments for municipal services. (FE)
9/30/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 275
Relating to: parking spaces reserved for persons with physical disabilities.
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 270
Relating to: wrongful discharge from employment. (FE)
9/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 269
Relating to: duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. (FE)
9/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 262
Relating to: the statute of limitations for sexual contact with a child.
9/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 258
Relating to: issuance of motor vehicle operator's licenses and identification cards by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
9/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 245
Relating to: the return of federal funds to the federal government.
8/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 232
Relating to: state procurement of products and services from businesses located in this state and setting a goal for local government to purchase a certain percentage of products and services from businesses located in this state. (FE)
8/20/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: providing for an advisory referendum on the question of adopting a nonpartisan system for redistricting.
7/31/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
7/31/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 221
Relating to: definition of tetrahydrocannabinols.
7/28/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 220
Relating to: allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote. (FE)
7/28/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 217
Relating to: allowing a school board member to serve as a volunteer coach or extracurricular activity supervisor.
7/22/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 215
Relating to: increasing school district revenue limits. (FE)
7/22/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 216
Relating to: increase funding for special education. (FE)
7/16/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 211
Relating to: making companies that outsource jobs ineligible for state tax benefits, grants, and loans, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 43
Relating to: the life and public service of Anne Nicol Gaylor.
6/26/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 201
Relating to: political disbursements and obligations by corporations, cooperative associations, and labor organizations and the scope of regulated activity and reporting of certain activity under the campaign finance law.
6/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 200
Relating to: the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution; and prohibiting prosecuting a person under the age of 18 with committing an act of prostitution. (FE)
6/18/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 199
Relating to: possession of firearms by individuals who commit multiple or violent misdemeanor offenses and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
6/17/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 195
Relating to: authorizing limited residency requirements for a city operating under the city manager plan. (FE)
6/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 194
Relating to: student loans, the individual income tax subtract modification for tuition and student fees, creating an authority to be known as the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/5/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 41
Relating to: recognizing the nineteenth day of June, 2015, as Juneteenth Day.
6/2/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: recognizing June 2015 as LGBT Pride Month.
5/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 176
Relating to: preference in state and local government contracts and procurement for materials manufactured in the United States. (FE)
5/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 170
Relating to: statute of limitations for second-degree or third-degree sexual assault.
5/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 172
Relating to: requiring racial impact statements for bills that create a new crime, modify an existing crime, or modify the penalty for an existing crime. (FE)
5/21/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 167
Relating to: possession of 25 grams or less of marijuana and distribution and delivery of marijuana. (FE)
5/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 166
Relating to: employment discrimination based on employment status. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 159
Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/14/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 162
Relating to: entrepreneurial tax credit access grants.
5/1/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 145
Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing to pay compensatory and punitive damages. (FE)
5/1/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 142
Relating to: waiver for prescription drug assistance for elderly program, use of excess moneys in prescription drug assistance for elderly program, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/23/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: the right to vote (first consideration).
4/20/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 31
Relating to: honoring the life and contributions of former Secretary of Administration and Chairman of the BMO Harris Bradley Center, Marc Marotta.
4/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 124
Relating to: grants to certain small businesses that receive federal grants. (FE)
4/20/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 125
Relating to: access to investigational drugs, devices, and biological products and limitations on liability related to their use.
4/15/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 120
Relating to: restrictions on the use of electronic devices used for inhaling or exhaling vapor or a vaporized solution.
4/14/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 25
Relating to: declaring April 2015 Donate Life Month.
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 107
Relating to: the Badger Health Benefit Authority, health benefit exchange operation, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 117
Relating to: battery and threats to a judge, a prosecutor, or a law enforcement officer and providing a criminal penalty. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 111
Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/8/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: declaring April to be Health and Wellness Month.
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 98
Relating to: disclosure of contracts for frac sand mining on neighboring properties.
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 101
Relating to: notice requirements for zoning actions related to frac sand mining. (FE)
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 99
Relating to: county authority relating to exploration for a type of industrial sand. (FE)
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 100
Relating to: listing frac sand mining as a conditional or prohibited use in certain types of zoning ordinances. (FE)
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 97
Relating to: including orders pertaining to household pets in certain restraining orders and injunctions.
3/27/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 20
Relating to: proclaiming September 2015 as Childhood Obesity Awareness Month.
3/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 78
Relating to: requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to employ certain special education staff and to comply with certain provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
3/10/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 72
Relating to: groundwater management, approval of high capacity wells, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/5/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 68
Relating to: premium and cost-sharing assistance for health plans through the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
3/3/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: raising the overtime pay threshold.
2/27/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 58
Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting. (FE)
2/24/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 45
Relating to: creation of a private retirement security plan and making appropriations. (FE)
2/19/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 39
Relating to: newborn screening for certain lysosomal storage disorders. (FE)
2/11/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 12
Relating to: an advisory referendum on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
2/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 27
Relating to: shareholder objections to corporate political expenditures.
2/11/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 28
Relating to: permitting certain individuals to make requests for medication for the purpose of ending their lives and providing penalties. (FE)
2/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 16
Relating to: taste samples of intoxicating liquor provided on certain retail licensed premises.
2/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 17
Relating to: continuing education program sponsors for chiropractors, chiropractic technicians, and chiropractic radiological technicians. (FE)
2/3/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 18
Relating to: the manufacture, sale, and distribution of products containing microbeads and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 6
Relating to: the public service of Laura Rose.
1/30/2015: 2015 Senate Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and service of Annette Polly Williams.
1/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 15
Relating to: the manufacture and acceptance for sale of products containing microbeads. (FE)
1/29/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 14
Relating to: posters regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline. (FE)
1/23/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 10
Relating to: prohibiting the sale of powdered alcohol.
1/16/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 4
Relating to: invading an individual's privacy by viewing under or through clothing and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/16/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 2
Relating to: a state minimum wage, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/16/2015: 2015 Senate Bill 3
Relating to: accountability provisions for private schools participating in a parental choice program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2016: 2015 AA1-AB671
2/18/2016: 2015 AA1-SB503
2/18/2016: 2015 AA3-AB403
2/18/2016: 2015 AA2-AB671
2/18/2016: 2015 AA1-SB640
2/18/2016: 2015 AA6-AB804
2/18/2016: 2015 AA1-AB623
2/18/2016: 2015 ASA2-AB95
Relating to: interest rates on judgments in civil actions.
2/18/2016: 2015 ASA1-AJR109
Relating to: creating a joint committee to weigh the pros and cons of a potential solution to public assistance structure issues.
2/16/2016: 2015 AA3-AB744
2/16/2016: 2015 AA2-AB602
2/16/2016: 2015 ASA3-AB740
Relating to: state aid to technical colleges, Wisconsin grants for technical college students, Medicaid expansion, eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core, and making appropriations.
2/16/2016: 2015 ASA1-AB744
Relating to: Medicaid expansion, eligibility for BadgerCare Plus and BadgerCare Plus Core, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, and making an appropriation.
2/9/2016: 2015 AA1-AB566
2/9/2016: 2015 ASA2-AB497
Relating to: residency requirements for sexually violent persons on supervised release.
1/22/2016: 2015 AA1-AB502
12/3/2015: 2015 ASA1-AB400
Relating to: use of child safety restraint systems in motor vehicles and providing a penalty.
10/27/2015: 2015 AA8-AB373
10/20/2015: 2015 AA15-AB68
9/24/2015: 2015 AA4-ASA1-AB310
9/24/2015: 2015 AA3-ASA1-AB310
7/8/2015: 2015 AA26-SB21
7/8/2015: 2015 AA15-SB21
4/14/2015: 2015 AA12-AB143
3/5/2015: 2015 AA8-SB44
1/22/2015: 2015 ASA2-SJR2
Relating to: election of chief justice (first consideration).
1/7/2015: 2015 AA1-AR3