Component Subject Component Topic LRB No.
Administrative Law DHA Electronic Proceedings -1277
Administrative Law Eliminate LIRC -1559
Administrative Law Emergency Rule Publication -0693
Administrative Law Equal Rights - WFEA Changes -0520
Administrative Law Rules changes -1018
Agriculture Allowing DATCP to serve by certified mail -1795
Agriculture Eliminate the Farm to School Program. -1032
Agriculture Give DATCP and DSPS authority to offer Professional Assistance Procedures -0510
Agriculture Modify fees for pesticide, fertilizer, and commercial feed licensing (RevEx) -0645
Agriculture Soil and water resource aids -0511
Agriculture Soil and water resource management bonding -0364
Agriculture Transfer CAFO oversight from DNR to DATCP -1821
Agriculture Wisconsin Agricultural Education and Workforce Development Council -0437
Buildings/Safety Apprenticeship Licensure Exam Exemption -1393
Buildings/Safety Change sunset dates for Diesel Idling Reduction Grant Program -0212
Buildings/Safety Rental unit energy efficiency -0482
Children Allocation for public messaging campaign -1387
Children Allocation of children and family aids to counties -1434
Children Child care 3-month period before termination -1392
Children Child care and development block grant background check requirements -1391
Children Early school absenteeism pilot program -1416
Children Foster care and kinship care rate increase -1351
Children Jurisdiction of the juvenile court over a child victim of sex trafficking -1353
Children Juvenile correctional facility daily rates -0407
Children Maximum age at which a minor subject to a criminal penalty may be placed in a juvenile correctional facility or secured residential care center for children and youth -0406
Children Mitigating benefit drop-off in Wisconsin Shares -1568
Children Offender reentry program authorization -1388
Children Oversight of child care programs run by school districts -1355
Children School attendance requirement under Learnfare -1431
Children Study on absenteeism and public assistance -1652
Children Substance abuse screening and testing in Wisconsin Works -1495
Children TANF allocation for early learning text message pilot program -1641
Children TANF allocation for FAST -1653
Children TANF Shelter Grants -1399
Children Text message-based intervention pilot program to increase enrollment in postsecondary educational institutions -1642
Children Update 49.175 (1) allocations for 2017-19 -1545
Children Wisconsin Shares asset limit -1390
Children Wisconsin Shares eligibility and authorized hours -1413
Children Wisconsin works worker supplement -1432
Correctional System Eliminate Parole Commission and transfer responsibilities to DOC -1233
Correctional System Permit inmates confined to county jails to participate in work release -0893
Correctional System Racine youthful offender correctional facility -1731
Correctional System Study of the Department of Corrections and Department of Administration Revocation Process -1409
Courts - judges/commsrs Judicial compensation -0975
Courts - miscellaneous/other Business court pilot project -1159
Courts - miscellaneous/other Consolidating CCAP appropriations -0387
Courts - miscellaneous/other Eliminate Judicial Council -0976
Courts - miscellaneous/other Transfer Judicial Commission -0977
Econ. Development Angel and Early Stage Investment Credit Carry-forwards -0798
Econ. Development Capping annual credit awards for the historic rehabilitation tax credit -1330
Econ. Development Early stage business investment program -1773
Econ. Development Eliminate interest on WEDC credit refunds -1140
Econ. Development Fabrication laboratory grants program -1772
Econ. Development Redesignating enterprise development zones -1184
Econ. Development WEDC appropriation adjustments -0951
Econ. Development WEDC Loan Limitations -1285
Education Bullying prevention grants -1967
Education Choice background checks -1593
Education Choice operating budget -1594
Education Class space determinations; open enrollment -1411