15.25 15.25 Department of justice; creation. There is created a department of justice under the direction and supervision of the attorney general.
15.253 15.253 Same; specified divisions.
15.253(2)(2)Division of criminal investigation. There is created in the department of justice a division of criminal investigation.
15.253(3) (3)Office of school safety. There is created an office of school safety. The director of the office shall be appointed by the attorney general.
15.255 15.255 Same; attached boards.
15.255(1)(1)Law enforcement standards board. There is created a law enforcement standards board which is attached to the department of justice under s. 15.03.
15.255(1)(a) (a) The board shall be composed of 15 members as follows:
15.255(1)(a)1. 1. Seven representatives of local law enforcement in this state, at least one of whom shall be a sheriff and at least one of whom shall be a chief of police.
15.255(1)(a)2. 2. One district attorney holding office in this state.
15.255(1)(a)3. 3. Two representatives of local government in this state who occupy executive or legislative posts.
15.255(1)(a)4. 4. One public member, not employed in law enforcement, who is a citizen of this state.
15.255(1)(a)5. 5. The secretary of transportation or the secretary's designee.
15.255(1)(a)6. 6. The attorney general or a member of the attorney general's staff designated by the attorney general.
15.255(1)(a)8. 8. The secretary of natural resources or the secretary's designee.
15.255(1)(a)9. 9. The special agent in charge of the Milwaukee office of the federal bureau of investigation, or a member of the special agent's staff designated by the special agent, who shall act in an advisory capacity but shall have no vote.
15.255(1)(b) (b) The members of the board under par. (a) 1. to 4. shall be appointed for staggered 4-year terms, but no member shall serve beyond the time when the member ceases to hold the office or employment by reason of which the member was initially eligible for appointment.
15.255(1)(c) (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any statute, ordinance, local law or charter provision, membership on the board does not disqualify any member from holding any other public office or employment, or cause the forfeiture thereof.
15.255(2) (2)Crime victims rights board.
15.255(2)(a) (a) There is created a crime victims rights board which is attached to the department of justice under s. 15.03.
15.255(2)(b) (b) The crime victims rights board shall be composed of 5 members as follows:
15.255(2)(b)1. 1. One district attorney holding office in this state.
15.255(2)(b)2. 2. One representative of local law enforcement in this state.
15.255(2)(b)3. 3. One person who is employed or contracted by a county board of supervisors under s. 950.06 to provide services for victims and witnesses of crimes.
15.255(2)(b)4. 4. Two members, not employed in law enforcement, by a district attorney or as specified in subd. 3., who are citizens of this state.
15.255(2)(c) (c) The members of the crime victims rights board specified in par. (b) 2. and 3. shall be appointed by the attorney general. One of the members specified in par. (b) 4. shall be appointed by the crime victims council and the other member shall be appointed by the governor. The member specified in par. (b) 1. shall be appointed by the Wisconsin District Attorneys Association.
15.255(2)(d) (d) The members of the crime victims rights board under par. (a) shall be appointed for 4-year terms, but no member shall serve beyond the time when the member ceases to hold the office or employment by reason of which the member was initially eligible for appointment.
15.255(2)(e) (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of any statute, ordinance, local law or charter provision, membership on the crime victims rights board does not disqualify any member from holding any other public office or employment, or cause the forfeiture thereof.
15.257 15.257 Same; councils.
15.257(2)(2)Crime victims council. There is created in the department of justice a crime victims council consisting of 15 persons appointed by the attorney general for staggered 3-year terms. Of the 15 members, 10 shall be citizen members, 2 shall represent organizations providing victim support services and one each shall be representatives of law enforcement, district attorneys and the judiciary. The citizen members shall have demonstrated sensitivity and concern for crime victims.
15.31 15.31 Department of military affairs; creation. There is created a department of military affairs under the direction and supervision of the adjutant general who shall be appointed by the governor for a 5-year term. The adjutant general may be reappointed to successive terms. Notwithstanding s. 17.28, if a vacancy occurs in the office of the adjutant general, the governor shall appoint a successor for a 5-year term. A person must meet all of the following requirements to be appointed as the adjutant general:
15.31(1) (1)Hold the federally recognized minimum rank of full colonel.
15.31(2) (2)Except for those qualified under sub. (4), be a current participating member of one of the following components:
15.31(2)(a) (a) The Wisconsin army national guard.
15.31(2)(b) (b) The army national guard of the United States.
15.31(2)(c) (c) The U.S. army reserve.
15.31(2)(d) (d) The Wisconsin air national guard.
15.31(2)(e) (e) The air national guard of the United States.
15.31(2)(f) (f) The U.S. air force reserve.
15.31(3) (3)Be fully qualified to receive federal recognition at the minimum rank of brigadier general and have successfully completed a war college course or the military equivalent acceptable to the appropriate service.
15.31(4) (4)If the applicant is already a federally recognized general officer, meet all of the following conditions:
15.31(4)(a) (a) Be retired from active drilling status within the proceeding 2 years.
15.31(4)(b) (b) The basis of the applicant's retired status was service with one of the service components noted in sub. (2).
15.31(4)(c) (c) Be 62 years of age or less.
15.31(4)(d) (d) Continue to be eligible for federal recognition as a major general.
15.313 15.313 Same; specified division.
15.313(1)(1)Division of emergency management. There is created in the department of military affairs a division of emergency management. The administrator of this division shall be nominated by the governor and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
15.313 History History: 1989 a. 31 ss. 58, 83; 1995 a. 247.
15.315 15.315 Same; councils.
15.315(1)(1)Interoperability council.
15.315(1)(a)(a) There is created an interoperability council, attached to the department of military affairs under s. 15.03.
15.315(1)(b) (b) The council consists of all of the following:
15.315(1)(b)1. 1. The attorney general, the adjutant general, the secretary of natural resources, the secretary of transportation, and a representative from the department of administration with knowledge of information technology, or their designees.
15.315(1)(b)2. 2. Ten members appointed by the governor for staggered 4-year terms, including a chief of police, a sheriff, a chief of a fire department, a director of emergency medical services, a local government elected official, a local emergency management director, a representative of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state, a hospital representative, a local health department representative, and one other person with relevant experience or expertise in interoperable communications.
15.315(1)(c) (c) The governor shall designate a member of the council as the chairperson and a member as the vice chairperson.
15.315(2) (2)911 subcommittee.
15.315(2)(a) (a) There is created a 911 subcommittee of the interoperability council, attached to the department of military affairs under s. 15.03. The 911 subcommittee consists of one member serving a 3-year term who is appointed by the adjutant general and the following members serving 3-year terms who are appointed by the governor:
15.315(2)(a)1. 1. An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin cities, villages, or towns.
15.315(2)(a)2. 2. An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin counties.
15.315(2)(a)3. 3. An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association, or a Wisconsin chapter of an association, that promotes a universal emergency telephone number system.
15.315(2)(a)4. 4. An individual recommended by an association of Wisconsin county sheriffs.
15.315(2)(a)5. 5. Two individuals, each of whom represents a different commercial mobile radio service provider, as defined in s. 196.01 (2g), operating in Wisconsin: one serving a primarily regional market and one serving a national market.
15.315(2)(a)6. 6. Two individuals recommended by a Wisconsin association, or a Wisconsin chapter of an association, of public safety communications professionals.
15.315(2)(a)7. 7. Two individuals recommended by an association of Wisconsin telecommunications providers, as defined in s. 196.01 (8p), each of whom represents an incumbent local exchange carrier.
15.315(2)(a)8. 8. An individual who represents a competitive local exchange carrier.
15.315(2)(a)9. 9. An individual who represents a voice over Internet protocol provider.
15.315(2)(a)10. 10. A police chief recommended by an association of Wisconsin police chiefs.
15.315(2)(a)11. 11. A fire chief recommended by an association of Wisconsin fire chiefs.
15.315(2)(a)12. 12. An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association that promotes emergency management.
15.315(2)(a)13. 13. An individual who represents a video service provider, as defined in s. 196.01 (12r).
15.315(2)(a)14. 14. An individual recommended by a Wisconsin association of emergency medical service providers.
15.315(2)(a)15. 15. An individual recommended by an association of land information professionals.
15.315(2)(b) (b) In making appointments under par. (a), the governor shall consider the geographical diversity of, and the representation of urban and rural interests by, the membership of the 911 subcommittee.
15.315 History History: 2017 a. 59 s. 34m, 39m.
15.34 15.34 Department of natural resources; creation.
15.34(1)(1)There is created a department of natural resources under the direction and supervision of the natural resources board.
15.34(2) (2)
15.34(2)(a)(a) The natural resources board shall consist of 7 members appointed for staggered 6-year terms.
15.34(2)(b) (b) At least 3 members of the natural resources board shall be from the territory north, and at least 3 members of the board shall be from the territory south, of a line running east and west through the south limits of the city of Stevens Point.
15.34(2)(bg) (bg) At least one member of the natural resources board shall have an agricultural background. The governor may request statewide agricultural organizations to submit recommendations for nominees under this paragraph. The requirements of this paragraph apply to individuals who are members of the natural resources board on May 1, 2017, and thereafter.
15.34(2)(br)1.1. At least 3 members of the natural resources board shall be individuals who held an annual hunting, fishing, or trapping license, in this state or another state, in at least 7 of the 10 years previous to the year in which the individual is nominated, except as provided in subd. 2. The governor may request statewide organizations that are primarily interested in supporting hunting, fishing, or trapping to submit recommendations for nominees under this paragraph. The requirements of this paragraph apply to individuals who are members of the natural resources board on May 1, 2017, and thereafter.
15.34(2)(br)2. 2. If an individual served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces or national guard during the 10 years previous to the year in which the individual is nominated, the number of years in which the individual is required to have held an annual hunting, fishing, or trapping license equals 7 minus the number of years of active duty served during those 10 years.
15.34(2)(c) (c) No person may be appointed to the natural resources board, or remain a member of the board, who receives, or has during the previous 2 years received, a significant portion of his or her income directly or indirectly from holders of or applicants for permits issued by the department under ch. 283, except that this paragraph does not apply to permits issued under s. 283.33.
15.34(2)(d) (d) The majority of members of the natural resources board may not derive a significant portion of their incomes from persons who are subject to permits or enforcement orders under ch. 285. Each board member shall inform the governor of any significant change in the income that he or she derives from persons who are subject to permits or enforcement orders under ch. 285.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2019. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?