Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
Veterans affairs American Indian services coordinator and grants: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys; grants for tribal veterans service officers [Sec. 500, 501, 572, 574, 976] -
Act 9
Vietnam war period definition standardized re veteran benefits -
Act 59
High school diploma may be awarded to certain veterans -
Act 73
Tuition and fee reimbursement program revised; maximum reimbursement percentage for part-time study grants increased [Sec. 967, 969-972, 977, 985, 986]
Act 9
Veteran retraining grant revision; funding for certain veterans residential facility, museum and cemetery
Act 108
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
DVA appropriations re cemetery maintenance and sale of utilities by Wisconsin veterans home at King repealed [Sec. 499, 503, 504] -
Act 9
DVA authority re construction and operation of cemeteries and residential treatment and nursing care facilities; funding revision [Sec. 498t, v, 982m, 984m] -
Act 9
DVA self-amortizing mortgage loans: authorized public debt increased; funding for facilities at state veterans homes [Sec. 642, 642e] -
Act 9
Health care aid grant program: DVA to review and examine modifications re restraining expenditure growth [Sec. 9155 (2e)] -
Act 9
Southeastern Wisconsin veterans nursing home: exemption from nursing home licensed bed cap and capital cost restrictions [Sec. 2278r] -
Act 9
Veteran retraining grant revision; funding for certain veterans residential facility, museum and cemetery
Act 108
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
DVA self-amortizing mortgage loans: authorized public debt increased; funding for facilities at state veterans homes [Sec. 642, 642e] -
Act 9
Home improvement loan maximum raised [Sec. 993, 9355 (1)] -
Act 9
Personal loan program revisions [Sec. 981, 982] -
Act 9
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
Military honors and veteran funeral: DVA may provide using members of national guard and certain local organizations; adjutant general authorized to activate guard members [partial veto] -
Act 136
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: DVA may accept contributions for; state to match moneys
Act 2
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: 1999 WisAct 2 deadline extended -
Act 61
Federal per diem payments changed from continuing to annual sum certain [Sec. 502m] -
Act 9
Health care aid grant program: DVA to review and examine modifications re restraining expenditure growth [Sec. 9155 (2e)] -
Act 9
Civil service revisions re restoration to certain classified positions, running for political office, assistant DAs, veterans museum superintendent, DMRS administrator authority and recommendations for promotion (remedial legislation)
Act 102
DVA appropriations re cemetery maintenance and sale of utilities by Wisconsin veterans home at King repealed [Sec. 499, 503, 504] -
Act 9
DVA authority re construction and operation of cemeteries and residential treatment and nursing care facilities; funding revision [Sec. 498t, v, 982m, 984m] -
Act 9
DVA self-amortizing mortgage loans: authorized public debt increased; funding for facilities at state veterans homes [Sec. 642, 642e] -
Act 9
DVA staff pay survey: funding for implementation [Sec. 9155 (3g)] [vetoed] -
EAB transferred to DVA [Sec. 40g, 245m, 732, 921m-928, 1686m, 2308d, 2923m, 3191, 3197, 9158 (2m)]
Act 9
Food service center project at Southern Wisconsin center for the developmentally disabled; to include proposed plans re transfer from DHFS to DVA [Sec. 9101 (19t)]
Act 9
Health care aid grant program: DVA to review and examine modifications re restraining expenditure growth [Sec. 9155 (2e)] -
Act 9
Military honors and veteran funeral: DVA may provide using members of national guard and certain local organizations; adjutant general authorized to activate guard members [partial veto] -
Act 136
Personal loan program revisions [Sec. 981, 982] -
Act 9
Retraining grant program spending cap removed [Sec. 989g] -
Act 9
Veteran retraining grant revision; funding for certain veterans residential facility, museum and cemetery
Act 108
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
Veterans affairs American Indian services coordinator and grants: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys; grants for tribal veterans service officers [Sec. 500, 501, 572, 574, 976] -
Act 9
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: DVA may accept contributions for; state to match moneys
Act 2
World War II memorial in Washington, D.C.: 1999 WisAct 2 deadline extended -
Act 61
Veteran services revisions re southeastern Wisconsin facility, DVA authority, training courses, housing loan and trust fund money re World War I veterans -
Act 63
Animal health laboratories transferred from DATCP to U.W. system; Veterinary diagnostic laboratory board created
Act 107
villageVillage, see also
name of specific village
County and municipal best practices reviews [Sec. 6g] -
Act 9
TIF for village in certain county with less than 25,000 population [Sec. 1630ed-eh, he, hh, k, q] [1630k — vetoed]
Act 9
Land use revisions re comprehensive plans, traditional neighborhood and conservation subdivision ordinances and transportation planning grants appropriation; state agency provision -
Act 148
Zoning ordinances that limit alterations or repairs to nonconforming structures allowed re Lower St. Croix river
Act 153
Motor vehicle registration application: birth date of owner required; forfeiture provision re vehicle involved in certain drug crimes -
Act 110
Election law revisions re absentee voting, voter registration, polling places, ballots, children of overseas electors, role of political parties and candidates, reporting returns, canvassing, nomination papers, joint municipal judge elections, referendum questions, recounts and campaign finance law enforcement re certain county -
Act 182
Huber release for court proceedings [Sec. 1218w-wq, 9411 (7m)] -
Act 9
Correctional facilities: alternatives to state construction; state lease and prevailing wage provisions [Sec. 3d, h, 2030m, 2033m, 2353s, 3191d-g] [vetoed] -
Prevailing wage and hours of labor law revised -
Act 70
Prevailing wage contractor records [Sec. 1618m, 2005f, g] [vetoed] -
Professional football stadium district created; bonding authority; income, property, sales, use and franchise tax provisions; minority and women owned businesses and prevailing wage law requirements; special distinguishing registration plates and sale of engraved tiles or bricks; investment authority of BCPL and the Investment board; state moral obligation pledge re bonds; LAB audit [partial veto] -
Act 167
Wage claim liens [Sec. 2030t, 9157 (7mx) -
Act 9
Black point estate special zoning permission [Sec. 665vm] -
Act 9
Contributions to U.W. Madison and Wisconsin commended [SJR-39] - JR-8
Federal resource acquisition program: DOA to submit long-term financial plan for operation of [Sec. 117m, 511h, 9101 (18d)] -
Act 9
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actindex/1999/veterans affairs, department of