895.05 Damages in actions for libel.
895.052 Defamation by radio and television.
895.055 Gaming contracts void.
895.056 Recovery of money wagered.
895.057 Action against judicial officer for loss caused by misconduct.
895.06 Recovery of divisible personalty.
895.14 Tenders of money and property.
895.20 Legal holidays.
895.22 Wisconsin family month, week and Sunday.
895.23 Indian Rights Day.
895.28 Remedies not merged.
895.33 Limitation of surety's liability.
895.34 Renewal of sureties upon becoming insufficient and effects thereof.
895.345 Justification of individual sureties.
895.346 Bail, deposit in lieu of bond.
895.35 Expenses in actions against municipal and other officers.
895.36 Process against officer.
895.37 Abrogation of defenses.
895.375 Abrogation of defense that contract was champertous.
895.38 Surety, how discharged.
895.41 Employe's cash bonds to be held in trust; duty of employer; penalty.
895.42 Deposit of undistributed money and property by administrators and others.
895.43 Intentional killing by beneficiary of contract.
895.435 Intentional killing by beneficiary of certain death benefits.
895.437 Use of lodging establishments.
895.44 Exemption from civil liability for furnishing safety inspection or advisory services.
895.46 State and political subdivisions thereof to pay judgments taken against officers.
895.47 Indemnification of the Wisconsin state agencies building corporation and the Wisconsin state public building corporation.
895.48 Civil liability exemption; emergency care, athletic events health care, hazardous substances and information concerning paternity.
895.481 Civil liability exemption; equine activities.
895.482 Civil liability exemption; ski patrol members.
895.483 Civil liability exemption; regional and county emergency response teams and their sponsoring agencies.
895.485 Civil liability exemption; agencies, foster parents, treatment foster parents and family-operated group home parents.
895.486 Civil immunity exemption; reports of insurance fraud.
895.487 Civil liability exemption; employment references.
895.49 Certain agreements to limit or eliminate tort liability void.
895.495 Safety devices on farm equipment, ordinary negligence.
895.50 Right of privacy.
895.51 Liability exemption: food donation, sale or distribution.
895.515 Liability exemption; equipment or technology donation.
895.517 Liability exemption: solid waste donation or sale.
895.52 Recreational activities; limitation of property owners' liability.
895.525 Participation in recreational activities.
895.527 Sport shooting range activities.
895.53 Liability exemption; tests for intoxication.
895.54 Liability exemption; notification of release.
895.55 Liability exemption; oil discharge control.
895.56 Liability exemption; handling of petroleum-contaminated soil under contract with the department of transportation.
895.57 Damages; unauthorized release of animals.
895.65 Government employer retaliation prohibited.
895.67 Domestic abuse services; prohibited disclosures.
895.70 Sexual exploitation by a therapist.
895.73 Service representatives.
895.75 Physical injury, emotional distress, loss or damage suffered by members of certain groups.
895.76 Limits on recovery by prisoners.
895.77 Injury caused by criminal gang activity.
895.79 Damage to certain machines.
895.80 Property damage or loss.
895.85 Punitive damages.
895.01 895.01 What actions survive; actions not to abate.
895.01(1)(1) In addition to the causes of action that survive at common law, the following shall also survive: causes of action to determine paternity, for the recovery of personal property or the unlawful withholding or conversion of personal property, for the recovery of the possession of real estate and for the unlawful withholding of the possession of real estate, for assault and battery, false imprisonment, invasion of privacy, violation of s. 968.31 (2m) or other damage to the person, for all damage done to the property rights or interests of another, for goods taken and carried away, for damages done to real or personal estate, equitable actions to set aside conveyances of real estate, to compel a reconveyance of real estate, or to quiet the title to real estate, and for a specific performance of contracts relating to real estate. Causes of action for wrongful death shall survive the death of the wrongdoer whether or not the death of the wrongdoer occurred before or after the death of the injured person.
895.01(2) (2) An action does not abate by the occurrence of any event if the cause of action survives or continues.
895.01 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 W (2d) 585, 760 (1975), 771; 1977 c. 176; 1987 a. 399; 1993 a. 481.
895.01 Annotation Actions for criminal conversation or alienation of affections do not survive the death of one of the parties unless the complaint includes allegations showing financial damage to the plaintiff which would pecuniarily diminish his estate. Hanson v. Valdivia, 51 W (2d) 466, 187 NW (2d) 151.
895.01 Annotation Punitive damages incident to damages for pain and suffering of decedent may be awarded to the estate. Wangen v. Ford Motor Co. 97 W (2d) 260, 294 NW (2d) 437 (1980).
895.01 Annotation Paternity action may not be brought against deceased putative father. Paternity of N. L. B., 140 W (2d) 400, 411 NW (2d) 144 (Ct. App. 1987).
895.01 Annotation Actions under 551.41 and 551.59 survive death of wrongdoer. Continental Assur. v. American Bankshares Corp. 483 F Supp. 175 (1980).
895.02 895.02 Measure of damages against executor. When any action mentioned in s. 895.01 (1) shall be prosecuted to judgment against the executor or administrator the plaintiff shall be entitled to recover only for the value of the goods taken including any unjust enrichment of the defendant, or for the damages actually sustained, without any vindictive or exemplary damages or damages for alleged outrage to the feelings of the injured party.
895.02 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 W (2d) 585, 784 (1975); 1977 c. 176.
895.03 895.03 Recovery for death by wrongful act. Whenever the death of a person shall be caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default and the act, neglect or default is such as would, if death had not ensued, have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof, then and in every such case the person who would have been liable, if death had not ensued, shall be liable to an action for damages notwithstanding the death of the person injured; provided, that such action shall be brought for a death caused in this state.
895.03 Annotation A complaint alleging the defendant shot plaintiff's husband and that the shooting was a wrongful act is not demurrable. Kelly v. Mohrhusen, 50 W (2d) 337, 184 NW (2d) 149.
895.03 Annotation It is sufficient if the death was caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default in this state; it is not necessary that the death occur here. The statute includes cases dealing with breach of warranty arising out of contract. Schnabl v. Ford Motor Co. 54 W (2d) 345, 195 NW (2d) 602, 198 NW (2d) 161.
895.03 Annotation A decedent must have had an actionable claim for damages at the time of death for wrongful death cause of action to exist; where statute of limitations would have barred decedent from bringing medical malpractice action, had he lived, wrongful death action based on the alleged malpractice was barred. Miller v. Luther, 170 W (2d) 429, 489 NW (2d) 651 (Ct. App. 1992).
895.031 895.031 Recovery from estate of wrongdoer. Whenever the death of a person shall be caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default and the act, neglect or default is such as would, if death had not ensued, have entitled the party injured to maintain an action and recover damages in respect thereof, then in every such case, the wrongdoer who would have been liable if death had not ensued, although such wrongdoer shall die prior to the time of death of such injured person, shall be liable to an action for damages notwithstanding the wrongdoer's prior death and notwithstanding the death of the person injured; provided that such action shall be brought for a death caused in this state. Any right of action which may accrue by such injury to the person of another although the death of the wrongdoer occurred prior thereto shall be enforced by bringing an action against the executor or administrator or personal representative of such deceased wrongdoer.
895.031 History History: 1993 a. 486.
895.035 895.035 Parental liability for acts of minor child.
895.035(1) (1)
895.035(1)(a)(a) In this section, "custody" means either legal custody of a child under a court order under s. 767.23 or 767.24, custody of a child under a stipulation under s. 767.10 or actual physical custody of a child. "Custody" does not include legal custody, as defined under s. 48.02 (12), by an agency or a person other than a child's birth or adoptive parent.
895.035(1)(b) (b) In determining which parent has custody of a child for purposes of this section, the court shall consider which parent had responsibility for caring for and supervising the child at the time the act that caused the injury, damage or loss occurred.
895.035(2) (2) The parent or parents with custody of a minor child, in any circumstances where he, she or they may not be liable under the common law, are liable for damages to property, for the cost of repairing or replacing property or removing the marking, drawing, writing or etching from property regarding a violation under s. 943.017, for the value of unrecovered stolen property or for personal injury attributable to a wilful, malicious or wanton act of the child. The parent or parents with custody of their minor child are jointly and severally liable with the child for the damages imposed under s. 943.51 for their child's violation of s. 943.50.
895.035(2g) (2g) The parent or parents with custody of a minor child are liable for the cost of the repair or replacement of, or the removal of the etching, marking, drawing or writing from, property damaged as the result of a violation of an ordinance that prohibits intentional etching or marking, drawing or writing with paint, ink or other substance on the physical property of another without the other's consent.
895.035(2m) (2m)
895.035(2m)(a)(a) If a juvenile or a parent with custody of a child [juvenile] fails to pay restitution under s. 938.245, 938.32, 938.34 (5), 938.343 (4), 938.345 or 938.45 (1r) (a) as ordered by a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938, a court of criminal jurisdiction or a municipal court or as agreed to in a deferred prosecution agreement or if it appears likely that the juvenile or parent will not pay restitution as ordered or agreed to, the victim, the victim's insurer, the representative of the public interest under s. 938.09 or the agency, as defined in s. 938.38 (1) (a), supervising the juvenile may petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 to order that the amount of restitution unpaid by the juvenile or parent be entered and docketed as a judgment against the juvenile and the parent with custody of the juvenile and in favor of the victim or the victim's insurer, or both. A petition under this paragraph may be filed after the expiration of the deferred prosecution agreement, consent decree, dispositional order or sentence under which the restitution is payable, but no later than one year after the expiration of the deferred prosecution agreement, consent decree, dispositional order or sentence or any extension of the consent decree, dispositional order or sentence. A judgment rendered under this paragraph does not bar the victim or the victim's insurer, or both, from commencing another action seeking compensation from the child or the parent, or both, if the amount of restitution ordered under this paragraph is less than the total amount of damages claimed by the victim or the victim's insurer.
895.035 Note NOTE: Par. (a) is shown as affected by two acts of the 1997 legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c). The bracketed language indicates the correct term. Corrective legislation is pending.
895.035(2m)(b) (b) If a juvenile or a parent with custody of a juvenile fails to pay a forfeiture as ordered by a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938, a court of criminal jurisdiction or a municipal court, if a juvenile or a parent with custody of a juvenile fails to pay costs as ordered by the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 or a municipal court, if a juvenile fails to pay a surcharge as ordered by a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 or a court of criminal jurisdiction or if it appears likely that the juvenile or the parent will not pay the forfeiture or surcharge as ordered, the representative of the public interest under s. 938.09, the agency, as defined in s. 938.38 (1) (a), supervising the juvenile or the law enforcement agency that issued the citation to the juvenile may petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 to order that the amount of the forfeiture, surcharge or costs unpaid by the juvenile or parent be entered and docketed as a judgment against the juvenile and the parent with custody of the juvenile and in favor of the county or appropriate municipality. A petition under this paragraph may be filed after the expiration of the dispositional order or sentence under which the forfeiture, surcharge or costs is payable, but no later than one year after the expiration of the dispositional order or sentence or any extension of the dispositional order or sentence.
895.035(2m)(bm)1.1. Before issuing an order under par. (a) or (b), the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 shall give the juvenile and the parent notice of the intent to issue the order and an opportunity to be heard regarding the order. The court shall give the juvenile and the parent an opportunity to present evidence as to the amount of the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge unpaid, but not as to the amount of the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge originally ordered. The court shall also give the juvenile and the parent an opportunity to present evidence as to the reason for the failure to pay the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge and the ability of the juvenile or the parent to pay the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge. In considering the ability of the juvenile or the parent to pay the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge, the court may consider the assets, as well as the income, of the juvenile or the parent and may consider the future ability of the juvenile or parent to pay the restitution, forfeiture or surcharge within the time specified in s. 893.40.
895.035(2m)(bm)2. 2. In proceedings under this subsection, the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 may take judicial notice of any deferred prosecution agreement, consent decree, dispositional order, sentence, extension of a consent decree, dispositional order or sentence or any other finding or order in the records of the juvenile maintained by that court or the municipal court.
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