Criminal Law - miscellaneous Criminal history search fee -1351
Criminal Law - miscellaneous Require Matching Funds from Counties -0858
Criminal Law - sentencing Eliminate sentencing changes made in 2009 Act 28 -0829
Dom. Rel. - child support/maint. Child support distribution changes -0146
Dom. Rel. - child support/maint. Confidential petition addendum -0147
Dom. Rel. - miscellaneous Transfer of filled positions -0153
Econ. Development - bus. dev. Capital gains deferral for investments in qualified Wisconsin businesses -1409
Econ. Development - misc. Authorize WHEFA out of state projects -0807
Econ. Development - misc. Capital gains exclusion for Wisconsin-sourced investments -1283
Econ. Development - misc. Compile of commerce drafts -1465
Education - MPS Choice and charter school payments -1481
Education - MPS MPCP - going concerns -1246
Education - MPS MPCP - notice of administrative changes -1247
Education - MPS MPCP - pupil eligibility -1345
Education - MPS MPCP - replace requirement that MPCP schools administer WKCE with nationally normed standardized test -0839
Education - MPS Teaching days in MPS -1244
Education - charter schools Charter schools; allow UW 4-year institutions to establish -0851
Education - charter schools Charter schools; eliminate cap on reduction in general aid -0852
Education - charter schools Choice and charter school payments -1481
Education - charter schools Eliminate licensure requirement for independent charter school teachers -1189
Education - charter schools Timeline for open enrollment -0855
Education - libraries Repeal requirement that local government not decrease funding for libraries -1343
Education - miscellaneous Educator Improvement Grants -1061
Education - miscellaneous Training to administer drugs -1245
Education - school boards Eliminate requirement for school district to employ a reading specialist -0856
Education - school boards Eliminate teacher residency requirements -1205
Education - school boards Grants for gifted and talented pupils -0982
Education - school boards Indoor environmental quality -1183
Education - school boards Property tax levy certification date -1243
Education - school boards Repeal requirement that schools provide 180 days of instruction -0841
Education - school finance Delete obsolete appropriations -0028
Education - school finance Eliminate selected categorical aids -1213
Education - school finance Repeal revenue limit exemptions for school safety, school nurses, pupil transportation -0844
Education - school finance School district revenue limits - reduce base revenues -0836
Education - school finance Special adjustment aid percentage -1485
Education - school finance Transportation payments to parents -1242
Education - state superintendent Educator Improvement Grants -1061
Education - state superintendent Eliminate administrative leadership academy and admissions of pupils at state schools to UWHC -0046
Education - state superintendent Eliminate appropriation for DPI environmental education consultant -1362
Education - state superintendent Grants for gifted and talented pupils -0982
Education - state superintendent Pupil information system -1279
Education - state superintendent Reading initiative -1192
Education - state superintendent School nurses -1184
Elections - campaign finance Public financing of campaigns for state office -0778
Employ Priv - job training Deletion of unused DWD appropriations -0178
Employ Pub - collective bargain Repeal provision allowing combination of school employee collective bargaining units -1253
Employ Pub - employee benefits GIB Long-Term Care insurance Options -0222
Employ Pub - employee benefits HIRSPA payments to DETF -1166
Employ Pub - miscellaneous GIB Long-Term Care insurance Options -0222
Employ Pub - retirement HIRSPA payments to DETF -1166
Environment - env. cleanup Contaminated site bonding increase -0248
Environment - other Eliminate language for transfer of Indian gaming funds to environmental fund -0208
Environment - other Transfer from petroleum inspection fund to transportation fund -1037
Environment - recycling Eliminate requirement for local recycling programs and financial assistance -1050
Environment - recycling Recycling fund modifications -1320
Environment - water quality Bonding increase for sediment removal projects -0247
Environment - water quality Bonding increase for the targeted runoff management program -0245
Environment - water quality Bonding increase for the urban nonpoint and municipal floodplain programs -0246
Environment - water quality Environmental improvement fund funding and clean water fund program changes -1033
Environment - water quality Phosphorous effluent limitations -1329
Environment - water quality Stormwater discharge rules -1328
Environment - water quality Water quality standard variance changes -0164
Fin. Inst. - miscellaneous Consolidate DFI program appropriations -0664
Fin. Inst. - miscellaneous Transfer notary and trademark functions from Secretary of State to DFI -0721
Fin. Inst. - securities Investment adviser registration fees and exemptions -0194
Gambling - Indian gaming Eliminate language for transfer of Indian gaming funds to environmental fund -0208
Gambling - miscellaneous Eliminate gaming bureau -1350
Health - long-term care County payments to DHS for the birth to 3 waiver program and locally funded slots in the disabled children's long-term support program -0724
Health - long-term care Deregulate one- and two-bed adult family homes -0241
Health - long-term care Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS enrollment cap -0582
Health - medical assistance Allow crediting of all provider refunds and collections to MA appropriation -0809
Health - medical assistance Claim federal funding for certain services and make reimbursements to counties; sunset certain payments -0174
Health - medical assistance Coinsurance for services under Part A of Medicare -0970
Health - medical assistance Eliminate family planning waiver for men -1375
Health - medical assistance Eliminating certain supplemental payments to hospitals -0986
Health - medical assistance Expand appropriation to include community recovery services for mentally ill individuals -0244
Health - medical assistance Require individuals to apply for and enroll in Medicare Part D in order to be eligible for SeniorCare. -1325
Health - medical assistance Update resource utilization grouping terminology -0243
Health - miscellaneous Authorize DHS to set medical record copy fees by rule -1310
Health - miscellaneous Eliminate funding for family planning services -1330
Health - miscellaneous Remove reference to home-craft services -0197
Health - public health Authorize DHS to set fees for congenital disorders tests by rule -1309
Health - public health Eliminate funding for family planning services -1330
Health - social services Allow counties that are not contiguous or adjacent and counties with populations of 500,000 or more to combine to provide joint social and human services -1324
Higher Education - UW System Change laboratory modernization and School of Business appropriations to continuing appropriations -0380
Higher Education - UW System Charter schools; allow UW 4-year institutions to establish -0851
Higher Education - UW System Create authority for UW-Madison -1187
Higher Education - UW System Eliminate appropriations -0393
Higher Education - UW System Elimination of excess expenditure reports -0379