Born Waukesha, September 5, 1963; married; 1 child. Graduate Waukesha North H.S.; B.A. Lawrence U. 1986; J.D. UW-Madison (Law Review) 1994; attended Keio University (Tokyo). Attorney. Former English teacher in Japan and former volunteer with Mother Teresa, Calcutta, India. Former Community Special Prosecutor Kenosha Co. District Attorney’s Office. Volunteer Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Member: New Brady Street Area Assn. (bd. mbr.); Bay View Historical Soc.; Amer. Coun. of Young Political Leaders; Natl. Caucus of Environmental Legislators; Bay View Lions Club; Historic Third Ward Assn.; Clean Wisconsin; League of Conservation Voters. Recipient: ABC for Health Legislator of the Year; St. Bar of Wis. Scales of Justice Award; Wis. Freedom of Information Council Political Openness Advocate of the Year; Environmental Decade Clean 16 Award Winner and Conservation Honor Roll; Planned Parenthood of Wis. Voice for Choice Award Winner; Wis. Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assn. Legislator of the Year; Wis. Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture; Wis. Cancer Coun. Cancer Control Champion; AIDS Resource Center of Wis. Leadership Award; MTEA Don Feilbach Friend of Public Education in Milwaukee Award; Equality Wis. Equal Rights Champion; Shepherd Express’s Milwaukee’s Best Legislator 2010, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2001.
Elected to Assembly since 1998. Assistant Minority Leader 2003-2007.
(first or second author, first sponsor)
3/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 119
Relating to: congratulating the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Panthers men's basketball team on its 2014 Horizon League title and berth to the 2014 NCAA Men's Division I basketball tournament.
3/12/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 863
Relating to: litigation procedure, and debt collection, under the Wisconsin Consumer Act.
3/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 846
Relating to: making the first offense of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant a crime, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/20/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 106
Relating to: the life and public service of Dr. Martin Jack Rosenblum.
2/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 738
Relating to: requiring an ignition interlock device to be installed for committing a drunken driving offense.
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 460
Relating to: claims for loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases. (FE)
12/9/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 553
Relating to: arbitration agreements used by long-term care facilities, civil and criminal actions against health care providers and long-term care providers, use in civil and criminal actions and confidentiality of incident and occurrence reports, use as evidence of records given to a regulatory agency, use in criminal actions of records of reviews and evaluations of health care providers, limits on noneconomic damages, limits on punitive damages, and providing a penalty. (FE)
12/6/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 537
Relating to: creation of a neighborhood improvement district. (FE)
11/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 412
Relating to: creation of a neighborhood improvement district. (FE)
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 467
Relating to: court orders regarding the installation of an ignition interlock device. (FE)
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 58
Relating to: requiring the legislature to enact laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees, and making members of the legislature subject to citations and civil penalties for violations of such laws (first consideration).
10/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 66
Relating to: the life and service of former Lawrence University president Richard Warch.
10/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 17
Relating to: public notice for meetings of assembly committees.
10/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 61
Relating to: requiring the legislature to enact laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees, and making members of the legislature subject to citations and civil penalties for violations of such laws (first consideration).
10/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 62
Relating to: public notice for assembly, senate, and joint committee meetings.
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 54
Relating to: congratulating Steve Walters on being named Wisconsin Journalist of the Year.
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 365
Relating to: eliminating certain proposed changes to the Medical Assistance program and BadgerCare Plus that have not been approved by the federal government. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 309
Relating to: requiring the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to disclose certain expenditure information and information relating to contracts and grants. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 310
Relating to: unclassified division administrators in the state civil service system. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 313
Relating to: family planning services provided through the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 311
Relating to: Medicaid expansion, eligibility, and other changes to BadgerCare Plus, and making appropriations. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 323
Relating to: the reduction in school aid to the Milwaukee Public Schools to offset costs of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. (FE)
7/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: the life and public service of Barbara Horton.
6/6/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 12
Relating to: assembly consideration of the 2013-15 biennial budget bill.
5/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 11
Relating to: commemorating the Bay View labor strike and tragedy and the removal of the portrait of Jeremiah Rusk from the assembly chamber.
5/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: commemorating the Bay View labor strike and massacre.
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 187
Relating to: admissibility of evidence of other acts of domestic abuse at a proceeding alleging an act of domestic abuse.
4/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 180
Relating to: penalties and testing for operating-while-intoxicated offenses and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 143
Relating to: disqualification of a judge or justice.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 146
Relating to: authority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to review a decision of a justice to deny a motion to disqualify the justice.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 142
Relating to: an objective standard for the disqualification of a judge or justice.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 144
Relating to: equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 145
Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 141
Relating to: notice of certain political contributions made to a judge or justice.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 19
Relating to: a panel of court of appeals judges in disciplinary proceedings involving a supreme court justice (first consideration).
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 18
Relating to: temporary service by a court of appeals judge in the supreme court in judicial disciplinary proceedings (first consideration).
4/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 138
Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/3/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 124
Relating to: sales and transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 53
Relating to: Medical Assistance for certain adults who are not currently eligible for traditional Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus. (FE)
2/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 38
Relating to: Medical Assistance for certain adults who are not currently eligible for traditional Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus. (FE)
2/7/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: the life and public service of Felmers O. Chaney.
4/3/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 915
Relating to: pollinator habitat conservation, a pollinator report, and making appropriations. (FE)
4/3/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 918
Relating to: establishment of a veterans court grant program and making an appropriation.
4/3/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 922
Relating to: creating a pilot program to provide civil legal services for veterans who are residents of Milwaukee, Chippewa, Eau Claire, or Dunn county, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/3/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 909
Relating to: authorizing the creation of a Southeast Regional Transit Authority and making appropriations. (FE)
3/14/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 870
Relating to: creation of a category of business corporation identified as a benefit corporation and a category of limited liability company identified as a low-profit limited liability company.
3/10/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 112
Relating to: the life and public service of Mary Lou (Rogers) Munts.
2/28/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 109
Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
2/24/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 811
Relating to: creating a surcharge to be paid by persons convicted of certain crimes against children and certain crimes against sexual morality, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 778
Relating to: prohibiting certain mining and drilling activities that cause the destruction or filling in of a lake bed, reservoir, or flowage or that cause the withdrawal of water from a reservoir or flowage.
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 776
Relating to: child abuse investigations when a court suspects a person of permitting, allowing, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution and consent decrees or deferred prosecution agreements for such a child. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 772
Relating to: categorical aids for special education and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 773
Relating to: requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to employ certain special education staff and to comply with certain provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2/17/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 97
Relating to: the life of Gordon Lyle Hinkley.
2/14/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 766
Relating to: collective bargaining for public employees, prohibiting employees other than public safety employees from bargaining collectively on insurance contributions and employee required contributions to retirement, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/12/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 760
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 754
Relating to: expanding eligibility for the earned income tax credit; hospital best practices for postpartum patients and newborns; hospital staff privileges and written agreements required for nurse-midwives; coverage of nurse-midwives under the injured patients and families compensation fund; a report on information related to hospital neonatal intensive care units; an electronic application and information system to determine eligibility and register for public assistance programs; directing the Department of Health Services to request a Medical Assistance waiver; evidence-based home visitation program services for persons who are at risk of poor birth outcomes or of abusing or neglecting their children; designating race and ethnicity on birth certificates; a report on fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; requiring informed consent for performance on pregnant women of certain elective procedures prior to the full gestational term of a fetus; cultural competency training for certain students enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System and the technical college system; granting rule-making authority; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater football team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Football National Championship title.
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 701
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 693
Relating to: providing funding for a crime prevention program in the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 702
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/30/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 686
Relating to: a state minimum wage, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/30/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 687
Relating to: payment of wages by electronic fund transfer to a payroll card account. (FE)
1/28/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: the life and public service of Nelson R. Mandela.
1/28/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 681
Relating to: creating a civil cause of action for victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
1/27/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 678
Relating to: the regulation of mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers. (FE)
1/24/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 668
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 650
Relating to: counting low-income pupils for state school aid purposes; calculating the amount to be appropriated for state general school aid; school aid factors; special adjustment aids; hold harmless aid; per pupil aid; school district revenue limits; the first dollar and school levy property tax credits; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/15/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 80
Relating to: providing for an advisory referendum on the question of adopting a nonpartisan system for redistricting.
1/14/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 620
Relating to: human trafficking, human trafficking victims, property forfeitures, rights of victims, admitting evidence of past actions, definitions of certain offenses, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 597
Relating to: inclusion in the economic impact analysis for a proposed rule an assessment of the impact that the proposed rule will have on public health and the environment. (FE)
12/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 589
Relating to: issuance by a first class city of a license for a retail food establishment and a permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment.
12/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 581
Relating to: advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placements of a child, delegation of parental power regarding the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, requesting a study of adoption disruption and dissolution, and providing penalties. (FE)
11/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 531
Relating to: creation of a wage council to study and make recommendations concerning increases in the living wage and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 518
Relating to: awards for the victims of crimes and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 524
Relating to: expunging a record of a conviction or adjudication of delinquency if the offender was a victim of human trafficking.
11/8/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 498
Relating to: student loans, the individual income tax subtract modification for tuition and student fees, creating an authority, to be known as the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/7/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 72
Relating to: proclaiming November as Runaway Prevention Month.
11/6/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 495
Relating to: the definition of human trafficking.
11/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 481
Relating to: a minimum tax on tobacco products, placement of cigarettes or tobacco products by retailers, and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 482
Relating to: law enforcement standards and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: the life and public service of Lary J. Swoboda.
10/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 464
Relating to: providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 457
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 453
Relating to: uses and disclosures of protected health information. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 446
Relating to: training and agreements for administering the drug naloxone, requiring emergency medical technicians to carry naloxone, and immunity for certain individuals who administer naloxone. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 447
Relating to: granting immunity from certain criminal prosecutions for offenses relating to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog.
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 448
Relating to: programs for the disposal of drugs, including controlled substances, and certain medical or drug-related items, and the regulation of prescription drugs. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 445
Relating to: identification presentation and monitoring for certain prescription drugs. (FE)
10/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 432
Relating to: the purchase of food by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin-System. (FE)
10/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 18
Relating to: commending the Honor Flight Network and its volunteers.
10/9/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 59
Relating to: Disability Awareness Month.
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 405
Relating to: relinquishing custody of a newborn child. (FE)
9/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 392
Relating to: copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy and injected or intravenous chemotherapy. (FE)
9/19/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 377
Relating to: accountability provisions for private schools participating in a parental choice program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 15
Relating to: the public service of Timothy F. Cullen.
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 374
Relating to: deletion of the waiting period for collection of unemployment insurance benefits. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 366
Relating to: various changes in the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
8/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 351
Relating to: funding and position authority for vocational rehabilitation services and making an appropriation. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 338
Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and having the Department of Administration administer the credits and making an appropriation. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 320
Relating to: the process for sale of state-owned real property.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 326
Relating to: assessing pupils in private schools participating in a parental choice program for reading readiness.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 303
Relating to: creating a nonrefundable individual income tax credit for interest paid on certain student loans. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 315
Relating to: expungement of deoxyribonucleic acid from crime laboratories if person not adjudicated guilty or delinquent. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 316
Relating to: family planning services and making an appropriation. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 317
Relating to: sale or lease of state property.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 318
Relating to: sale or lease of the state capitol or capitol park.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 319
Relating to: sale or lease of property located within Camp Randall.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 333
Relating to: repealing the changes made to local residency requirements in 2013 Wisconsin Act 20.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 334
Relating to: restoring indexing provisions to the homestead tax credit. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 335
Relating to: remedies against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 299
Relating to: requiring the Family Care benefit and self-directed services option to be provided in certain northeastern Wisconsin counties. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 300
Relating to: increasing funding for domestic abuse grants and making an appropriation. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 301
Relating to: defaults on payday loans and loans by licensed lenders.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 314
Relating to: eliminating the collection of deoxyribonucleic acid at arrest. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 322
Relating to: collective bargaining over workplace safety for employees of the Department of Corrections.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 325
Relating to: high school graduation requirements for pupils attending a private school under a parental choice program.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 328
Relating to: requiring that a private school participating in a parental choice program be located in this state.
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 332
Relating to: the authority of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System to charge students mandatory refundable fees.
7/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 269
Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing to pay compensatory and punitive damages. (FE)
6/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 256
Relating to: citations to underage persons for alcohol beverages violations and disciplinary sanctions against University of Wisconsin System students for such violations and providing penalties. (FE)
6/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: recognizing June 19, 2013, as Juneteenth Day.
6/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 242
Relating to: charges for inmate telephone use at a jail or house of correction. (FE)
6/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 233
Relating to: repealing the changes made to the earned income tax credit in 2011 Wisconsin Act 32. (FE)
5/24/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 218
Relating to: employer access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment; educational institution access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of students and prospective students; landlord access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of tenants and prospective tenants; and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 204
Relating to: granting victims of certain offenses a right to be accompanied by a victim advocate.
5/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 208
Relating to: special registration plates expressing support for the family members of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 201
Relating to: giving certain veterans priority in registering for courses at the University of Wisconsin System.
5/7/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 8
Relating to: requiring the speaker of the assembly to appoint a special committee to devise ways to ensure that the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation follow state law.
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 192
Relating to: the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution. (FE)
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 185
Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting. (FE)
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 190
Relating to: travel, association, and residency conditions of release before trial for individuals charged with felony sexual assault of a child.
5/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: the life and public service of Judge William J. Duffy.
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 166
Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for military income received by active duty members of the U.S. armed forces who die in a combat zone. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 170
Relating to: post-retirement employment of annuitants under the Wisconsin Retirement System, participation status under the Wisconsin Retirement System, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 171
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 175
Relating to: training standards for law enforcement officers regarding domestic abuse incidents and complaints, and law enforcement reports following a domestic abuse incident. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 176
Relating to: temporary restraining orders and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals at risk, and harassment, confidential name change petitions, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution. (FE)
4/16/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: expressing prayers and condolences to the families, friends of the victims, and the injured from the bombings at the Boston Marathon and praising the first responders who rushed to their aid.
3/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 109
Relating to: fees for dental services.
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 92
Relating to: alternate sites for absentee voting in person.
3/6/2013: 2013 Assembly Resolution 6
Relating to: authorizing and requesting the participation of the attorney general as amicus curiae in a certain case before the United States Supreme Court.
3/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 11
Relating to: proclaiming women's history month.
3/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 52
Relating to: workforce growth grants to technical college districts and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 47
Relating to: entrepreneurial tax credit access grants.
2/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 48
Relating to: state procurement of products and services from businesses located in this state and setting a goal for local government to purchase a certain percentage of products and services from businesses located in this state. (FE)
2/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 45
Relating to: preference in state and local government contracts and procurement for materials manufactured in the United States. (FE)
2/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 38
Relating to: a manufacturer marketing assistance program for Wisconsin Tier II and Tier III manufacturers and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 37
Relating to: requiring the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to organize trade and marketing forums for Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III manufacturers and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 6
Relating to: honoring the career and public service of United States Senator Herbert H. Kohl.
2/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 3
Relating to: the exclusion of veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program.
2/17/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 605
Relating to: providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
2/17/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 74
Relating to: eliminating constitutional restrictions on marriage (first consideration).
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 559
Relating to: categorical aids for special education and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 568
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 558
Relating to: collective bargaining for public employees, prohibiting employees other than public safety employees from bargaining collectively on insurance contributions and employee required contributions to retirement, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 552
Relating to: creating a civil cause of action for victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 541
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 546
Relating to: expanding eligibility for the earned income tax credit; hospital best practices for postpartum patients and newborns; hospital staff privileges and written agreements required for nurse-midwives; coverage of nurse-midwives under the injured patients and families compensation fund; a report on information related to hospital neonatal intensive care units; an electronic application and information system to determine eligibility and register for public assistance programs; directing the Department of Health Services to request a Medical Assistance waiver; evidence-based home visitation program services for persons who are at risk of poor birth outcomes or of abusing or neglecting their children; designating race and ethnicity on birth certificates; a report on fetal and infant mortality and birth outcomes; requiring informed consent for performance on pregnant women of certain elective procedures prior to the full gestational term of a fetus; cultural competency training for certain students enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System and the technical college system; granting rule-making authority; and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 549
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 554
Relating to: requiring a private school participating in a parental choice program to employ certain special education staff and to comply with certain provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
1/30/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 534
Relating to: the regulation of mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers. (FE)
1/27/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 521
Relating to: providing funding for a crime prevention program in the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 507
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/21/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 503
Relating to: requiring the Family Care benefit and self-directed services option to be provided in certain northeastern Wisconsin counties. (FE)
1/21/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 505
Relating to: a state minimum wage, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 492
Relating to: human trafficking, human trafficking victims, property forfeitures, rights of victims, admitting evidence of past actions, definitions of certain offenses, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 62
Relating to: the life and public service of Nelson R. Mandela.
12/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 461
Relating to: advertising related to adoption or other permanent physical placements of a child, delegation of parental power regarding the care and custody of a child for more than one year, unauthorized interstate placements of children, requesting a study of adoption disruption and dissolution, and providing penalties. (FE)
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 442
Relating to: the Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act.
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 445
Relating to: issuance by a first class city of a license for a retail food establishment and a permit for a restaurant or bed and breakfast establishment.
11/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 402
Relating to: expunging a record of a conviction or adjudication of delinquency if the offender was a victim of human trafficking.
11/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 396
Relating to: awards for the victims of crimes and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 382
Relating to: the definition of human trafficking.
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 376
Relating to: student loans, the individual income tax subtract modification for tuition and student fees, creating an authority, to be known as the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 373
Relating to: law enforcement standards and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 374
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 360
Relating to: uses and disclosures of protected health information. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 354
Relating to: granting victims of certain offenses a right to be accompanied by a victim advocate.
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 350
Relating to: granting immunity from certain criminal prosecutions for offenses relating to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog.
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 351
Relating to: programs for the disposal of drugs, including controlled substances, and certain medical or drug-related items, and the regulation of prescription drugs. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 352
Relating to: training and agreements for administering the drug naloxone, requiring emergency medical technicians to carry naloxone, and immunity for certain individuals who administer naloxone. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 353
Relating to: identification presentation and monitoring for certain prescription drugs. (FE)
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 312
Relating to: collective bargaining over workplace safety for employees of the Department of Corrections.
9/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 300
Relating to: copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy and injected or intravenous chemotherapy. (FE)
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 288
Relating to: accountability provisions for private schools participating in a parental choice program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 48
Relating to: Recognition of the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau's (LTSB) software development team by the National Association of Legislative Information Technology.
8/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 274
Relating to: funding and position authority for vocational rehabilitation services and making an appropriation. (FE)
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 260
Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and having the Department of Administration administer the credits and making an appropriation. (FE)
7/31/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 44
Relating to: the life and public service of Barbara Horton.
6/27/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 223
Relating to: employer access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of employees and applicants for employment; educational institution access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of students and prospective students; landlord access to, and observation of, the personal Internet accounts of tenants and prospective tenants; and providing a penalty. (FE)
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 222
Relating to: citations to underage persons for alcohol beverages violations and disciplinary sanctions against University of Wisconsin System students for such violations and providing penalties. (FE)
6/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 221
Relating to: travel, association, and residency conditions of release before trial for individuals charged with felony sexual assault of a child.
6/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 209
Relating to: the investigation of a child abuse report in which a person who is not a caregiver of the child is suspected of permitting, allowing, or encouraging the child to engage in prostitution. (FE)
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 34
Relating to: honoring the AFL-CIO Milwaukee Labor Press.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 174
Relating to: penalties and testing for operating-while-intoxicated offenses and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 153
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 160
Relating to: training standards for law enforcement officers regarding domestic abuse incidents and complaints, and law enforcement reports following a domestic abuse incident. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 161
Relating to: temporary restraining orders and injunctions for domestic abuse, child abuse, individuals at risk, and harassment, confidential name change petitions, and ex parte orders with a judge substitution. (FE)
4/17/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 143
Relating to: authorizing the circuit court to order a person who engages in discrimination in employment, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing to pay compensatory and punitive damages. (FE)
4/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 131
Relating to: fees for dental services.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: commending Ms. Tasha Schuh for being crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA.
3/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 88
Relating to: preference in state and local government contracts and procurement for materials manufactured in the United States. (FE)
3/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 91
Relating to: alternate sites for absentee voting in person.
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 74
Relating to: state procurement of products and services from businesses located in this state and setting a goal for local government to purchase a certain percentage of products and services from businesses located in this state. (FE)
3/7/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 68
Relating to: termination of maintenance upon the payee's or payer's death and notices relating to maintenance.
3/7/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 69
Relating to: providing information to a firearms dealer when purchasing a handgun, authorizing the Department of Justice to prosecute violations of certain laws regulating firearms, and providing penalties. (FE)
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 53
Relating to: entrepreneurial tax credit access grants.
2/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 44
Relating to: workforce growth grants to technical college districts and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/12/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 17
Relating to: hunting, fishing, and trapping on land in state parks.
2/6/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 10
Relating to: methods of providing assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program and the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and projects that are eligible for assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program. (FE)
2/6/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 7
Relating to: the exclusion of veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program.
1/31/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: the retirement of Pam Shannon, Senior Staff Attorney, Legislative Council Staff, following a long and distinguished career in nonpartisan service to the Wisconsin legislature.
2/13/2014: 2013 AA3-AB727
8/27/2013: 2013 AA3-AB277
8/27/2013: 2013 AA2-AB277
6/13/2013: 2013 AA10-SB206
6/13/2013: 2013 AA7-SB206
6/13/2013: 2013 AA6-SB206
6/13/2013: 2013 AA5-SB206
6/13/2013: 2013 AA4-SB206
5/14/2013: 2013 AA6-AB179
5/14/2013: 2013 AA4-AB179
5/14/2013: 2013 AA2-AB179
5/14/2013: 2013 AA1-AB179
3/6/2013: 2013 AA8-SB1
2/28/2013: 2013 AA8-AB14