Picture of Representative Jon Richards

Representative Jon Richards

Assembly District 19

(D - Milwaukee) Voting Address:
1823 North Oakland Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202


Born Waukesha, September 5, 1963; married; 1 child. Graduate Waukesha North H.S.; B.A. Lawrence U. 1986; J.D. UW-Madison (Law Review) 1994; attended Keio University (Tokyo). Attorney. Former English teacher in Japan and former volunteer with Mother Teresa, Calcutta, India. Former Community Special Prosecutor Kenosha Co. District Attorney’s Office. Volunteer Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Member: New Brady Street Area Assn. (bd. mbr.); Bay View Historical Soc.; Amer. Coun. of Young Political Leaders; Natl. Caucus of Environmental Legislators; Bay View Lions Club; Historic Third Ward Assn.; Clean Wisconsin; League of Conservation Voters. Recipient: ABC for Health Legislator of the Year; St. Bar of Wis. Scales of Justice Award; Wis. Freedom of Information Council Political Openness Advocate of the Year; Environmental Decade Clean 16 Award Winner and Conservation Honor Roll; Planned Parenthood of Wis. Voice for Choice Award Winner; Wis. Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assn. Legislator of the Year; Wis. Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture; Wis. Cancer Coun. Cancer Control Champion; AIDS Resource Center of Wis. Leadership Award; MTEA Don Feilbach Friend of Public Education in Milwaukee Award; Equality Wis. Equal Rights Champion; Shepherd Express’s Milwaukee’s Best Legislator 2010, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2001.

Elected to Assembly since 1998. Assistant Minority Leader 2003-2007.

2013 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2013 Co-authored Proposals

2013 Cosponsored Proposals

2013 Authored Amendments

2013 Votes