20.435(5)(ma)(ma) Federal project aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for specific limited term projects relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(mb)(mb) Federal project local assistance. All federal moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for specific limited term projects relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(mc)(mc) Federal block grant operations. All block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of federal block grants relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(md)(md) Federal block grant aids. All block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(me)(me) Federal block grant local assistance. Except as provided in par. (o), all block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(n)(n) Federal program operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of continuing programs relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(na)(na) Federal program aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for continuing programs relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(nL)(nL) Federal program local assistance. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for continuing programs relating to mental health and alcoholism or other drug abuse services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(5)(o)(o) Federal aid; community aids. All federal moneys received for substance abuse prevention and treatment under 42 USC 300x-21 to 300x-35 and for community mental health services under 42 USC 300x to 300x-9 in amounts pursuant to allocation plans developed by the department for the provision or purchase of services authorized under sub. (7) (b) for distribution under s. 46.40. Disbursement from this appropriation account may be made directly to counties for social and mental hygiene services under s. 46.03 (20) (b) or 46.031 or directly to counties in accordance with federal requirements for the dispersal of federal funds.
20.435(6)(6)Quality assurance services planning, regulation, and delivery.
20.435(6)(a)(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations relating to quality assurance services, including field services and administrative services.
20.435(6)(dm)(dm) Nursing home monitoring and receivership supplement. A sum sufficient to supplement the appropriations made under par. (k).
20.435(6)(g)(g) Nursing facility resident protection. All moneys received from the penalty assessment surcharges on forfeitures that are levied by the department under s. 49.498 (16) (c) 1., 2. and 3. and the interest under s. 49.498 (16) (d) and from civil money penalties collected under 42 CFR 488.442 to finance nursing facility resident protection under s. 49.499 and any projects under s. 50.04 (8) to protect the property and the health, safety, and welfare of nursing home residents and to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the operation of nursing homes.
20.435(6)(ga)(ga) Community-based residential facility monitoring and receivership operations. All moneys received as payments from medical assistance and from all other sources to reimburse the department for the costs of placing a monitor in a community-based residential facility under s. 50.05 (2) and (3), receivership of a community-based residential facility and operation of a community-based residential facility held in receivership by the department under s. 50.05 (4) and (5).
20.435(6)(i)(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, or trust funds relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(jb)(jb) Fees for administrative services. All moneys received from fees charged for providing state mailings, special computer services, training programs, printed materials and publications relating to quality assurance services, for the purpose of providing those state mailings, special computer services, training programs, printed materials and publications.
20.435(6)(jm)(jm) Licensing and support services. The amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified in ss. 48.685 (2) (am), (b), and (ba), (3) (a), (b), and (c), and (5) (a), 48.686 (2) (am), (3) (am) and (bm), and (5) (a), 49.45 (47), 50.02 (2), 50.025, 50.065 (2) (am) and (b) 1., (3) (a) and (b), and (5), 50.13, 50.135, 50.36 (2), 50.49 (2) (b), 50.495, 50.52 (2) (a), 50.57, 50.981, and 146.40 (4r) (b) and (er), and subch. VI of ch. 50 and to conduct health facilities plan and rule development activities, for accrediting nursing homes, convalescent homes, and homes for the aged, to conduct capital construction and remodeling plan reviews under ss. 50.02 (2) (b) and 50.36 (2), and for the costs of inspecting, licensing or certifying, and approving facilities, issuing permits, and providing technical assistance, that are not specified under any other paragraph in this subsection. All moneys received under ss. 48.685 (8), 48.686 (2) (ag), 49.45 (42) (c), 49.45 (47) (c), 50.02 (2), 50.025, 50.065 (8), 50.13, 50.36 (2), 50.49 (2) (b), 50.495, 50.52 (2) (a), 50.57, 50.93 (1) (c), and 50.981, all moneys received from fees for the costs of inspecting, licensing or certifying, and approving facilities, issuing permits, and providing technical assistance, that are not specified under any other paragraph in this subsection, and all moneys received under s. 50.135 (2) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
20.435(6)(k)(k) Nursing home monitoring and receivership operations. All moneys received as payments from medical assistance and from all other sources to reimburse the department for the costs of placing a monitor in a nursing home under s. 50.05 (2) and (3), receivership of a nursing home and operation of a nursing home held in receivership by the department under s. 50.05 (4) and (5).
20.435(6)(kx)(kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. Except as provided in par. (k), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for the administration of programs or projects relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(ky)(ky) Interagency and intra-agency aids. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for aids to individuals and organizations relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(kz)(kz) Interagency and intra-agency local assistance. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for local assistance relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(m)(m) Federal project operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of specific limited term projects relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(mc)(mc) Federal block grant operations. All block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of federal block grants relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(n)(n) Federal program operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of continuing programs relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(na)(na) Federal program aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for continuing programs relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(6)(nL)(nL) Federal program local assistance. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for continuing programs relating to quality assurance services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(7)Disability and elder services.
20.435(7)(b)(b) Community aids and Medical Assistance payments. The amounts in the schedule for human services and community mental health services under s. 46.40, to fund services provided by resource centers under s. 46.283 (5), to fund activities in support of resource center operations, for services under the family care benefit under s. 46.284 (5), for Medical Assistance payment adjustments under s. 49.45 (52) (a) for services described in s. 49.45 (52) (a) 1., for Medical Assistance payments under s. 49.45 (6tw), and for Medical Assistance payments under s. 49.45 (53) for services described in s. 49.45 (53) that are provided before January 1, 2012. Social services disbursements under s. 46.03 (20) (b) may be made from this appropriation. Refunds received relating to payments made under s. 46.03 (20) (b) for the provision of services for which moneys are appropriated under this paragraph shall be returned to this appropriation. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department of health services may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. The department shall deposit into this appropriation funds it recovers under ss. 46.495 (2) (b) and 51.423 (15), from prior year audit adjustments including those resulting from audits of services under s. 46.26, 1993 stats., or s. 46.27, 2017 stats. Except for amounts authorized to be carried forward under s. 46.45, all funds recovered under ss. 46.495 (2) (b) and 51.423 (15) and all funds allocated under s. 46.40 and not spent or encumbered by December 31 of each year shall lapse to the general fund on the succeeding January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
20.435(7)(bc)(bc) Grants for community programs. The amounts in the schedule for grants for community programs under s. 46.48. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, all funds allocated but not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
20.435(7)(bt)(bt) Early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the early intervention services under s. 51.44, including services described under s. 49.45 (54) (c).
20.435(7)(d)(d) Complex patient pilot program. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule to facilitate the discharge of difficult-to-place individuals from hospitals into post-acute care settings.
20.435(7)(ky)(ky) Interagency and intra-agency aids. Except as provided in sub. (1) (kc), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for aids to individuals and organizations relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(kz)(kz) Interagency and intra-agency local assistance. Except as provided in sub. (1) (kn), all moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for local assistance relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(ma)(ma) Federal project aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for specific limited term projects relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(mb)(mb) Federal project local assistance. All federal moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for specific limited term projects relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(md)(md) Federal block grant aids. All block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(me)(me) Federal block grant local assistance. Except as provided in par. (o), all block grant moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(na)(na) Federal program aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for continuing programs relating to long-term care services programs, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(nL)(nL) Federal program local assistance. Except as provided in par. (o), all moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for continuing programs relating to long-term care services, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(7)(o)(o) Federal aid; community aids. All federal moneys received in amounts pursuant to allocation plans developed by the department for the provision or purchase of services authorized under par. (b) and all federal moneys received under 42 USC 1396 to 1396v in reimbursement of the cost of preventing out-of-home placements of children, for distribution under s. 46.40; and all federal temporary assistance for needy families moneys received under 42 USC 601 to 619 that are authorized to be used to purchase or provide social services under 42 USC 1397 to 1397e and all unanticipated federal social services block grant funds received under 42 USC 1397 to 1397e, in accordance with s. 46.49 (2), for distribution under s. 46.40 or for transfer to the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (1) (km). Disbursements from this appropriation may be made directly to counties for social and mental hygiene services under s. 46.03 (20) (b) or 46.031 or directly to counties in accordance with federal requirements for the disbursal of federal funds.
20.435(8)(8)General administration. The amounts indicated herein for expenses not immediately identifiable with a specific program. When practicable, the expenditures from these appropriations shall be distributed to the various programs.
20.435(8)(a)(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for executive, management and policy and budget services and activities.
20.435(8)(b)(b) Inspector general; general operations. The amounts in the schedule for general operations of the office of the inspector general.
20.435(8)(c)(c) Inspector general; local assistance. The amounts in the schedule for payments to local units of government to conduct program integrity activities.
20.435(8)(i)(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, and trust funds that are not appropriated under sub. (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), or (7), to be expended for the purposes for which received.
20.435(8)(k)(k) Administrative and support services. The amounts in the schedule for administrative and support services and products. All moneys received as payment for administrative and support services and products shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.435(8)(kw)(kw) Inspector general; interagency and intra-agency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department for program activities of the office of the inspector general.
20.435(8)(kx)(kx) Interagency and intra-agency programs. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department not directed to be deposited under par. (k) for the administration of programs or projects for which received.
20.435(8)(ky)(ky) Interagency and intra-agency aids. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department not directed to be deposited under par. (k) for aids to individuals and organizations.
20.435(8)(kz)(kz) Interagency and intra-agency local assistance. All moneys received from other state agencies and all moneys received by the department from the department not directed to be deposited under par. (k) for local assistance.
20.435(8)(m)(m) Federal project operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of department functions and not appropriated under sub. (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), or (7), for the purposes for which received.
20.435(8)(ma)(ma) Federal project aids. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for aids to individuals and organizations for specific limited term projects and not appropriated under sub. (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), or (7), for the purposes for which received.
20.435(8)(mb)(mb) Income augmentation services receipts. All moneys that are received under 42 USC 1395 to 1395ddd and 42 USC 1396 to 1396v as the result of income augmentation activities for which the state has contracted, to be used as provided in s. 46.46, 2013 stats. All moneys received under this paragraph in excess of the moneys necessary to support the costs specified in s. 46.46, 2013 stats., shall be deposited in the general fund as a nonappropriated receipt.
20.435(8)(mc)(mc) Federal block grant operations. All block grant moneys received from the federal government for the state administration of federal block grants for the purposes specified.
20.435(8)(mm)(mm) Reimbursements from federal government. All moneys received from the federal government, other than moneys described under s. 46.46, 2013 stats., and ss. 49.45 (6u) and 49.49, that are intended to reimburse the state for expenditures in previous fiscal years from general purpose revenue appropriations whose purpose includes a requirement to match or secure federal funds and that exceeded in those fiscal years the estimates reflected in the intentions of the legislature and governor, as expressed by them in the budget determinations, and the joint committee on finance, as expressed by the committee in any determinations, and the estimates approved for expenditure by the secretary of administration under s. 16.50 (2), for the purpose of paying federal disallowances, federal sanctions or penalties and the costs of any corrective action affecting the department of health services. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), at the end of each fiscal year, the amount determined by the department of administration under s. 16.54 (12) (d) shall lapse to the general fund.
20.435(8)(n)(n) Federal program operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of continuing programs and not appropriated under sub. (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), or (7), for the purposes for which received.
20.435(8)(o)(o) Inspector general; federal program local assistance. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for local assistance for program integrity activities.
20.435(8)(p)(p) Inspector general; federal program operations. All moneys received from the federal government or any of its agencies for the state administration of program integrity activities, for the purposes for which received.
20.435(8)(pz)(pz) Indirect cost reimbursements. All moneys received from the federal government as reimbursement of indirect costs of grants and contracts for the purposes authorized in s. 16.54 (9) (b).
20.435(9)(9)General appropriations and provisions. The following general appropriations and provisions shall apply to all of the programs of the department unless otherwise specified.
20.435(9)(b)(b) Services to institutional employees. The money received in reimbursement for services rendered institutional employees under s. 46.03 (13) shall be refunded to the respective general purpose revenue appropriations from which the institution is funded. The reimbursements shall be accumulated in an account named “employee maintenance credits”.
20.435(9)(c)(c) Witness fees of inmates. The money received in reimbursement of expenses incurred in taking inmates of state institutions into court under s. 51.20 (18) or 782.45 shall be refunded to the appropriation made by sub. (2) (a) for operation of the institutions.
20.435(9)(d)(d) Water and sewer services receipts. All moneys received from the collection of water and sewer services furnished, pursuant to s. 46.37, to be refunded to the appropriation made by sub. (2) (a) for operation of the institutions.
20.435(9)(g)(g) Care of dependent persons intercounty payments. All moneys collected under s. 49.11 (7) (e), 1983 stats., to be remitted to the county or municipality as provided in said paragraph by the department of administration.
20.435(9)(h)(h) Services to institutional employees. The money received in reimbursement for services rendered institutional employees under s. 46.03 (13) shall be refunded to the respective program revenue appropriations from which the institution is funded. The reimbursements shall be accumulated in an account named “Employee maintenance credits”.
20.435 HistoryHistory: 1971 c. 125 ss. 138 to 155, 522 (1); 1971 c. 211, 215, 302, 307, 322; 1973 c. 90, 198, 243; 1973 c. 284 s. 32; 1973 c. 308, 321, 322, 333, 336; 1975 c. 39 ss. 153 to 173, 732 (1), (2); 1975 c. 41 s. 52; 1975 c. 82, 224, 292; 1975 c. 413 s. 18; 1975 c. 422, 423; 1975 c. 430 ss. 1, 2, 80; 1977 c. 29 ss. 236 to 273, 1657 (18); 1977 c. 112; 1977 c. 203 s. 106; 1977 c. 213, 233, 327; 1977 c. 354 s. 101; 1977 c. 359; 1977 c. 418 ss. 129 to 137, 924 (18) (d), 929 (55); 1977 c. 428 s. 115; 1977 c. 447; 1979 c. 32 s. 92 (11); 1979 c. 34, 48; 1979 c. 102 s. 237; 1979 c. 111, 175, 177; 1979 c. 221 ss. 118g to 133, 2202 (20); 1979 c. 238, 300, 331, 361; 1981 c. 20 ss. 301 to 356b, 2202 (20) (b), (d), (g); 1981 c. 93 ss. 3 to 8, 186; 1981 c. 298, 314, 317, 359, 390; 1983 a. 27 ss. 318 to 410, 2202 (20); 1983 a. 192, 199, 245; 1983 a. 333 s. 6; 1983 a. 363, 398, 410, 427; 1983 a. 435 ss. 2, 3, 7; 1983 a. 538; 1985 a. 24, 29, 56, 73, 120, 154, 176, 255, 281, 285, 332; 1987 a. 27, 339, 368, 398, 399, 402; 1987 a. 403 ss. 25, 256; 1987 a. 413; 1989 a. 31, 53; 1989 a. 56 ss. 13, 259; 1989 a. 102; 1989 a. 107 ss. 11, 13, 17 to 37; 1989 a. 120, 122, 173, 199, 202, 318, 336, 359; 1991 a. 6, 39, 189, 269, 275, 290, 315, 322; 1993 a. 16, 27, 76, 98, 99, 168, 183, 377, 437, 445, 446, 450, 469, 479, 490, 491; 1995 a. 27 ss. 806 to 961r, 9126 (19); 1995 a. 77, 98; 1995 a. 216 ss. 26, 27; 1995 a. 266, 276, 289, 303, 404, 417, 440, 448, 464, 468; 1997 a. 27 ss. 211, 214, 216, 217, 527 to 609; 1997 a. 35, 105, 231, 237, 280, 293; 1999 a. 5, 9, 32, 52, 84, 103, 109, 113, 133, 185, 186; 2001 a. 16, 69, 103, 105; 2003 a. 33, 139, 186, 318, 320, 326, 327; 2005 a. 15, 22; 2005 a. 25 ss. 299 to 331, 2498 to 2500, 2510; 2005 a. 74, 107, 199, 228, 264, 388, 406, 434; 2007 a. 20 ss. 331 to 422, 9121 (6) (a); 2007 a. 39, 88, 107, 111, 130; 2009 a. 2, 15; 2009 a. 28 ss. 325 to 470, 485, 488, 490; 2009 a. 76, 180, 190, 219, 274, 276, 279, 318, 334; 2011 a. 32, 70, 257; 2013 a. 20, 92; 2013 a. 116 s. 31; 2013 a. 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 137; 2013 a. 166 s. 77; 2013 a. 168 s. 21; 2013 a. 195, 203, 246; 2015 a. 55, 153, 172, 195, 265, 274; 2017 a. 12, 28; 2017 a. 59 ss. 369 to 392, 451; 2017 a. 96, 184, 186, 250, 261, 266, 296; 2019 a. 9, 117; 2021 a. 58; 2023 a. 19, 30, 97, 185, 201.
20.43720.437Children and families, department of. There is appropriated to the department of children and families for the following programs:
20.437(1)(1)Children and family services.
20.437(1)(a)(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations relating to services for children and families, including field services and administrative services.
20.437(1)(ab)(ab) Child abuse and neglect prevention grants. The amounts in the schedule for child abuse and neglect prevention grants under s. 48.983.
20.437(1)(ac)(ac) Child abuse and neglect prevention technical assistance. The amounts in the schedule for child abuse and neglect prevention technical assistance and training under s. 48.983 (8).
20.437(1)(b)(b) Children and family aids payments. The amounts in the schedule for services for children and families under s. 48.563, for reimbursement to counties having a population of less than 750,000 for the cost of court attached intake services under s. 48.06 (4), for shelter care under ss. 48.58 and 938.22, and for foster care and subsidized guardianship care under ss. 48.645 and 49.19 (10). Social services disbursements under s. 49.32 (2) (b) may be made from this appropriation. Refunds received relating to payments made under s. 49.32 (2) (b) for the provision of services for which moneys are appropriated under this paragraph shall be returned to this appropriation. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department of children and families may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. The department shall deposit into this appropriation funds it recovers under s. 48.569 (2) (b), from prior fiscal year audit adjustments. Except for amounts authorized to be carried forward under s. 48.565, all funds recovered under s. 48.569 (2) (b) and all funds allocated under s. 48.563 and not spent or encumbered by December 31 of each year shall lapse to the general fund on the succeeding January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
20.437(1)(bc)(bc) Grants for children’s community programs. The amounts in the schedule for grants for children’s community programs under s. 48.481. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All moneys under this appropriation account that are distributed under s. 48.481 but are not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
20.437(1)(bf)(bf) Family and juvenile treatment court grants. The amounts in the schedule for family treatment court grants under s. 48.546 and juvenile treatment court grants under s. 938.546.
20.437(1)(bg)(bg) Grants to support foster parents and children. The amounts in the schedule for grants by the department of children and families under 2017 Wisconsin Act 260, section 3.
20.437(1)(cd)(cd) Domestic abuse grants. The amounts in the schedule for the purposes of s. 49.165. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. All funds allocated by the department under s. 49.165 (2) but not encumbered by December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless transferred to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
20.437(1)(cf)(cf) Foster parent insurance and liability. The amounts in the schedule to purchase insurance or pay claims as provided under s. 48.627.
20.437(1)(cj)(cj) Community youth and family aids. The amounts in the schedule for the improvement and provision of community-based juvenile delinquency-related services under s. 48.526 and juvenile correctional services under s. 301.26 and for reimbursement to counties having a population of less than 750,000 for the cost of court attached intake services as provided in s. 938.06 (4). Disbursements may be made from this appropriation account under s. 49.32 (2). Refunds received relating to payments made under s. 49.32 (2) shall be returned to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department of children and families may transfer moneys under this paragraph between fiscal years. Except for moneys authorized for transfer under s. 48.526 (3), all moneys from this paragraph allocated under s. 48.526 (3) and not spent or encumbered by counties by December 31 of each year shall lapse into the general fund on the succeeding January 1. The joint committee on finance may transfer additional moneys to the next calendar year.
20.437(1)(ck)(ck) Community youth and family aids; bonus for county facilities. The amounts in the schedule for bonuses to qualifying counties with a secured residential care center for children and youth under s. 48.527.
20.437(1)(cm)(cm) Community intervention program. The amounts in the schedule for the community intervention program under s. 48.528.
20.437(1)(cw)(cw) Milwaukee child welfare services; general program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations relating to providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17).
20.437(1)(cx)(cx) Child welfare services; aids. The amounts in the schedule for providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17) in a county having a population of 750,000 or more, for the cost of subsidized guardianship payments under s. 48.623 (1) or (6), and, to the extent that a demonstration project authorized under 42 USC 1320a-9 reduces the cost of providing out-of-home care for children in that county, for services for children and families under s. 48.563 (4) in counties having a population of less than 750,000.
20.437(1)(dd)(dd) State out-of-home care, adoption services, and subsidized guardianships. The amounts in the schedule for foster care, institutional child care, and subsidized adoptions under ss. 48.48 (12) and 48.52, for the cost of care for children under s. 49.19 (10) (d), for the cost of placements of children 18 years of age or over in residential care centers for children and youth under voluntary agreements under s. 48.366 (3) or under orders that terminate as provided in s. 48.355 (4) (b) 4., 48.357 (6) (a) 4., or 48.365 (5) (b) 4., for the cost of the foster care monitoring system, for the cost of reimbursing counties for subsidized guardianship payments under s. 48.623 (3) (a), for the cost of services to children with special needs who are under the guardianship of the department to prepare those children for adoption, and for the cost of postadoption services to children with special needs.
20.437(1)(dg)(dg) State adoption information exchange and state adoption center. The amounts in the schedule to operate a state adoption information exchange and a state adoption center under s. 48.55.
20.437(1)(e)(e) Services for sex-trafficking victims. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for treatment and services for sex-trafficking victims under s. 48.48 (19).
20.437(1)(eg)(eg) Brighter futures initiative. The amounts in the schedule for the brighter futures initiative under s. 48.545.
20.437(1)(em)(em) National reading program grants. The amounts in the schedule to support national reading program grants.
20.437(1)(er)(er) Grants for services for homeless and runaway youth. The amounts in the schedule for grants to support programs that provide services for homeless and runaway youth under s. 49.1385.
20.437(1)(f)(f) Second-chance homes. The amounts in the schedule for grants for 2nd-chance homes under s. 48.647 (2) (a) and for an evaluation of that grant program under s. 48.647 (4). Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the department of children and families shall transfer from this appropriation account to the appropriation account under sub. (2) (dz) all funds allocated under s. 48.647 (2) (a) and (4) but unexpended by June 30 of each year.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)