Assembly confirmation of nomination as Lieutenant Governor -
S 122
Nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor -
A 116
Nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor -
S 105
Resigned effective 5/9/01. Represented 33rd Senate district. (Appointed Lieutenant Governor) -
S 194governor
Governor, see also Communication — Assembly; Communication —
Senate; Veto message — Assembly; Veto message — Senate
Budget message, 2001 (delivered 2/20/01 by Gov. McCallum) -
S 86
Budget reform address, 2002 (delivered 1/22/02 by Gov. McCallum) -
S 512
Executive order no.7 re May 2001 special session -
A 221
Executive order no.7 re May 2001 special session -
S 171
Executive order no.38 re January 2002 special session -
A 590
Executive order no.38 re January 2002 special session -
S 520
State of the state address, 2001 (delivered 1/31/01 by Gov. Thompson) -
S 48
State of the state address, 2002 (delivered 3/5/02 by Gov. McCallum) -
S 605
Thompson, Tommy G.: resigned as Governor effective 2/1/01. (Appointed secretary of the U.S. Department of health and human services) -
A 57
Thompson, Tommy G.: resigned as Governor effective 2/1/01. (Appointed secretary of the U.S. Department of health and human services) -
Oath of office administered. Elected to 42nd Assembly district in 11/16/01 special election -
A 547
Resigned effective 8/1/02. Represented 60th Assembly district -
A 915
Oath of office administered. Elected to 33rd Senate district in 7/10/01 special election -
S 262
Farrow, Margaret: Assembly confirmation of nomination as Lieutenant Governor -
S 122
Sen. Farrow: nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor -
A 116
Sen. Farrow: nomination to serve as Lieutenant Governor -
S 105
1/12/01 -
S 6,
13 10/30/01
S 431
1/19/01 -
S 27 11/6/01
S 447
1/25/01 -
S 34 11/14/01
S 460
1/30/01 -
S 41 11/21/01
S 467
2/7/01 -
S 60 12/12/01
S 478
2/13/01 -
S 71 1/16/02
S 504
2/20/01 -
S 92 1/22/02
S 515
2/28/01 -
S 101 1/29/02
S 532
3/6/01 -
S 104 2/5/02
S 553
3/13/01 -
S 120 2/13/02
S 567
3/20/01 -
S 131 2/20/02
S 576
3/28/01 -
S 139 2/28/02
S 593
4/4/01 -
S 143 3/5/02
S 604
4/11/01 -
S 150 3/12/02
S 639
4/18/01 -
S 154 3/19/02
S 651
4/26/01 -
S 161 4/3/02
S 667
5/1/01 -
S 166 4/10/02
S 675
5/8/01 -
S 187 4/17/02
S 673
5/16/01 -
S 197 4/24/02
S 685
5/23/01 -
S 200 5/8/02
S 697
5/30/01 -
S 206 5/14/02
S 706
6/5/01 -
S 210 5/22/02
S 716
6/12/01 -
S 220 6/19/02
S 747
6/19/01 -
S 234 6/26/02
S 753
6/26/01 -
S 241 7/10/02
S 770
7/10/01 -
S 254 7/17/02
S 772
7/24/01 -
S 263 7/24/02
S 774
8/8/01 -
S 272 8/21/02
S 785
8/16/01 -
S 275 9/4/02
S 791
8/22/01 -
S 278 9/11/02
S 794
8/29/01 -
S 279 9/18/02
S 796
9/5/01 -
S 364 10/9/02
S 805
9/12/01 -
S 371 10/23/02
S 808
9/26/01 -
S 380 10/30/02
S 809
10/2/01 -
S 385 11/6/02
S 820
10/16/01 -
S 406 12/11/02
S 831
For registration information, contact: Wisconsin Ethics Board, 44 East Mifflin Street, Suite 601, Madison 53703-2800, (608) 266-8123; or,
Foti, Steven M.: elected -
A 8
Ladwig, Bonnie L.: elected assistant majority leader -
A 8
Chvala, Chuck: elected -
S 2
Decker, Russ: elected co-leader -
S 808
Moen, Rodney C.: elected assistant majority leader -
S 2
Risser, Fred: elected co-leader -
S 808
Black, Spencer: elected -
A 215
Black, Spencer: elected assistant minority leader -
A 8
Kreuser, James: elected assistant minority leader -
A 215
Krug, Shirley: elected -
A 8
Erpenbach, Jon: elected [2003-04 session] -
S 833
Farrow, Margaret A.: elected assistant minority leader -
S 2