Born St. Paul, MN, July 25, 1956; 1 son. Graduate River Falls H.S.; B.S. in animal science, U. of Minnesota 1978; Wis. Rural Leadership Program, grad. of 1st class (1986). Member: Pierce Co. Republican Party; Pierce Co. Farm Bureau (former dir. and treas.); Luther Memorial Church. Former member: Wis. State FFA Sponsors Bd. (chp.); Wis. Conservation Corps Bd. (secy.); Kinnickinnic River Land Trust Bd.; Pierce Co. Dairy Promotion Com. (past chm.); Wis. State ASCS Com.; Adv. Council on Small Business, Agriculture, Labor for Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
Elected to Assembly 1988-96; elected to Senate 2000; reelected since 2004. Majority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2013, 2011; Minority Caucus Vice Chairperson 2009; Majority Caucus Sergeant at Arms 2005.
Member of Information Technology Management Board and Midwestern Higher Education Council
(first or second author, first sponsor)
2/28/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: proclaiming May 16, 17, and 18, 2014, Syttende Mai Weekend.
2/28/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 648
Relating to: allowing county and municipal prisoners to be imprisoned in a bordering county within or outside of the state. (FE)
2/25/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 815
Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries and the possession and consumption of intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages on retail premises of wineries.
2/20/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: recognizing Dr. Norman Borlaug for his role in advancing agriculture by developing new wheat varieties and helping to improve the food security of developing nations worldwide.
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 77
Relating to: recognizing Dr. Norman Borlaug for his role in advancing agriculture by developing new wheat varieties and helping to improve the food security of developing nations worldwide.
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 625
Relating to: procedures for utility projects that require a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 624
Relating to: an income tax credit for the moving expenses paid by a business relocating to this state. (FE)
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 72
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Stout and the state of Wisconsin.
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 597
Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries and the possession and consumption of intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages on retail premises of wineries.
2/12/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 760
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/11/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 94
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Stout and the state of Wisconsin.
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 577
Relating to: the property tax exemption for rented personal property. (FE)
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: energy emergencies and vehicle weight limits. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 568
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 731
Relating to: the property tax exemption for rented personal property. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 541
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 549
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 702
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/21/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 636
Relating to: snowmobile safety program field training requirements.
1/17/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 501
Relating to: agricultural emergency permits issued by the Department of Transportation for vehicles transporting oversize loads. (FE)
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 61
Relating to: proclaiming the third week of June as Pollinator Week.
1/9/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 482
Relating to: snowmobile safety program field training requirements.
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 453
Relating to: the furnishing of intoxicating liquor taste samples at certain retailer trade association events.
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 457
Relating to: cooperation of Wisconsin licensed real estate brokers with out-of-state real estate brokers, salespersons, and time-share salespersons, powers of out-of-state brokers, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 452
Relating to: creating an exception to the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on premises operating under a retail alcohol beverage license.
12/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 574
Relating to: designation of agricultural enterprise areas. (FE)
12/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 437
Relating to: designation of agricultural enterprise areas. (FE)
12/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 435
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
11/12/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 503
Relating to: cosmetologist training hours and exemption of makeup artists from barbering and cosmetology licensure requirements. (FE)
11/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 395
Relating to: cosmetologist training hours and exemption of makeup artists from barbering and cosmetology licensure requirements. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 379
Relating to: reviews of plans for building projects.
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 368
Relating to: grants to counties to contract for peer-run respite centers and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 350
Relating to: granting immunity from certain criminal prosecutions for offenses relating to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog.
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 351
Relating to: programs for the disposal of drugs, including controlled substances, and certain medical or drug-related items, and the regulation of prescription drugs. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 352
Relating to: training and agreements for administering the drug naloxone, requiring emergency medical technicians to carry naloxone, and immunity for certain individuals who administer naloxone. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 353
Relating to: identification presentation and monitoring for certain prescription drugs. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 455
Relating to: grants to counties to contract for peer-run respite centers and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 446
Relating to: training and agreements for administering the drug naloxone, requiring emergency medical technicians to carry naloxone, and immunity for certain individuals who administer naloxone. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 447
Relating to: granting immunity from certain criminal prosecutions for offenses relating to a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog.
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 448
Relating to: programs for the disposal of drugs, including controlled substances, and certain medical or drug-related items, and the regulation of prescription drugs. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 445
Relating to: identification presentation and monitoring for certain prescription drugs. (FE)
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 408
Relating to: a dental hygienist's administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia and practice of dental hygiene. (FE)
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 335
Relating to: a tuition reimbursement program for apprentices and employers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 336
Relating to: local youth apprenticeship grants and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 406
Relating to: controlled substances, and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 403
Relating to: a tuition reimbursement program for apprentices and employers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 402
Relating to: local youth apprenticeship grants and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 325
Relating to: controlled substances, and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 310
Relating to: the definitions of an all-terrain vehicle and a utility terrain vehicle, restrictions on operating an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle on a roadway, and seating requirements for utility terrain vehicles.
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 311
Relating to: a dental hygienist's administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia and practice of dental hygiene. (FE)
9/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 381
Relating to: the definitions of an all-terrain vehicle and a utility terrain vehicle, restrictions on operating an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle on a roadway, and seating requirements for utility terrain vehicles.
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 371
Relating to: mortgage satisfaction and an exception to the real estate transfer fee. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 358
Relating to: exclusion of certain independent contractors from coverage under the worker's compensation law and the unemployment insurance law.
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 290
Relating to: mortgage satisfaction and an exception to the real estate transfer fee. (FE)
9/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 280
Relating to: expenditure of $217,499 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by J & L Steel and Electrical Services. (FE)
8/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 276
Relating to: exclusion of certain independent contractors from coverage under the worker's compensation law and the unemployment insurance law.
8/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 271
Relating to: substitute special education teachers and paraprofessional staffing services. (FE)
8/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 341
Relating to: setoffs against tax refunds for debts related to providing ambulance services. (FE)
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: designating the Honor and Remember Flag as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by those in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 250
Relating to: temporary alcohol beverage retail licenses issued to fair associations.
7/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 230
Relating to: motor vehicle registration, motor carrier appeals, rulemaking procedures, and modifying and repealing various rules promulgated by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
6/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: designating the Honor and Remember Flag as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by those in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 41
Relating to: commending the accomplishments of Olson's Woodville Meats at the 2013 IFFA International Quality Meat Competition.
6/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 249
Relating to: instructional programs for nurse aides and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/14/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 40
Relating to: commending Colonel Curtis Lee Brown, USAF (Retired), for being inducted into the United States Astronaut Hall of Fame.
6/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 212
Relating to: instructional programs for nurse aides and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 220
Relating to: annual financial audit of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
5/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 210
Relating to: uses of moneys in the budget stabilization fund.
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 186
Relating to: annual financial audit of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 187
Relating to: term limits for certain members of the board of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 175
Relating to: uses of moneys in the budget stabilization fund.
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 182
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 171
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 174
Relating to: payment of county medical examiners and medical examiner's assistants.
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 152
Relating to: exemption from regulation for certain annuities and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 153
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 156
Relating to: payment of county medical examiners and medical examiner's assistants.
4/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 25
Relating to: recall of elective officers and a code of ethics for government officials (first consideration).
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: recall of elective officers and a code of ethics for government officials (first consideration).
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 21
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Marine Corporal Michael Conrad Nolen.
4/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 128
Relating to: recall petition requirements.
4/3/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 16
Relating to: commending the Spring Valley High School National Ocean Sciences Bowl Team for winning the 12th Annual Lake Sturgeon Bowl Regional Competition.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 114
Relating to: recall petition requirements.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: commending Ms. Tasha Schuh for being crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA.
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 96
Relating to: prohibiting certain telephone calls using electronically prerecorded messages, rules for requesting a listing in the nonsolicitation directory, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 103
Relating to: designating and marking STH 128 as the 128th Infantry Memorial Highway. (FE)
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 97
Relating to: prohibiting certain telephone calls using electronically prerecorded messages, rules for requesting a listing in the nonsolicitation directory, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 98
Relating to: reporting of information by nonresident registrants under the campaign finance law.
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 96
Relating to: designating and marking STH 128 as the 128th Infantry Memorial Highway. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 75
Relating to: operating certain three-vehicle combinations on highways. (FE)
2/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 25
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates for motorcycles owned or leased by veterans with disabilities and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 13
Relating to: methods of providing assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program and the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and projects that are eligible for assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program. (FE)
2/12/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 16
Relating to: special distinguishing registration plates for motorcycles owned or leased by veterans with disabilities and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: the life and public service of former University of Wisconsin-Stout chancellor Robert S. Swanson.
2/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and public service of former University of Wisconsin-Stout chancellor Robert S. Swanson.
2/6/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 10
Relating to: methods of providing assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program and the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and projects that are eligible for assistance under the Clean Water Fund Program. (FE)
3/28/2014: 2013 Senate Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and public service of Jacob Matthew Clark.
3/17/2014: 2013 Senate Resolution 5
Relating to: the retirement of Richard J. Stadelman.
3/10/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 663
Relating to: classifying county jailers, detention officers, and correctional officers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (FE)
3/4/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 656
Relating to: defining prepared foods for purposes of imposing sales and use taxes. (FE)
2/26/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 80
Relating to: the life and public service of Bruce Dahmen.
2/21/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 78
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Richard H. Wells for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and the state of Wisconsin.
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 617
Relating to: ordinances, variances, and rules relating to the constructing or altering of, or adding to, public buildings and buildings that are places of employment, the creation of a building code council, and inspections of public buildings and buildings that are places of employment, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 612
Relating to: emergency heating assistance loan guarantees.
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 70
Relating to: recognizing Black History Month.
2/11/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 589
Relating to: number of school days and hours of instruction held in a school year and state aid for summer classes.
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 575
Relating to: payments to counties for designated county forest lands and distribution of amounts paid to municipalities by owners of closed managed forest lands. (FE)
2/6/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 67
Relating to: proclaiming Friday, February 7, 2014, to be National Wear Red Day in recognition of heart disease awareness and prevention.
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 562
Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries.
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 566
Relating to: state 911 telecommunications services, police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 509
Relating to: operation of agricultural vehicles on highways and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 507
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 64
Relating to: commending the Iron Brigade.
1/16/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of James Jeskewitz.
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 62
Relating to: the life and public service of Nelson R. Mandela.
12/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 469
Relating to: solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for a public record, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 448
Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for equipment used in a fertilizer blending, feed milling, or grain drying operation. (FE)
11/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 389
Relating to: indexing for inflation of, and making other changes to, the college savings plan income tax deduction. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 374
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 360
Relating to: uses and disclosures of protected health information. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 359
Relating to: child psychiatry consultation program and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 340
Relating to: raffles that involve the racing of plastic or rubber ducks. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 343
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 56
Relating to: proclaiming the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 330
Relating to: purchase of military service under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 327
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, calculating the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 321
Relating to: limitation of a property owner's liability when lands are used for noncommercial aviation.
9/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 301
Relating to: changes to the local room tax. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 300
Relating to: copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy and injected or intravenous chemotherapy. (FE)
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 48
Relating to: Recognition of the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau's (LTSB) software development team by the National Association of Legislative Information Technology.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: the life and public service of Kathryn Morrison.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 258
Relating to: the distribution by schools of a concussion and head injury information sheet and the participation by pupils in a youth athletic activity.
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 253
Relating to: deadlines for claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel bulk plants, repealing the woodland tax, property tax publications, the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit, manufacturing property tax assessment objections, and reporting capital stock transfers. (FE)
7/9/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 228
Relating to: the commencement of fall classes in public schools.
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: designating December 14 as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings.
6/3/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 205
Relating to: board of directors, powers and duties, including reporting requirements, and financial audits of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. (FE)
5/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: commending His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama upon his visit to Wisconsin on May 14 and 15, 2013.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 30
Relating to: proclaiming May 17, 18, and 19, 2013, Syttende Mai Weekend.
5/6/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: proclaiming May 22, 2013, as Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day.
5/3/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 26
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire men's hockey team on winning the 2012-13 NCAA Division III Championship.
5/3/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 27
Relating to: proclaiming May 2013 as Mental Health Awareness Month.
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 155
Relating to: the prohibition on telephone solicitations to residential customers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 151
Relating to: the homeownership mortgage loan program administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
4/15/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 22
Relating to: the life and public service of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 19
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army First Lieutenant David Andrew Johnson.
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 20
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army Sgt. Chester G. Stoda.
4/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 132
Relating to: increasing the amount of the supplement to the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit. (FE)
4/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 131
Relating to: fees for dental services.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 119
Relating to: ratification of the state and province emergency management assistance compact.
3/27/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 108
Relating to: applications for farmland preservation agreements.
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 99
Relating to: adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators and creating an individual income tax deduction for educators who use their own funds to purchase classroom educational supplies. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 72
Relating to: reports by the Dwelling Code Council on the one- and two-family dwelling code. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 73
Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for workplace wellness programs, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 78
Relating to: trafficking food stamp program benefits. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 79
Relating to: contracting with residential contractors.
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 13
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army Staff Sergeant Joseph James Altmann.
2/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 45
Relating to: indication of veteran status on an operator's license or identification card and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/19/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 29
Relating to: creating an off-road vehicle council.
2/15/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 23
Relating to: workforce training, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/6/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 7
Relating to: the exclusion of veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program.
1/31/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: the retirement of Pam Shannon, Senior Staff Attorney, Legislative Council Staff, following a long and distinguished career in nonpartisan service to the Wisconsin legislature.
1/18/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: creation of a department of transportation, creation of a transportation fund, and deposit of funds into the transportation fund (second consideration).
1/17/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 3
Relating to: the life and public service of Orlan Prestegard.
3/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 116
Relating to: proclaiming May 16, 17, and 18, 2014, Syttende Mai Weekend.
3/4/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 841
Relating to: defining prepared foods for purposes of imposing sales and use taxes. (FE)
2/25/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 813
Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries.
2/20/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 103
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Richard H. Wells for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and the state of Wisconsin.
2/20/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 101
Relating to: expressing support for the Boy Scouts of America.
2/19/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 781
Relating to: energy emergencies and vehicle weight limits. (FE)
2/19/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 782
Relating to: ordinances, variances, and rules relating to the constructing or altering of, or adding to, public buildings and buildings that are places of employment, the creation of a building code council, and inspections of public buildings and buildings that are places of employment, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 779
Relating to: state 911 telecommunications services, police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 774
Relating to: procedures for utility projects that require a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
2/17/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 770
Relating to: emergency heating assistance loan guarantees.
2/11/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 749
Relating to: number of school days and hours of instruction held in a school year and state aid for summer classes.
2/10/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 746
Relating to: limits on liability for persons offering agricultural tourism activities.
2/6/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 88
Relating to: honoring 2014 Olympic athletes from Wisconsin.
2/5/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 732
Relating to: payments to counties for designated county forest lands and distribution of amounts paid to municipalities by owners of closed managed forest lands. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater football team for winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Football National Championship title.
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 701
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 699
Relating to: classifying county jailers, detention officers, and correctional officers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (FE)
1/30/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 83
Relating to: proclaiming the third week of June as Pollinator Week.
1/28/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: the life and public service of Nelson R. Mandela.
1/24/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 668
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 648
Relating to: operation of agricultural vehicles on highways and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/21/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: application to Congress under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States for a convention for proposing amendments relating to a balanced budget.
1/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 600
Relating to: the furnishing of intoxicating liquor taste samples at certain retailer trade association events.
1/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 605
Relating to: cooperation of Wisconsin licensed real estate brokers with out-of-state real estate brokers, salespersons, and time-share salespersons, powers of out-of-state brokers, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 601
Relating to: creating an exception to the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on premises operating under a retail alcohol beverage license.
12/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 592
Relating to: solicitation of a fee by a business or individual for a public record, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
12/9/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 541
Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for equipment used in a fertilizer blending, feed milling, or grain drying operation. (FE)
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: the life and public service of Lary J. Swoboda.
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 68
Relating to: commending the Wisconsin Air National Guard 115th Fighter Wing on its 65th anniversary.
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 457
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 452
Relating to: child psychiatry consultation program and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 453
Relating to: uses and disclosures of protected health information. (FE)
10/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 422
Relating to: raffles that involve the racing of plastic or rubber ducks. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 64
Relating to: proclaiming the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
10/9/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 59
Relating to: Disability Awareness Month.
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 411
Relating to: limitation of a property owner's liability when lands are used for noncommercial aviation.
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 414
Relating to: purchase of military service under the Wisconsin Retirement System. (FE)
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 407
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids. (FE)
9/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 392
Relating to: copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance for oral chemotherapy and injected or intravenous chemotherapy. (FE)
9/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 385
Relating to: changes to the local room tax. (FE)
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 54
Relating to: congratulating Steve Walters on being named Wisconsin Journalist of the Year.
8/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 348
Relating to: substitute special education teachers and paraprofessional staffing services. (FE)
8/27/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 343
Relating to: the distribution by schools of a concussion and head injury information sheet and the participation by pupils in a youth athletic activity.
8/12/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 285
Relating to: deadlines for claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel bulk plants, repealing the woodland tax, property tax publications, the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit, manufacturing property tax assessment objections, and reporting capital stock transfers. (FE)
7/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 267
Relating to: the commencement of fall classes in public schools.
7/8/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 262
Relating to: motor vehicle registration, motor carrier appeals, rulemaking procedures, and modifying and repealing various rules promulgated by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
6/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: recognizing June 19, 2013, as Juneteenth Day.
6/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 228
Relating to: board of directors, powers and duties, including reporting requirements, and financial audits of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. (FE)
5/8/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: the life and military service of Sergeant Andrew Steiner, United States Army Reserve.
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 187
Relating to: admissibility of evidence of other acts of domestic abuse at a proceeding alleging an act of domestic abuse.
5/2/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 31
Relating to: proclaiming May 2013 as Mental Health Awareness Month.
5/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: the life and public service of Judge William J. Duffy.
5/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 30
Relating to: recognizing May as Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month.
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 28
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater gymnastics team for winning a second consecutive national championship.
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 27
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater women's wheelchair basketball team for winning a second consecutive national championship.
4/19/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 162
Relating to: exemption from regulation for certain annuities and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/16/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: expressing prayers and condolences to the families, friends of the victims, and the injured from the bombings at the Boston Marathon and praising the first responders who rushed to their aid.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 158
Relating to: the homeownership mortgage loan program administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
4/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 136
Relating to: ratification of the state and province emergency management assistance compact.
3/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 109
Relating to: fees for dental services.
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 95
Relating to: adopting federal law as it relates to an income tax deduction for certain educators and creating an individual income tax deduction for educators who use their own funds to purchase classroom educational supplies. (FE)
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 105
Relating to: applications for farmland preservation agreements.
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 78
Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for workplace wellness programs, granting rule-making authority, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 81
Relating to: contracting with residential contractors.
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 13
Relating to: proclaiming May 17, 18, and 19, 2013, Syttende Mai Weekend.
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 77
Relating to: reports by the Dwelling Code Council on the one- and two-family dwelling code. (FE)
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 82
Relating to: trafficking food stamp program benefits. (FE)
3/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 56
Relating to: indication of veteran status on an operator's license or identification card and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 11
Relating to: proclaiming women's history month.
2/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 44
Relating to: creating an off-road vehicle council.
2/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 14
Relating to: workforce training, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 3
Relating to: the exclusion of veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program.
1/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: creation of a department of transportation, creation of a transportation fund, and deposit of funds into the transportation fund (second consideration).
3/19/2014: 2013 SA2-SB549
3/17/2014: 2013 SA2-SB406
3/17/2014: 2013 SA1-SB648
3/11/2014: 2013 SA4-SB373
3/10/2014: 2013 SA1-SB597
2/21/2014: 2013 SA1-SB549
2/11/2014: 2013 SA2-SB212
1/14/2014: 2013 SSA1-SB353
Relating to: identification presentation, name recording, monitoring for certain prescription drugs, and authorizing the exercise of rule-making authority.
1/14/2014: 2013 SA2-SB353
1/10/2014: 2013 SA2-SB379
1/10/2014: 2013 SA1-SB353
1/10/2014: 2013 SSA1-SB352
Relating to: prescription, possession, dispensing, delivery, and administration of opioid antagonists; training and agreements for administering opioid antagonists; requiring emergency medical technicians to carry opioid antagonists; and immunity for certain individuals who prescribe, dispense, deliver, or administer opioid antagonists.
1/10/2014: 2013 SA2-SB351
1/10/2014: 2013 SA1-SB351
1/10/2014: 2013 SA2-SB350
1/10/2014: 2013 SA1-SB350
1/7/2014: 2013 SA1-SB368
11/19/2013: 2013 SA1-SB379
11/19/2013: 2013 SA1-SB395
11/4/2013: 2013 SA1-SB153
10/14/2013: 2013 SA2-SB335
10/10/2013: 2013 SA1-SB335
10/3/2013: 2013 SA1-SB310
9/23/2013: 2013 SA1-SB212
5/23/2013: 2013 SA1-SB97
2/13/2013: 2013 SA1-SB10