Born Wabasha, MN, December 30, 1957; married; 3 children. Graduate Elmwood H.S. 1976; B.S. Agricultural economics UW-River Falls 1980. Owner of excursion boat company and dam tender. Member: Minocqua Chamber of Commerce; Tomahawk Chamber of Commerce; Rhinelander Chamber of Commerce; National Rifle Association; Tavern League of Wisconsin; Ruffed Grouse Society. Former member: Oneida Co. Economic Development Corporation; Wisconsin Restaurant Assn. (bd. of dir.). Town supervisor 2009-13.
Elected to Assembly 2010; elected to Senate 2012.
(first or second author, first sponsor)
4/1/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 697
Relating to: comprehensive planning and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 118
Relating to: proclaiming May 2014 as Lyme disease awareness month.
3/13/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 84
Relating to: proclaiming May 2014 as Lyme disease awareness month.
3/10/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 664
Relating to: replacement and maintenance of existing culverts and design and engineering work for the construction and placement of certain culverts. (FE)
3/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 110
Relating to: proclaiming April 2014 as Forestry and Paper Products Month.
2/28/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 82
Relating to: proclaiming April 2014 as Forestry and Paper Products Month.
2/26/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 632
Relating to: local regulation of nonmetallic mining and preservation of marketable nonmetallic mineral deposits. (FE)
2/26/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 816
Relating to: local regulation of nonmetallic mining and preservation of marketable nonmetallic mineral deposits. (FE)
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 625
Relating to: procedures for utility projects that require a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 615
Relating to: the definition of project costs under the tax incremental financing program. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 774
Relating to: procedures for utility projects that require a permit from the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 612
Relating to: emergency heating assistance loan guarantees.
2/17/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 770
Relating to: emergency heating assistance loan guarantees.
2/14/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 769
Relating to: the definition of project costs under the tax incremental financing program. (FE)
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 575
Relating to: payments to counties for designated county forest lands and distribution of amounts paid to municipalities by owners of closed managed forest lands. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 732
Relating to: payments to counties for designated county forest lands and distribution of amounts paid to municipalities by owners of closed managed forest lands. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 543
Relating to: eligibility requirements under the managed forest land program relating to parcel size and production of merchantable timber, management plans for managed forest lands, orders adding and withdrawing managed forest land, renewal of orders designating managed forest land, areas of managed forest lands that are open for public access, allowing managed forest lands to be used for recreational activities, regulation of cutting of timber on managed forest land and on forest croplands, withdrawal taxes and fees imposed on the withdrawal of managed forest land and yield taxes imposed for cutting timber from managed forest land, the sale or transfer of managed forest land, expiration of orders designating managed forest land, withdrawal of forest croplands that are held in trust for Indian tribes, a study of the managed forest land program, a report on exempt withdrawals from the managed forest land program and the forest cropland program, elimination of references to the woodland tax law, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 700
Relating to: eligibility requirements under the managed forest land program relating to parcel size and production of merchantable timber, management plans for managed forest lands, orders adding and withdrawing managed forest land, renewal of orders designating managed forest land, areas of managed forest lands that are open for public access, allowing managed forest lands to be used for recreational activities, regulation of cutting of timber on managed forest land and on forest croplands, withdrawal taxes and fees imposed on the withdrawal of managed forest land and yield taxes imposed for cutting timber from managed forest land, the sale or transfer of managed forest land, expiration of orders designating managed forest land, withdrawal of forest croplands that are held in trust for Indian tribes, a study of the managed forest land program, a report on exempt withdrawals from the managed forest land program and the forest cropland program, elimination of references to the woodland tax law, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/27/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 518
Relating to: a duty of podiatrists, chiropractors, dentists, and optometrists to inform patients of treatment options and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/24/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 514
Relating to: the registration of antique snowmobiles. (FE)
1/24/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 670
Relating to: the registration of antique snowmobiles. (FE)
11/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 522
Relating to: requiring a city, village, town, or county to share with overlying taxation jurisdictions certain payments for potential services received from a tax-exempt entity. (FE)
11/12/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 504
Relating to: public access to managed forest land that is located in a proposed mining site. (FE)
11/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 476
Relating to: local regulation of nonmetallic mining; local regulation of air quality; local regulation of water quality; local regulation of the use of explosives in mining, quarrying, and related activities; highway use contracts by local governments; and local regulation of borrow sites and material disposal sites for transportation projects of the Department of Transportation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 57
Relating to: election of chief justice (first consideration).
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 349
Relating to: local regulation of nonmetallic mining; local regulation of air quality; local regulation of water quality; local regulation of the use of explosives in mining, quarrying, and related activities; highway use contracts by local governments; and local regulation of borrow sites and material disposal sites for transportation projects of the Department of Transportation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 67
Relating to: election of chief justice (first consideration).
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 316
Relating to: the school district levy for community programs and services. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 359
Relating to: authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to lease state forest land to the Boulder Junction Shooting Range for terms not exceeding 30 years. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 369
Relating to: regulation of off-highway vehicles, creating an off-highway vehicle council, granting rule-making authority, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 368
Relating to: purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
9/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 285
Relating to: purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
9/3/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 279
Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting loads near the Wisconsin-Michigan border. (FE)
8/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 278
Relating to: public access to managed forest land that is located in a proposed mining site. (FE)
8/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 277
Relating to: authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to lease state forest land to the Boulder Junction Shooting Range for terms not exceeding 30 years. (FE)
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 253
Relating to: deadlines for claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel bulk plants, repealing the woodland tax, property tax publications, the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit, manufacturing property tax assessment objections, and reporting capital stock transfers. (FE)
8/12/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 285
Relating to: deadlines for claiming lottery prizes, motor vehicle fuel bulk plants, repealing the woodland tax, property tax publications, the manufacturing and agriculture tax credit, manufacturing property tax assessment objections, and reporting capital stock transfers. (FE)
6/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 258
Relating to: maintenance and removal of vegetation obstructing the view of outdoor advertising signs along highways under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. (FE)
6/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 219
Relating to: maintenance and removal of vegetation obstructing the view of outdoor advertising signs along highways under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. (FE)
5/31/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 38
Relating to: proclaiming Gastroschisis Awareness Day.
5/31/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: requesting the International Olympic Committee to keep wrestling in the Olympic Games.
5/30/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: proclaiming Gastroschisis Awareness Day.
5/30/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 37
Relating to: requesting the International Olympic Committee to keep wrestling in the Olympic Games.
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 183
Relating to: the applicability of a county shoreland zoning ordinance in a shoreland area annexed by, or incorporated as, a city or village.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 178
Relating to: hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals issued to recipients of the purple heart medal. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 172
Relating to: the prohibition on telephone solicitations to residential customers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 155
Relating to: the prohibition on telephone solicitations to residential customers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 135
Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting loads near the Wisconsin-Michigan border. (FE)
3/27/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 105
Relating to: examination and continuing education requirements for chiropractic licensure in this state. (FE)
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 75
Relating to: the applicability of a county shoreland zoning ordinance in a shoreland area annexed by, or incorporated as, a city or village.
3/7/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 62
Relating to: the definition of intoxicant.
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 52
Relating to: the definition of intoxicant.
2/19/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 31
Relating to: creating a local freight bridge program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 21
Relating to: extending the expenditure period for a tax incremental district in the city of Marinette. (FE)
1/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 2
Relating to: extending the expenditure period for a tax incremental district in the city of Marinette. (FE)
1/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 1
Relating to: regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities, procedures for obtaining approvals from the Department of Natural Resources for the construction of utility facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/18/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 1
Relating to: regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities, procedures for obtaining approvals from the Department of Natural Resources for the construction of utility facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/14/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: commending the Eagle River World Championship Snowmobile Derby on its 50th anniversary.
1/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 1
Relating to: commending the Eagle River World Championship Snowmobile Derby on its 50th anniversary.
3/28/2014: 2013 Senate Resolution 7
Relating to: the life and public service of Jacob Matthew Clark.
2/26/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 80
Relating to: the life and public service of Bruce Dahmen.
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 77
Relating to: recognizing Dr. Norman Borlaug for his role in advancing agriculture by developing new wheat varieties and helping to improve the food security of developing nations worldwide.
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 619
Relating to: creating a model academic standards board.
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 70
Relating to: recognizing Black History Month.
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 577
Relating to: the property tax exemption for rented personal property. (FE)
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: energy emergencies and vehicle weight limits. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 566
Relating to: state 911 telecommunications services, police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 544
Relating to: an addition to the 2013-15 Authorized State Building Program. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 64
Relating to: commending the Iron Brigade.
12/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 435
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
11/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 395
Relating to: cosmetologist training hours and exemption of makeup artists from barbering and cosmetology licensure requirements. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 341
Relating to: the maximum width of, and projecting loads on, vehicles carrying poles, pipe, girders, and similar materials.
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 310
Relating to: the definitions of an all-terrain vehicle and a utility terrain vehicle, restrictions on operating an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle on a roadway, and seating requirements for utility terrain vehicles.
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 311
Relating to: a dental hygienist's administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia and practice of dental hygiene. (FE)
9/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 51
Relating to: honoring Wisconsin soldiers who served in the Battle of Gettysburg.
9/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 301
Relating to: changes to the local room tax. (FE)
9/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 302
Relating to: high capacity well approvals. (FE)
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 48
Relating to: Recognition of the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau's (LTSB) software development team by the National Association of Legislative Information Technology.
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 287
Relating to: allowing placement of net pens in navigable waters under a statewide general permit and exceptions for certain requirements that apply to fish farms. (FE)
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 297
Relating to: absentee voting at residential care facilities. (FE)
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: the life and public service of Kathryn Morrison.
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: designating the Honor and Remember Flag as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by those in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 250
Relating to: temporary alcohol beverage retail licenses issued to fair associations.
7/31/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 236
Relating to: the sale of unpasteurized milk products and an exemption from rules and licensing and permitting requirements for certain dairy farms. (FE)
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: designating December 14 as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings.
6/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 217
Relating to: social and financial impact reports. (FE)
5/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 188
Relating to: the removal of nonconforming outdoor advertising signs along highways. (FE)
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 185
Relating to: the authority to hunt certain animals with a crossbow, establishing open seasons for hunting with a crossbow, and information required to be included on certain hunting license applications and certain hunting tags. (FE)
5/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: commending His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama upon his visit to Wisconsin on May 14 and 15, 2013.
5/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: recognizing the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 30
Relating to: proclaiming May 17, 18, and 19, 2013, Syttende Mai Weekend.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 31
Relating to: declaring May 2013 Drug Court Month.
5/6/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: proclaiming May 22, 2013, as Pediatric Stroke Awareness Day.
5/3/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 26
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire men's hockey team on winning the 2012-13 NCAA Division III Championship.
4/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 164
Relating to: requiring an open season for woodchucks.
4/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 165
Relating to: the police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services. (FE)
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: recall of elective officers and a code of ethics for government officials (first consideration).
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 147
Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for military income received by active duty members of the U.S. armed forces who die in a combat zone. (FE)
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 149
Relating to: payment of interest on advances made by the federal government to the unemployment reserve fund and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/17/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 146
Relating to: assessing property used for aging cheese as manufacturing property. (FE)
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 21
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Marine Corporal Michael Conrad Nolen.
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 19
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army First Lieutenant David Andrew Johnson.
4/12/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 20
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army Sgt. Chester G. Stoda.
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 134
Relating to: a sea lamprey control program.
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 137
Relating to: the duty of physicians to inform patients of treatment options. (FE)
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: commending Ms. Tasha Schuh for being crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA.
3/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 112
Relating to: changing the elements that must be included in a county development plan. (FE)
3/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 110
Relating to: motor vehicle registration by the Department of Transportation, historic military vehicles, and Kei class vehicles. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 77
Relating to: exceptions to requirements for fishing licenses and aquatic plant management permits. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 82
Relating to: expanding and increasing the tax exemption for retirement plan income received by an individual. (FE)
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 12
Relating to: commending the Samoset Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 13
Relating to: the life and military service of United States Army Staff Sergeant Joseph James Altmann.
2/19/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 29
Relating to: creating an off-road vehicle council.
2/19/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 30
Relating to: prohibiting the Milwaukee Public Schools from imposing residency requirements on teachers. (FE)
1/31/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: the retirement of Pam Shannon, Senior Staff Attorney, Legislative Council Staff, following a long and distinguished career in nonpartisan service to the Wisconsin legislature.
1/17/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 3
Relating to: the life and public service of Orlan Prestegard.
3/10/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 859
Relating to: replacement and maintenance of existing culverts and design and engineering work for the construction and placement of certain culverts. (FE)
2/20/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: recognizing Dr. Norman Borlaug for his role in advancing agriculture by developing new wheat varieties and helping to improve the food security of developing nations worldwide.
2/18/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 779
Relating to: state 911 telecommunications services, police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/11/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 94
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Stout and the state of Wisconsin.
2/5/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 733
Relating to: an addition to the 2013-15 Authorized State Building Program. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 731
Relating to: the property tax exemption for rented personal property. (FE)
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 691
Relating to: liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
1/31/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 692
Relating to: a duty of podiatrists, chiropractors, dentists, and optometrists to inform patients of treatment options and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/28/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 679
Relating to: high capacity well approvals. (FE)
1/21/2014: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: application to Congress under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States for a convention for proposing amendments relating to a balanced budget.
1/7/2014: 2013 Assembly Bill 602
Relating to: an exemption from wetland permitting and mitigation requirements for a discharge into a wetland located in the city of Sturgeon Bay.
11/12/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 503
Relating to: cosmetologist training hours and exemption of makeup artists from barbering and cosmetology licensure requirements. (FE)
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: the life and public service of Lary J. Swoboda.
10/28/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 68
Relating to: commending the Wisconsin Air National Guard 115th Fighter Wing on its 65th anniversary.
10/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 425
Relating to: the maximum width of, and projecting loads on, vehicles carrying poles, pipe, girders, and similar materials.
10/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 408
Relating to: a dental hygienist's administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia and practice of dental hygiene. (FE)
10/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 396
Relating to: absentee voting at residential care facilities. (FE)
9/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 385
Relating to: changes to the local room tax. (FE)
9/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 382
Relating to: the school district levy for community programs and services. (FE)
9/20/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 381
Relating to: the definitions of an all-terrain vehicle and a utility terrain vehicle, restrictions on operating an all-terrain vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle on a roadway, and seating requirements for utility terrain vehicles.
9/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 54
Relating to: congratulating Steve Walters on being named Wisconsin Journalist of the Year.
9/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 355
Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting loads near the Wisconsin-Michigan border. (FE)
9/5/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 352
Relating to: allowing placement of net pens in navigable waters under a statewide general permit and exceptions for certain requirements that apply to fish farms. (FE)
8/29/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 350
Relating to: exemptions from securities registration requirements. (FE)
8/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 287
Relating to: the sale of unpasteurized milk products and an exemption from rules and licensing and permitting requirements for certain dairy farms. (FE)
6/11/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: recognizing June 19, 2013, as Juneteenth Day.
5/17/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 205
Relating to: the removal of nonconforming outdoor advertising signs along highways. (FE)
5/13/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 199
Relating to: hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals issued to recipients of the purple heart medal. (FE)
5/10/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 194
Relating to: the authority to hunt certain animals with a crossbow, establishing open seasons for hunting with a crossbow, and information required to be included on certain hunting license applications and certain hunting tags. (FE)
5/8/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: the life and military service of Sergeant Andrew Steiner, United States Army Reserve.
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 184
Relating to: payment of interest on advances made by the federal government to the unemployment reserve fund and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 186
Relating to: the police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services. (FE)
5/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: the life and public service of Judge William J. Duffy.
5/1/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 30
Relating to: recognizing May as Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month.
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 182
Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods. (FE)
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 28
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater gymnastics team for winning a second consecutive national championship.
4/30/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 27
Relating to: commending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater women's wheelchair basketball team for winning a second consecutive national championship.
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 166
Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for military income received by active duty members of the U.S. armed forces who die in a combat zone. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 167
Relating to: assessing property used for aging cheese as manufacturing property. (FE)
4/23/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 25
Relating to: recall of elective officers and a code of ethics for government officials (first consideration).
4/16/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 24
Relating to: expressing prayers and condolences to the families, friends of the victims, and the injured from the bombings at the Boston Marathon and praising the first responders who rushed to their aid.
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 154
Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting loads near the Wisconsin-Michigan border. (FE)
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 157
Relating to: motor vehicle registration by the Department of Transportation, historic military vehicles, and Kei class vehicles. (FE)
4/15/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 155
Relating to: a sea lamprey control program.
4/5/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 139
Relating to: the duty of physicians to inform patients of treatment options. (FE)
4/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 122
Relating to: changing the elements that must be included in a county development plan. (FE)
4/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 137
Relating to: requiring an open season for woodchucks.
4/3/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 117
Relating to: examination and continuing education requirements for chiropractic licensure in this state. (FE)
3/26/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 87
Relating to: expanding and increasing the tax exemption for retirement plan income received by an individual. (FE)
3/14/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 84
Relating to: exceptions to requirements for fishing licenses and aquatic plant management permits. (FE)
3/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 12
Relating to: commending the Samoset Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
3/4/2013: 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 11
Relating to: proclaiming women's history month.
2/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 42
Relating to: prohibiting the Milwaukee Public Schools from imposing residency requirements on teachers. (FE)
2/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 44
Relating to: creating an off-road vehicle council.
2/22/2013: 2013 Assembly Bill 41
Relating to: creating a local freight bridge program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/4/2014: 2013 SA1-SB632
2/19/2014: 2013 SA2-SB612
2/18/2014: 2013 SSA1-SB575
Relating to: payments to counties for designated county forest lands and distribution of amounts paid to municipalities by owners of closed managed forest lands.
2/18/2014: 2013 SA1-SB612
2/14/2014: 2013 SSA1-SB514
Relating to: registration of antique snowmobiles.
2/13/2014: 2013 SA1-SB575
1/30/2014: 2013 SA1-AB258
1/24/2014: 2013 SA1-SB219
2/21/2013: 2013 SSA2-SB1
Relating to: regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities, procedures for obtaining approvals from the Department of Natural Resources for the construction of utility facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
2/5/2013: 2013 SA11-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA10-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA9-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA8-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA7-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA6-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA5-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA4-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA3-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA2-SB1
2/5/2013: 2013 SA1-SB1