25.17(3)(b)8.8. Bonds issued by a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229.
25.17(3)(b)9.9. Bonds issued by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
25.17(3)(b)10.10. Bonds issued by a local professional baseball park district created under subch. III of ch. 229.
25.17(3)(b)11.11. Bonds issued by a local professional football stadium district created under subch. IV of ch. 229.
25.17(3)(b)12.12. Bonds issued by a local cultural arts district under subch. V of ch. 229.
25.17(3)(b)13.13. Bonds issued by the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
25.17(3)(ba)(ba) Invest the funds included in the state investment fund created by s. 25.14 in loans upon collateral security in the form of direct obligations of the U.S. government having a maturity of 5 years or less where the principal amount of each such loan does not exceed 98 percent of the market value of such collateral security.
25.17(3)(bd)(bd) Have authority to invest any funds includable in the state investment fund in loans, securities or investments which are in addition to those permitted under any other statute but within the board standard of responsibility under s. 25.15 (2). The total amount of loans, securities and investments made under this paragraph may not exceed 10 percent of the aggregate value of all funds includable in the state investment fund under s. 25.14 (1) at the time that the investment is made.
25.17(3)(bh)(bh) Invest the core retirement investment trust and state life fund in loans secured by mortgages upon unencumbered and improved real property in the United States or Canada when such real estate is leased to a corporation or limited liability company incorporated, organized, or existing under the laws of the United States or any state, district or territory thereof, or Canada or any province thereof, whose income available for fixed charges for the period of 5 fiscal years next preceding the date of the investment has averaged not less than 1.5 times its average annual fixed charges applicable to such period, if there is pledged and assigned, either absolutely or conditionally, as additional security for the loan either the lease or sufficient of the rentals payable thereunder to repay the principal and interest of the loan within the unexpired term of the lease. Real property and leasehold estates are not encumbered within the meaning of this section by reason of the existence of unpaid assessments and taxes not delinquent, mineral, oil or timber rights, easements or rights-of-way for public highways, private roads, railroads, telegraph, telephone, electric light and power lines, drains, sewers or other similar easements or rights-of-way, liens for service and maintenance of water rights when not delinquent, party wall agreements, building restrictions, or other restrictive covenants or conditions, with or without a reversionary clause, or leases under which rents or profits are reserved to the owner. The foregoing limitations and restrictions shall not apply to real estate loans which are insured under the national housing act by the federal housing administration or to real estate loans made under ch. 219, or insured under policies of insurance issued by responsible mortgage insurance companies.
25.17(3)(c)(c) Have exclusive control of the investment and collection of the principal and interest of all funds of the historical society which are available for investment as determined by said society. The board may dispose of said investments and any other securities placed under its control by the historical society when in the judgment of the board it is for the best interest of the society to do so. The board may invest those funds of the society which are available for investment under ch. 881.
25.17(3)(d)(d) Invest the funds of the state insurance property fund in investments permitted by s. 201.25, 1969 stats.
25.17(3)(dg)(dg) Have authority to invest in:
25.17(3)(dg)1.1. Direct obligations of the United States and of agencies of and corporations wholly owned by the United States, and direct obligations of federal land banks, federal home loan banks, central bank for cooperatives and banks for cooperatives or unincorporated cooperative associations, international bank for reconstruction and development, the international finance corporation, inter-American development bank, African development bank and Asian development bank, in each case maturing within one year or less from the date of investment.
25.17(3)(dg)2.2. Commercial paper maturing within one year or less from the date of investment and rated not lower than prime by a nationally recognized rating service.
25.17(3)(dg)3.3. Certificates of deposit maturing within one year or less from the date of investment, issued by banks, credit unions, savings banks or savings and loan associations located in the United States and having capital and surplus of at least $50,000,000.
25.17(3)(dm)(dm) Make loans secured by mortgages upon unencumbered and wholly or partly improved real property in the United States or Canada, or upon leasehold estates in improved real property therein. Real property and leasehold estates shall not be deemed to be encumbered within the meaning of this paragraph by reason of the existence of unpaid assessments and taxes not delinquent, mineral, oil or timber rights, easements or rights-of-way for public highways, private roads, railroad, telegraph, telephone, electric light and power lines, drains, sewers or other similar easements or rights-of-way, liens for service and maintenance of water rights when not delinquent, party wall agreements, building restrictions, or other restrictive covenants or conditions, with or without a reversionary clause, or leases under which rents or profits are reserved to the owner. No such loan shall exceed 75 percent of the then fair market value, including buildings, if any, mortgages to secure the same. If the value of the buildings constitutes any part of the security, such buildings shall be kept insured to an amount which, together with 75 percent of the value of the land, shall equal or exceed the loan. The foregoing limitations and restrictions shall not apply to loans made under ch. 219 or real estate loans which are insured in whole or in part by the federal housing administration or commercial mortgage insurers.
25.17(3)(dr)(dr) Invest the funds of the bond security and redemption fund only in direct obligations of the United States or its agencies, corporations wholly owned by the United States, the Federal National Mortgage Association, or any corporation chartered by an act of Congress, maturing in amounts and at times sufficient to pay the principal and interest payable from such fund during the calendar year.
25.17(3)(e)(e) Sell investments from one fund to another when the board determines that it is necessary and desirable, and dispose of any investments when in their judgment it is to the best interest of these funds to do so.
25.17(3)(f)(f) Every investment shall be held as an asset of the fund by which purchased and, except as otherwise provided by law, the loss or gain shall inure thereto.
25.17(3)(g)(g) All loans, securities and other investments in which moneys of any such fund, including the general fund, are invested shall be under the management and control of the board.
25.17(4)(4)Invest the funds of the core retirement investment trust in loans, securities, or investments in addition to those permitted by any other statute including investments in corporations or limited liability companies which are in the venture capital stage. The aggregate of the loans, securities, and investments made under this subsection shall not exceed 15 percent of the admitted assets of that trust. Investments in corporations or limited liability companies which are in the venture capital stage shall not exceed 2 percent of the admitted assets of that trust.
25.17(5)(5)The limitations upon the percentage of the assets of any fund that are imposed by sub. (4) or any other statute shall not be applicable to investments made by the board of funds in the variable retirement investment trust created under s. 40.04 (3) and those investments shall be excluded in computing the assets to which the limitations imposed by sub. (4) apply. Assets of the variable retirement investment trust shall be invested primarily in equity securities that shall include common stocks, real estate or other recognized forms of equities whether or not subject to indebtedness, including securities convertible into common stocks and securities of corporations in the venture capital stage. The board may, however, temporarily invest assets of the variable retirement investment trust in investments that are authorized under sub. (3), but the assets so temporarily invested shall be replaced by equity securities at the earliest time considered by the board to be practicable considering the then existing condition of the securities market and other influential factors. Investments in securities of corporations that are in the venture capital stage shall not exceed 2 percent of the admitted assets of the variable retirement investment trust.
25.17(6)(6)Notwithstanding any other statute, transfers from the variable retirement investment trust to the core retirement investment trust under s. 40.04 (7) may be made in cash or securities or both as determined by the board. The board shall determine market values for securities in the variable retirement investment trust as of the close of business on the last working day preceding a transfer. If securities are transferred, to the extent determined feasible by the board, a proportionate amount of all securities in even hundreds of shares of stock or even thousands of par value of bonds in the variable retirement investment trust shall be transferred. The board may hold or sell the transferred securities as it determines appropriate considering market and economic conditions. Any limitation on the percentage of assets in common stocks or in the stock of one company does not apply to the transferred securities, except the board shall, at such time as it determines that market, economic and other conditions are appropriate to the sale of the securities, sell sufficient transferred securities so as to comply with percentage of asset limitations.
25.17(7)(7)Make all loans and investment purchases from any funds under its control in the name of the board, except that:
25.17(7)(a)(a) Mortgages on real estate outside of this state may be made to, and the title to real estate outside of this state may be acquired in the name of, a trustee under a trust agreement between the board and a bank, credit union, savings and loan association, savings bank or trust company organized under the laws of the United States or any state having a combined capital and surplus of at least $25,000,000; and any such mortgages or real estate acquired prior to June 24, 1966, may be assigned or conveyed to the trustee under an appropriate trust agreement between it and the board.
25.17(7)(b)(b) Loans, securities and investments may be purchased or held in the name of, or transferred to nominees of one or more banks or trust companies meeting the requirements of this section under a custodial agreement between the board and each such bank or trust company. Any such bank or trust company shall be organized under the laws of the United States or any state thereof and any such bank or trust company not located in Wisconsin shall have a combined capital surplus and undivided profits of at least $100,000,000. Foreign loans, securities and investments may be purchased or held in the name of, or transferred to nominees of, foreign sub-custodians of any such bank or trust company.
25.17(8)(8)Accept, when necessary to protect a mortgage loan, a quitclaim deed or warranty deed to the mortgaged property in full satisfaction of the mortgage debt, and manage, operate, lease, exchange, sell and convey, by land contract, quitclaim deed or warranty deed, and grant easement rights in, any real property acquired by the board.
25.17(9)(9)Give advice and assistance requested by the board of commissioners of public lands or the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System concerning the investment of any moneys that under sub. (1) are excepted from the moneys to be loaned or invested by the investment board, and assign, sell, convey and deed to the board of commissioners of public lands or the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System any investments made by the investment board as may be mutually agreeable. The cost of any services rendered to the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System under this section shall be charged to the fund to which the moneys invested belong and shall be added to the appropriation to the investment board in s. 20.536.
25.17(9m)(9m)If contracted to do so by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, invest the moneys specified in s. 36.11 (11m) in accordance with the terms of the contract and the board’s standard of responsibility specified in s. 25.15 (2).
25.17(10)(10)If a building constitutes any part of the security for a loan made by the board under sub. (3) (bh) or s. 620.22 (2), the building shall be kept insured for at least the unpaid amount of the loan or any larger amount that may be necessary to comply with any coinsurance clause inserted in or attached to the policy. When the full insurable value of the building is less than the unpaid amount of the loan, the building shall be kept insured for the full insurable value of the building.
25.17(11)(11)In order to promptly process investment transactions and receipts, have authority to establish and maintain accounts in its own name in those banks, savings and loan associations, savings banks and credit unions with which the board has entered into custodial agreements.
25.17(12)(12)Succeed to all of the duties, functions, and powers, property, documents, records, assets, liabilities and obligations of:
25.17(12)(a)(a) The commissioner of insurance in the investment of the state insurance fund;
25.17(12)(b)(b) The commissioner of insurance, the state treasurer, the secretary of state and the attorney general in the investment of the life fund;
25.17(12)(c)(c) The state treasurer, the secretary of state and the attorney general in the investment of the soldiers’ rehabilitation fund;
25.17(12)(d)(d) All other state boards, commissions, departments, institutions and officers in the investment of any funds that under sub. (1) are to be loaned and invested by the board.
25.17(13)(13)Succeed to all of the property, documents, records and assets of the state annuity and investment board in the investment of the several funds that were under the control of the state annuity and investment board.
25.17(13m)(13m)No later than 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter, submit a report to the department of administration, the cochairpersons of the joint legislative audit committee, and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance that identifies all of the following:
25.17(13m)(a)(a) All costs and expenses charged to funds during that calendar quarter, including a breakdown of the amount and percentage of assets managed under each type of dedicated and commingled account or partnership, and the change in the amount and percentage from the prior calendar quarter.
25.17(13m)(b)(b) All operating expenditures during that calendar quarter.
25.17(13m)(c)(c) The number of full-time equivalent positions created or abolished by the board under s. 16.505 (2g) during that calendar quarter.
25.17(13r)(13r)Appear before the joint committee on finance, by the board’s executive director or by board personnel designated by the executive director, at the committee’s first quarterly meeting under s. 13.10 in each fiscal year to provide an update, for the current fiscal year and the succeeding fiscal year, of the board’s completed or projected operating budget changes, position authorization changes, assessment of the funds under management, and performance of the funds under management.
25.17(14)(14)As of December 31 of each year, make and file with the department of employee trust funds a report of the value of the assets of the core retirement investment trust and of the variable retirement investment trust, determined as of that date at market value for the variable retirement investment trust and on the following basis for the core retirement investment trust:
25.17(14)(a)(a) Bonds and other evidences of debt and loans secured by mortgages having a fixed term and rate shall be valued at market value, except that if the board determines that a market value cannot readily be determined for any item, the item shall be valued at the outstanding principal balance.
25.17(14)(b)(b) Preferred stocks shall be valued at current market value, but if no current market exists shall be valued at par.
25.17(14)(c)(c) Real property that is leased to others shall be valued at market value, except that if the board determines that the market value cannot readily be assigned, the real property shall be valued at cost.
25.17(14)(d)(d) Any preferred stock, bond, or mortgage that is in arrears or in default shall be assigned a value by the board that will approximate what the board in its sole discretion feels the asset is worth.
25.17(14)(e)(e) All other investments shall be valued at market.
25.17(14)(g)(g) With respect to all securities under pars. (a) to (e), the amount of any income or any adjustment in income shall be transferred to the current income account of the core retirement investment trust under s. 40.04 (3).
25.17(14m)(14m)Annually, on or before March 31, submit to the joint legislative audit committee, to the joint committee on finance and to the chief clerk of each house, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), a report including all of the following:
25.17(14m)(ad)(ad) A description of the board’s annual investment goals and long-term investment strategies, including any changes in the goals and strategies from those in the previous year.
25.17(14m)(am)(am) An assessment of the board’s progress in meeting its annual investment goals.
25.17(14m)(b)(b) Information on the types of investments held by the board, including the market values of the investments and the degree of risk associated with the investments, the board’s use of derivatives, as defined in s. 25.183 (1) (a), any ventures by the board into new markets, any use of new investment instruments by the board and a comparison of the investment performance of the board to that achieved by a peer group of public and private entities that invest similar-sized funds.
25.17(14m)(c)(c) A discussion of the amounts and categories of investments made within the state, including the amounts and categories of investments described, and progress in meeting the objectives of the plan submitted, under sub. (70).
25.17(14r)(14r)Upon adopting any change in the board’s investment policies or guidelines, submit to the joint legislative audit committee, to the joint committee on finance and to the chief clerk of each house, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3), a report summarizing the change in the investment policies or guidelines.
25.17(15)(15)For purposes of the power and authority of the board to make investments, the “admitted assets” of the core retirement investment trust or the variable retirement investment trust shall be the total valuation of the assets of such trust as set forth in the last report made under sub. (14).
25.17(17)(17)No later than January 31 annually, submit a report to the joint committee on finance concerning the amount of credits generated by the board with brokerage firms during the preceding calendar year. The report shall contain a separate itemization of the amount of directed credits for services to be provided by the firm providing the credit and 3rd-party credits for services to be provided by any firm. The report shall include information regarding utilization of 3rd-party credits by the board.
25.17(51)(51)Annually, have the legislative audit bureau conduct a financial audit, including an assessment of the fair presentation of the financial statements and an evaluation of the internal control structure of the board. As part of the financial audit, the legislative audit bureau shall identify certain statutes and policies and guidelines adopted by the board and shall determine the extent of compliance by the board with the statutes, policies and guidelines. The board shall reimburse the legislative audit bureau for the cost of audits required to be performed under this subsection.
25.17(51m)(51m)Biennially, have the legislative audit bureau conduct a performance evaluation audit that includes an audit of the board’s policies and management practices. The board shall reimburse the legislative audit bureau for the cost of audits required to be performed under this subsection.
25.17(52)(52)Maintain records from which it can determine the particular investments of the sinking funds of the bond security and redemption fund made under sub. (3) (dr) and the fair market value of such investments, and report this information to the department of administration at its request.
25.17(61)(61)Designate special depositories in which the secretary of administration or the state treasurer may make special deposits of funds, not exceeding the amount limited by the board, which shall be deposited subject to the depository’s rules and regulations relative to either savings accounts, time certificates of deposit, or open time accounts, as the case may be.
25.17(65)(65)Invest the industrial building construction loan fund under sub. (1) (hm) only on the basis specified in sub. (3) (b) or (ba).
25.17(70)(70)No later than December 31 of every even-numbered year, submit to the governor and to the presiding officer of each house of the legislature a plan for making investments in this state. The purpose of the plan is to encourage the board to make the maximum amount of investments in this state, subject to s. 25.15 and consistent with the statutory purpose of each trust or fund managed by the board. The plan shall discuss potential investments to be made during the succeeding 4 years beginning in the year after submittal of the plan, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
25.17(70)(b)(b) Nonbinding management objectives for each year stated, as appropriate, as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the total amount of all investments made by the board, for the following:
25.17(70)(b)1.1. The number and value of holdings of securities of entities headquartered or primarily located in this state.
25.17(70)(b)2.2. The number and value of holdings of securities of entities with significant employment in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.3. The number and value of investments to be made annually in companies that are reasonably likely to use the moneys invested by the board to maintain or expand employment in this state. Such investments may include any of the following:
25.17(70)(b)3.a.a. Loans to corporations and other organizations to maintain or expand operations in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.b.b. Purchases of new equity offerings by companies whose equities are not broadly traded on major exchanges, if the proceeds are to be used to maintain or expand operations in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.c.c. Purchases of real estate located in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.d.d. Purchases of certificates of deposit or similar instruments issued by financial institutions with substantial operations in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.e.e. Investments in venture capital firms based in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.f.f. Investments in venture capital firms based in other states, if those investments are to be used to purchase securities in companies located in this state.
25.17(70)(b)3.g.g. Investments in businesses headquartered in this state that have less than 500 employees.
25.17(70)(b)3.h.h. Other investments that the board determines will result in maintenance or expansion of employment in this state.
25.17(70)(c)(c) Recommended actions to help the board meet its management objectives. The actions may include preparing and distributing informational materials, soliciting and reviewing proposals from venture capital investment firms located within or outside this state for investments in businesses in this state and soliciting investment proposals from businesses in this state.
25.17(70)(d)(d) Comments solicited from the chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and received by the board on or before November 30 of the year of submittal.
25.17(71)(a)(a) Before June 30, 2004, make an effort to commit to invest an amount not less than $50,000,000 in venture capital investment firms. The amount that is committed to be invested under this paragraph shall be in addition to any amount that is invested in venture capital investment firms before July 30, 2002. In selecting the venture capital investment firms in which to make investments, the board is subject to the standard of responsibility under s. 25.15 (2) and shall consider all of the following factors:
25.17(71)(a)1.1. The experience of the venture capital investment firms in making investments.
25.17(71)(a)2.2. The commitment of the venture capital investment firms to making venture capital investments in health care, biotechnology, and other technological industries.
25.17(71)(a)3.3. The willingness of the venture capital investment firms to make at least 75 percent of the investments in businesses headquartered in this state.
25.17(71)(a)4.4. Whether the venture capital investment firms have a place of business in this state.
25.17(71)(a)5.5. The overall experience of the venture capital investment firms in making investments in businesses that are in the venture capital stage.
25.17(71)(a)6.6. The relationships that the venture capital investment firms have with technology transfer organizations, such as the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Inc.
25.17(71)(a)7.7. The ability of the venture capital investment firms to do lead and follow-on investments.
25.17(71)(b)(b) Nothing in this subsection limits the authority of the board to make any other investments that are otherwise authorized by law or restricts the authority of the board or any venture capital investment firm to make investments in any area of this state.
25.17(72)(72)Appoint the board’s representatives to the committee under s. 16.295 (3) (a).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)